- ♫ Free Fallin’ – Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers
- From the Fall of USSR to the Rise of a Multipolar World. And Now What? by D Konstantakopoulos
- ‘Guilty of Genocide’: 135 Congress Members Boycott Netanyahu’s Speech to Congress, by Yves Smith, Brett Wilkins
- A Dark Day in US History: War Criminal Netanyahu Defiles Congress, by H. Scott Prosterman
- Dozens of Lawmakers Protesting Netanyahu Have Little to Say About Israel’s Abuses of Palestinians, by Prem Thakker
- U.S. Congress Cheers and Applauds Netanyahu’s Speech, by Eric Zuesse
- Gaza, We Cannot Remain Silent Any Longer, by Patrick Lawrence
- When Supporting Israel is a Liability: Is Gaza Changing the West? by Ramzy Baroud
- Is it ok to slaughter “Amalekite” babies now in 21st Century? by Don Hank
- Netanyahu and Biden Speak: A Grim Day in Washington, DC, and Across the World, by Bill Astore
- Netanyahu Gets Three-Month Standing Ovation in Congress, by Kevin Barrett
- Netanyahu Insulted and Smeared the Pro-Palestine Protest Movement. Congress Clapped, by Jonah Valdez
- 98-yr-old Dr. Mahathir speaks truth to Western/Israeli colonial power (Video)
- The UN Will Sign the Pact of the Future in 60 Days – Here’s Why It Matters, by Derrick Broze
- China Writers’ Group, 18-24 July, from Jeff Brown
- “Sifting and Winnowing”: Evidence in the False Flag Trump Shooting, by Kevin Barrett
- UPDATE to the interpretation by Mike Adams of the acoustic evidence, by Paul Craig Roberts
- If You Thought Biden Was Bad, Here Are Kamala’s Promises.. by Tyler Durden
- Indifference And Ambition Behind Kamala Harris Policies, by Michael Shellenberger
- How the Ruling-Class-Backed-Left Drove 53% of White Women to Vote for Trump in 2016, by John Spritzler
- ActBlue Accused Of “MASSIVE Money Laundering Operation”: $91M Transfer To Kamala, by Tyler Durden
- ☕️ GROUND HOGGING ☙ Thursday, July 25, 2024 ☙ C&C NEWS 🦠, by Jeff Childers
- Losing grounds for trust and why that may be the way home, by el gato malo
- Zelensky Gets the Ukrainian Trains to Run on Time – Gerasimov Strikes Them as They Unload, by John Helmer
- Syrsky Ukr MSM Admit Ukr Military Crisis, Rus 14 Km Mirnograd, Destroys Ukr Tank Base, Takes Vocha (Mercouris Podcast)
- Ukraine War Day #883: Don’t Call Me Izmail, by yalensis
- Tucker Talks to Ben Carson, from Sasha Stone
- Here’s What MOST People Actually Believe the Laws Should Be Re Trans and Homosexual Persons, by John Spritzler
- Largest Excess Mortality Study: Vaccines Caused 17M Deaths During Pandemic, by Brenda Baletti
- DNA Contamination and VAERS Data – Rebekah Barnett, Jessica Rose (Video)
- Czech Data Paints Grim Picture of Moderna Vaccine, by John Leake
- Israel at the Olympics: More than Double Standards – Robt Inlakesh (Video)
- Why only idiots will vote for the Dem Party or the Republican Party on Nov 5th, by Eric Zuesse
- How technology is accelerating the global proletarian revolution, by Eduardo Vasco
- Does America Have a Future? by Paul Craig Roberts
- Water on Moon Provokes Fanciful Thinking, by Karl Sanchez
- As the state “withers away”, multinationals go on a rampage, by Stephen Karganovic
- Sonya Massey Is This Election Cycle’s George Floyd, by Jim Goad