Jun 13, 2022
- ♫ Willie Nelson – Heaven Is Closed
- The US Has Joined the Ranks of Shithole Countries, by Paul Craig Roberts
- The Dangers of Regime Change: After Putin, by Ted Snider
- Ukraine Admits Losing ‘Artillery War’ and Therefore the War Itself (Mercouris Podcast)
- Reality vs. Illusion. People have been Robbed of their Ability to “Decipher between Fact and Fiction,” by Dustin Broadbery
- Zelensky’s Delay In Opening A Sea Corridor Threatens the World with A Global Food Crisis, by Paul Antonopoulos
Ukraine Is Demanding Weapons in Exchange for Resuming Wheat Exports, by Andrew Korybko - Suspended For Calling Nazis “Nazis” On Twitter – The Jimmy Dore Show
- Prisoners of War — Ukrainian VS Russian. How do they fare? by Deborah L. Armstrong
- Biden’s “Harakiri Diplomacy” in East Asia: War Drums Getting Louder, by Joseph H. Chung
- A Forgotten Anniversary, by Jimmie Moglia
Findings of the Independent Commission of Inquiry into the Israeli Attack on the USS Liberty - Documentary: ‘The Reality Behind Conspiracy Theories and Domestic Terrorism,’ w/Matthew Ehret
- The Falsehoods of the Ukraine War: Power of the Nazi Banderite Lies, by Konrad Rękas
- Ukrainian Stupidity and the Death of Leadership: Only History Exists, by William Mallinson
- My Run-In With A Glowie – Gonzalo Lira Podcast
- ‘Made-For-TV’ Jan. 6 Hearings Are Ratings Disaster, by Tyler Durden
Tucker Carlson: This is a scam (Video) - Joe Biden’s Submissive – and Highly Revealing – Embrace of Saudi Despots, by Glenn Greenwald
- Ukraine War Day #109: The Vikings Are Coming! [continued], by yalensis
- Orderly and Humane?: World War II as the `Good War,’ by Peter Hitchens
- Japan‘s Looking At 10 Million Hikikomori, by Thorsten J. Pattberg
- US Military Spending Is Undebatable Because It’s Indefensible, by David Swanson
- The COVID Pandemic and the mRNA Vaccine: What Is the Truth? by Dr. Russell L. Blaylock
“We are Human Guinea Pigs”: Alarming Casualty Rates for mRNA Vaccines Warrant Urgent Action, by F. William Engdahl
Effort to Stop the Vaccine and Prosecute the Perpetrators: Gross Negligence Manslaughter and Misconduct in Public Office (Audio) - FBI Chief Comey Misled Congress’ “Gang Of 8” Over Russiagate, Lisa Page Memo Reveals, by Paul Sperry
- While You’re All Distracted By Russia.. Russell Brand Podcast
- Estonia and the Russian World, by Gilbert Doctorow
- Syria Begins Work to Repair ‘Sizeable Damage’ to Airport After Israel Attack, by Jason Ditz
- How the military-industrial complex took over the USA, w/JB West and JB East (Audio)