Daily posts Feb 13, 2022 / ♫ Santana – Black Magic Woman / Oye Como Va Wake-Up Call, by James Howard Kunstler Proposal: Just Run All Western News Media Directly Out Of CIA Headquarters, by Caitlin Johnstone The Great International Convoy Fiasco, by Matt Taibbi Supporting Tyranny, Opposing Freedom, by Stephen Lendman “Eyes Of The World Are On Us” – Ontario Declares ‘State Of Emergency’ Over Bridge Blockade, by Tyler Durden Will the Canadian State Cancel the Right of Protest? Freedom Convoy No More? (Audio) The Federal Assembly Speech: Putin Vows to Rein in Capitalism and Shore Up Sovereignty, by Mike Whitney Russia Is Learning the Price of Relying on Diplomacy with the West, by Paul Craig Roberts From Tantura to Naqab: Israel’s Long Hidden Truths Are Finally Revealed, by Ramzy Baroud Joe Rogan Steamrolls CNN – Slams Brian Stelter And Don Lemon Over Misinformation, by Tyler Durden (Video) Covid Wars: Dem SuperPAC Behind Rogan Smear Campaign (Video) The Collapse of the COVID Narrative: A Brief Strategic Window to Regain Our Democracies, by Elizabeth Woodworth Daily Sceptic Latest Update RFK, Jr, CHD Call on FDA to Deny Emergency Use Authorization of Pfizer Vaccine for Infants and Children Under 5 Ryan Cristián: Pfizer Reveals Concerns With ‘Data Integrity’ Vindicating Previous Claims (Video) U.S. media attacks China’s Covid-19 policies for saving lives, while Americans die, by Joe Scholten Scott Horton Show: Branko Marcetic on the Nazi Insurgency in Ukraine (Podcast) Americans must recognize the suffering their country continues inflicting in Afghanistan, by Kathy Kelly ‘I am exhausted by Israel’ — On the risk to Jews of supporting the ‘thug nation,’ by Philip Weiss From Iron Dome to supply chains, US Christian group quietly shaping US-Israel ties, by Lazar Berman Inside the Illinois state pension board seeking to promote Israeli control over the West Bank, by Fran Zell Keir Starmer accuses Stop the War coalition of siding with Nato’s enemies, by Heather Stewart Russian Defence Minister Shoigu held talks in Moscow with his British counterpart Ben Wallace French position on Ukraine revealed, by Layla Guest Biden’s New DoE Hire Is A Queer Activist Who Brags About “Puppy Play” Gimp-Kink, by Paul Joseph Watson Our DoD Deems “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion” Are Necessities for the U.S. Military, by Paul Kersey Federico Pieraccini: Washington is pushing its European vassals to assume a more aggressive posture against Iran Biden has merely rebranded the brutal war against Yemen, by Shireen Al-Adeimi Rather Than Sink Main Street by Raising Interest Rates, the Fed Could Save It. Here’s How, by Ellen Brown