Sep 11, 2021
Edvard Munch – The Scream
♫ Marisa Monte & Raphael Rabello – Cry Me a River
9/11 After 20 Years, by Paul Craig Roberts
Twenty Years Of Phony Tears About 9/11, by Caitlin Johnstone
Demystifying 9/11: Israel and the Tactics of Mistake, by Alan Sabrosky
Who Was Really Behind 9/11? by Eric Margolis
9/11 Family Members: “Our Loved Ones Were Murdered in Controlled Demolitions, by Kevin Barrett (Audio)
SC Editorial: Two Decades After 9/11 the Biggest Casualty is U.S. Empire
Israel has every reason to fear this bold Palestinian prison break
Afghanistan and the Sham of Democracy Promotion, by Jim Bovard
Congress – Collectively Less Than An Inkblot, by Ralph Nader
Will Taliban Victory Mark the Beginning of the End of the Western Empire? by David Hearst
Why US Foreign Clients Collapse – and Collapse Fast, by Ted Galen Carpenter
Never Forget: 9/11 and the 20 Year War on Terror (Webinar)
The Ukraine claims to be ready for an imminent war, today or tomorrow :-), by The Saker
Washington and “Liberal Order” Dealt Another Blow As Nord Stream 2 Pipeline Is Completed, by Eric Striker
Dissenting Voices in the USA, by Walt Garlington
DHS Labels Those Questioning COVID Shots “Domestic Violent Extremists”
The Biden Admin is losing its unwinnable War On COVID, so they’re scapegoating the ‘unvaccinated,’ by Jordan Schachtel
Australia Bans Ivermectin: Globalist Agenda Openly Revealed, by Sundance
The longstanding complicity of the Israeli Medical Association with torture in Israel, by Derek Summerfield
Multinationals or Mother Earth, by Vijay Prashad
US Embraces a Diversity China Fears, by Patrick J. Buchanan
News conference following Russian-Belarusian talks (important development of ‘Union State’)
Nurse Speaks Out — The majority of our hospitalized Covid patients are actually suffering from ‘Vaccine Injuries’…
AP: US Overdose Deaths Hit Record 93,000 in Pandemic Last Year
Anthrax Attacks Directed Against Public Officials Following 9/11 Had all the Markings of a False Flag, by Graeme MacQueen
Returning to Gaza, by Abdelrahman Abuabed
Sep 10, 2021
Covid 19 84
♫ Schubert – Serenade
9/9 and 9/11, 20 Years Later, by Pepe Escobar
The World’s Deadliest Terrorist Group, by Caitlin Johnstone
Govt Failure Is the New Normal: Blaming the Spies Means Never Any Accountability, by Philip Giraldi
9/11 Afghanistan, by Israel Shamir
The Legacy of September 11th, by Michael Arria
How the US Trained the Afghan Mujahideen To Produce War Propaganda, by Dan Cohen
Marking the twentieth anniversary of “9/11” by Zamir Awan
US media exposed as Pentagon mouthpiece on Afghanistan – Anya Parampil interviews Gareth Porter (Video)
Nuances of a silent expansive explosion, by Fabio Reis Vianna
What Happened With the Tumultuous Pro-Bolsonaro Protest in Brazil? Plus: a Rumble Update, by Glenn Greenwald
The Money That Never Arrives in Cuba, by Rosa Miriam Elizalde
U.S. is Waging Domestic War and Preparing for More, by Ajamu Baraka
Totalitarian woke culture drives out a true scholar at Portland State University, by Andrea Widburg (Video)
New Opportunities For Progressives in an Evolving Middle East? by Jeff Halper
Laurent Guyenot on “the Unspoken Kennedy Truth” — and Its Link to 9/11 (Kevin Barrett, Audio)
Deep Truth: Visionaries Speak Out (Webinars)
The Taliban’s Choice of Interim Prime Minister, by Ali A. Olomi
Revealed: Mercer Street’s Parent Shipping Company a Front for Israeli Intelligence, by Alan Macleod
U.S. Corporate Media Watch: Roberto Sirvent interviews Richard Medhurst (Black Agenda Report)
The End of White Hegemony? by David Rosen
Australia Confiscates Alcohol, Limits Residents in Lockdown to “Six Beers or Pre-Mixed Drinks or One Bottle of Wine”
The Ultimate Picture Thread To Show How Far Society Has Devolved In The Last Year, Beyond Depressing, by Harris Rigby
Bin Laden’s legacy probably surpasses his wildest dreams, by James M. Dorsey
Sep 9, 2021
Capetown, 2021 ♫ Liam O’Flynn, Neil Martin, Seán Keane, Matt Molloy & Arty McGlynn | Gradam Ceoil
“America’s Longest War” Is Not Over! by Brian Terrell
Is It Biden’s Turn to be Boxed In? by Melvin Goodman
Blinken on Damage-Limitation Tour After Afghanistan Fiasco, by Finian Cunningham
Blame Bush and Obama for the Afghan Disaster: 20 Years for Nothing, by Scott Horton
A Military Solution to a Commercial Problem, by Fred Reed
Abortion Bounty Hunters in Texas Are Vigilantes Not ‘Whistleblowers,’ by Norman Solomon
Moral Majority Media Strikes Again, by Matt Taibbi
Tax the ‘Trillion-Dollar Seven,’ by Bob Lord
The Eastern Economic Forum Accelerates a Grand Strategy of Win-Win Cooperation, by Matthew Ehret
‘Will you stop me from filling up with Iranian petrol?!’: Beirut Sunni Imam (Video)
New Israeli Film Paints Sympathetic Picture Of Jewish Terrorists Who Tried To Murder Millions, by Eric Striker
Weiss: CEO of leading Jewish org denies there’s an occupation and calls Ben & Jerry’s chair ‘apologist for Hamas’
US Airstrikes & Civilian Killings Since 9/11, by Kenny Stancil
Lessons for the Evacuation of Afghanistan, by Ann Wright
Deserters Make Good Ancestors: Reflections on Robt E. Lee and Virgil M. St. Clair, by Jeffrey St. Clair
WTF Dept: Rutgers bars unvaccinated student from attending virtual classes
A Chill Wind: Texas Unleashes Bounty Hunters on Women, by Martha Burk
Australia Has No Bill Of Rights, And It Shows, by Caitlin Johnstone
‘Our heroes’: Palestinians celebrate the ‘great escape’ of 6 political prisoners
Infographic: Guantanamo Bay explained in maps and charts
New Details Emerge About Coronavirus Research at Chinese Lab, by Sharon Lerner, Mara Hvistendahl
Yes, the 21st Century Belongs to the Chinese, by Paul Kersey
Woke Capital or State Power? by Gregory Hood
Geo-engineering: Solution or time bomb? (Video)
Sep 8, 2021
Donkey Cart in Gaza
♫ Just Taking Orders, by Caitlin Johnstone
Power, by Patrick Lawrence
Seeking 9/11 Truth After Twenty Years, by Ron Unz
Why Have Embassies? Taliban want to talk but US is reluctant, by Philip Giraldi
Will Taliban demand an int’l investigation of the controlled demolition of the WTC? by Kevin Barrett
Biden Is Turning Pages on Foreign Policy, by Brian Cloughley
Is Democracy Versus Autocracy the New Cold War? by Pat Buchanan
Laurent Guyenot on “the Unspoken Kennedy Truth” — and Its Link to 9/11, (Kevin Barrett Podcast)
The ACLU, Prior to COVID, Denounced Mandates and Coercive Measures to Fight Pandemics, by Glenn Greenwald
Biden’s approval ratings dipped because he did not criticize Israel for Gaza onslaught, by Philip Weiss
Ukie terrorist group caught in Crimea, by The Saker
The Attack on Healthcare as a Human Right, by Anis Chowdhury and Jomo Kwame Sundaram
The Powerful Case Against Covid mRNA Vaccine, by Paul Craig Roberts
“Herd Stupidity”: The Manufactured Covid Crisis, the Gene-based mRNA “Vaccine,” by Anthony Hall
Japan suspends use of Moderna jabs after “metallic particles” found in vials; continues using Ivermectin
Ivermectin: a multifaceted drug of Nobel prize-honoured distinction with indicated efficacy against COVID-19 (NIH)
The Pandemic’s 80% Non-Solution (endorses NovaVax antigen vaccine & also Ivermectin), by Robert Clancy
Over 140,000 French citizens protest over vaccine passports, by Ken Macon
How a Poor “Negro” Couple Bucked the KKK and Sowed the Seeds of East-West Diplomacy, by Julian Cola
IS-K, the Taliban & Africa’s ‘Frozen Uprising,’ by Vijay Prashad
As China Cracks Down on the ‘Feminization’ of Males, Should America Take Note? by Robert Bridge
No Country for White Pussies, by Linh Dinh
Israel promotes military handler of agent who spied on U.S.
Taliban perpetuate Muslim world’s failed governance paradigm, by James M. Dorsey
Ground Rules: We cannot build our way out of the environmental crisis, by George Monbiot
The donkey carts of Gaza, by Hassan Eyad Alalami
Down in the Pit – Fighting the Pigs (of Apocalypse) – A short story by Grifon
Sep 7, 2021
Woke Bombers ♫ Miserere mei – Gregorio Allegri
It’s Raining Scarlet Letters, by Alastair Crooke
Twenty Years of ‘War On Terror’ Hits Taliban Roadblock. But Has It Ended? by Iqbal Jassat
Hurrah! Washington’s Pointless Sojourn in the Graveyard of Empires Is Finally Over, by David Stockman
On Propaganda and Failed Narratives: New Understanding of Afghanistan Is a Must, by Ramzy Baroud
Afghanistan and the US Corporate Media, by Ron Forthofer
Are They Disguising the mRNA Jabs as Flu Shots? by Peter Koenig
Defeating the World Economic Forum’s ‘Great Reset’ before It Destroys Us, by Robert J. Burrowes
Poll: 50% of Americans think military aid to Israel should be restricted, by Michael Arria
Authoritarianism Pandemic is the Real Threat, by Ron Paul
Pathology of GOP is Frighteningly Evident in its Lionization of Navy SEAL Killer, by Jeremy Kuzmarov
The very best of Mikis Theodorakis (Music video)
Leaked Pfizer Doc Shows Employees Can Remain Unvaccinated, DC Making Vaccines Mandatory?
Catastrophic effects of the siege of Gaza: the EU must act, now, to stop this crime
Palestine: Our Education System Is Failing, by Marwan Tarazi
State Department, Then Taliban, Reportedly Blocking Private Rescue Planes From Departing
Why Don’t They Believe Us? by Konstantin Kisin
A Christmas Miracle: CNN Discovers ‘Jewish Terrorism,’ by David Cole
Dov Hikind: Zionist Extremist, Former Terror Suspect, by Max Blumenthal
Gaza Families Celebrate Daring Escape of Six Palestinian Prisoners (Photos)
Israeli Army Chief: Israel Must Be Prepared to Lose Soldiers
World leaders warn “fears of a coup” September 7 in Brazil
Five Years Since Brazil’s 2016 Coup: Olímpio Cruz Neto Interviews Dilma Rousseff
Taiwan Scrambles Jets Against Renewed Large Chinese Aerial Incursion
Australia Still Favours Profit Over Aboriginal Heritage, by Ramona Wadi
Sep 6, 2021
DC – Eye of Sauron ♫ Transatlantic Sessions – Wild Mountain Thyme
The Incantational Bewitchment of Propaganda, by Edward Curtin
Manufacturing (New Normal) “Reality,” by CJ Hopkins
The media’s weapons of mass deception, by Yvonne Ridley
The Era of Impunity
Nearly 1 million people killed in 20 years of US ‘war on terror’ – report, by Steve Sweeney
The Perils of Forgetting: Learn From the Afghan War or Repeat It! by Maj. Danny Sjursen (ret.)
It’s Time To Reassess Our Relationship With Israel, by Sahand Yazdanyar
On Child Vaccines, the Experts Are Suddenly Reluctant to Follow ‘The Science,’ by Jonathan Cook
Military Doctor: “The COVID Vaccine Program has Killed More Young Active Duty People Than COVID Did” (Video)
Rolling Stone Issues ‘Update’ After Horse Dewormer Hit-Piece Debunked, by Tyler Durden
England admits more vaccinated people are dying of the delta variant of covid than unvaccinated people
Vaccine Voodoo, by James Rickards
UK Defense ministry document reveals Skripals blood samples could have been manipulated, by D. Gaytandzhieva
China’s Marxist “Profound Revolution” Is Here, And Nobody In The West Is Ready, by Michael Every
US economic war on Cuba continues, even after war in Afghanistan ends, by Radhika Desai (Video)
China, Russia, France, Israel Pay Tribute to Mikis Theodorakis’ Work, Life
The Stagflation Threat Is Real, by Nouriel Roubini
No Sovoks → 500 Million Russians, by Anatoly Karlin
Our Afghan Atomic Bomb—Insane Foreign Policy Meets Insane Immigration Policy, by John Derbyshire
Planned Expansion of Facial Recognition by US Agencies Called ‘Disturbing’ by EFF, by Julia Conley
“Holy F*ck This Person Is A Sociopath”: A Former Theranos Interviewee on Meeting Elizabeth Holmes
The Great Replacement Comes For Captain America: He’s Now Black, by Paul Kersey
Sep 5, 2021
Head of State by Mr. Fish ♫ The Bonnie Banks of Loch Lomond – Ella Roberts
The Covidian Cult (Part III), by C.J. Hopkins
“Rogue Nations” and “Failed States”: America Doesn’t Know the Difference, by Melvin Goodman
7 Examples That Show How Completely And Utterly Insane Our Society Has Become, by Michael Snyder
Washington has devised a way of waging war that inevitably leads to American failure, by Patrick Cockburn
Ass-Kicking in Afghanistan Offers Opportunity to Reorient U.S. Foreign Policy—Or.. by Ed Rampell
Intersectional imperialism: A wholesome menace, by Alex Rubinstein
Alex Krainer: Afghanistan Signals End of US Empire as China Turns on Elites & Great Reset (G&E Podcast)
Roaming Charges: Revenge Tragedy, by Jeffrey St. Clair
Khaled Elgindy on the post-Netanyahu U.S./Israel relationship (Mondoweiss Podcast w/ Phil Weiss)
20th Anniversary Of The September 11 Attacks, by Thierry Meyssan
Why Do Journalists Hate 9-11 Truthers? by Philip Kraske
GR: Selected Articles: The Big Lie on Ivermectin and HCQ
Israel Now Has More COVID Infections Per Capita Than Any Other Country, by Lance Johnson
The “Killer Vaccine” Worldwide. 7.9 Billion People, by Michel Chossudovsky
A New Storm Is Brewing in the Balkans, by Stephen Karganovic
US Government Spent $334 Million to Destabilize Lebanon In 2019, by Eric Striker
San Francisco to Pay Blacks and Hispanics $300/Per Month Not to Shoot Each Other, by Paul Kersey
Liberalism in the Rearview Mirror, by Shari Forst
Plenary session of the Eastern Economic Forum
Some really nice Argentinian music! from The Saker (Video)
Deconstructing the Fourth Branch of Government: Part I, The Solution, by Sundance
China Decrees No ‘Sissy Men’ Allowed On TV, by Tyler Durden
Israeli officials are ‘alarmed’ by U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan, by Philip Weiss
Top Health Officials Push Back Against Biden’s Booster Jabs Plan, by Tyler Durden
Sep 4, 2021
♫ Maire Brennan and Michael McDonald – Don’t Give Up
Chris Hedges: The Empire Does Not Forgive
Afghanistan Recessional: Will It Lead to a War with Iran? by Philip Giraldi
Wanna see what a US ‘hero’ looks like and how they really behave? from The Saker (Video)
Imperial Business-As-Usual… Biden-Zelenksy Meeting Shows U.S. Learned Nothing From Afghanistan
On Propaganda and Failed Narratives: New Understanding of Afghanistan is a Must, by Ramzy Baroud
Let’s Open the Books: We Need a Truth Commission for the Afghan War, by Robert C. Koehler
Why the Taliban still can’t form a government, by Pepe Escobar
Whitney Webb: Afghanistan Chaos and What Comes Next with Tom Luongo (Podcast)
Cacophony and Confusion in Foreign Policy, by Pat Buchanan
US Agencies’ Planned Expansion of Facial Recognition, by Julia Conley
US Collected 4.8 Million Biometric Records of Afghans, by Margaret Hu
The Turkish poet Livaneli for Mikis Theodorakis: “The pain is so deep!”
The last appeal by Mikis Theodorakis: Save Julian AssangeAn Australian app “as Orwellian as any in the free world,” by Thomas Lifson
Israeli Forces Injure 70 Palestinians in Beita
A COVID testing facility in Colorado reveals the con behind the panic, by Andrea Widburg
Dallas mayor and city council mocked in hilarious parody of mandatory vaccine policies (Video)Israel even criminalizes dead Palestinian bodies, by Hebh Jamal
Sep 3, 2021
1/2 million Afghans internally displaced by violence this year alone
♫ Van Morrison – Listen to the Lion
Biden Threatens More Illegal War in Afghanistan, by Marjorie Cohn
Biden’s Revenge: Fueling ‘Madness of Militarism’ in Afghanistan, by Norman Solomon
Afghanistan Is a Debacle – But You Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet, by Edward Lozansky
Since 9/11, US Has Spent $21 Trillion on Militarism at Home and Abroad, by Jake Johnson
Robert Gates and Those ‘Transfer Cases,’ by Ray McGovern
Israel’s Nukes, by Michael Arria
Harvard Epidemiologist Says The Case For COVID Vaccine Passports Was Just Demolished, by Jon Miltimore
Jewish Chronicle’s libel payouts were a small price to pay for smearing Corbyn and the left, by Jonathan Cook
‘Foreign Affairs’ survey on two-state solution shows Israel advocates cling to it, few others, by Philip Weiss
Ex-UN Expert: If US Wants to Conduct COVID Probe In China, It Should Open Its Biolabs to Inspectors, by Ekaterina Blinova
‘I Feel Good’: Joe Rogan Contracts Covid, Bounces Back Within Days Using Drug Cocktail Including Ivermectin
Meet The Censored: Ivermectin Critic David Fuller, by Matt Taibbi
Ivermectin: Horse Hockey vs. Truth, by Michelle Malkin
USA’s so-called genocide allegations against China justified by international law? by Mehmet Sukru Guzel
Beijing’s New US Envoy: ‘China Is Not the Soviet Union,’ by Dave DeCamp
WHO Places ‘Mu Variant’ Under Close Scrutiny Over Fears Of Vaccine Resistance, by Tyler Durden
Australia: New Law Allows Feds to Hack and Control Online Accounts of Political Dissidents Without a Warrant, by Eric Striker
I have fought for justice my whole life and I will continue that fight, by Fidaa Wishah
The Balkan Project Washington Wants to Derail, by Gregory Elich
Lawyer Representing 17 Jan. 6 Defendants Has Mysteriously Gone Missing: Court Filings, by Jack Phillips
Microchip, Macro Impact, Micro Vision, by Ralph Nader
Stanford Study on Covid Infection Fatality Rates that Big Tech is Censoring, by JD Rucker
Professor Argues White People Should Commit Suicide as an Ethical Act to End White Privilege, by Paul Kersey
FM Sergey Lavrov’s remarks and answers to questions from MGIMO students and faculty
Refugees after the American Revolution needed money, homes and acceptance, by G. Patrick O’Brien
Sep 2, 2021
Olive tree near Nablus
♫ Méilte Ghlas Cheann Dubhrann – Aodh Mac Ruairí
Why the current hysteria? by The Saker
U.S. Wars, Endless Wars: Will They Ever End? by David Rosen
George Soros’s dream: To turn China into a neoliberal grabitization opportunity, by Michael Hudson
US Foreign Policy Debate Rages, But Fails to Move the Needle, by James M. Dorsey
The Taliban now controls Kabul airport. How will it run it?
Afghanistan: Same, Same; Again, Again, by Patrick Armstrong
CN Live! — ‘Afghanistan: The 20-Year Disaster’ (Video)
Israel offers Palestinians their own money back as a ‘loan’, in display of ‘goodwill,’ by Jonathan Ofir
Eric Walberg on “America’s Defeat in Afghanistan: Divine Justice?”
Bad Moon Rising for Biden — and Us, by Pat Buchanan
Latin America: In Search of Lost Sovereignty, by Ariela Ruiz Caro
Afghanistan withdrawal is a shock to the Israel lobby, by Philip Weiss
The Beltway Media’s Loyalty to Permanent War State, by Gareth Porter
The Revolving Door, and Media Failure to Disclose Contracting Ties of Guests, by Matt Taibbi (Video)
30 Years After Communism Fell, Putin Offers Alternative To Globalism. That’s Why Our Ruling Class Hates Him
Kuzmarov: New Evidence Implicates CIA, LAPD, FBI and Mafia as Plotters in “Hit” Plan to Prevent RFK From Reaching White House
Ending U.S. support for Israeli racism, by Mohamed Mohamed
Liberation Legitimacy: How Far Does It Count? by Yousef Aljamal
The Russian Covid Vaccines, by Paul Craig Roberts
Ohio Judge Orders Hospital To Treat Ventilated COVID-19 Patient With Ivermectin, by Lil Hai
“We Are F**king Abandoning American Citizens” Says Livid Army Colonel In Leaked Afghanistan Texts
Closed Borders & Hostile Receptions Await Afghan Refugees, by Farhana Haque Rahman
Every Palestinian story is worth being told, by Noura Selmi
Dollar General: The Retail Carrion Feeders of Rural America, by Jeffrey St. Clair
Two Senior FDA Officials Stepping Down Over Reported Disagreements With White House Over Booster Shots, by Tyler Durden
Artyom Lukin: US-China Bipolarity, Russia as 2nd Tier Power, & Era of Closed Borders (G&E Podcast)
Building the Green Consensus – Webinar
70-Year-Old White Grandmother “Randomly” Murdered by Two Black Males in Chicago, by Paul Kersey