- ♫ Down by the Sally Gardens – Maura O’Connell, Karen Matheson
- Israel’s Control Over America Grows Ever Stronger, by Philip Giraldi
- Israel joins ISIL, Taliban, Sudan on UN Blacklist of Violators of Children, by Juan Cole
- End of an Era: Pro-Palestine Language Exposes Israel, Zionism, by Ramzy Baroud
- Israel Agrees to a Ceasefire… as Long as It Can Keep Fighting, by Mike Whitney
- US Officials Say Battle with Ansarallah ‘Most Intense since WWII’
- Thousands surround WH with two-mile long “red line” banner for Palestine, by Ford Fischer, Matt Taibbi
- If I must die and more, by Mazin Qumsiyeh
- Pal Chron Day 251: G7 Condemns Settler Violence | More Lebanese Rockets
- Behold The World Gently, by Caitlin Johnstone
- Peter Myers Digest: Deborah Lipstadt says WaPo Report was Antisemitic
- Rep. Massie Tells Tucker Every Republican Congressman ‘Has an AIPAC Person,’ (Video)
- SC Editorial: A tale of two summits… elitist warmongering G7 and peacemaking multipolar BRICS
- Judge Nap: Political Parasites Never Met a War They Didn’t Want Someone Else to Fight, w/Gerald Celente (Video)
- European mutiny at the illiberal order, by Alastair Crooke
- Sick Of and Done With, by James Howard Kunstler
- Ramin Mazaheri on Defeat of the West, by Kevin Barrett
- Trump’s Conviction Papers Over Bigger Crimes He (and Every Other Recent Pres) Have Committed While in Office
- From Climate to Palestine to Trump 2.0, we must listen to our wise Cassandras, by Rebecca Gordon

- “@ScottAdamsSays Politics is heavily gendered (and ethnic) – X
- Breaking History Ep 49: Geopolitical Overview – Matthew Ehret (Video)
- ☕️ TRUSTWORTHY ☙ Friday, June 14, 2024 ☙ C&C NEWS 🦠, by Jeff Childers
- Europe Not Allowed To Lean Conservative? Warnings Of “Crisis” Abound After Shocking Elections, by Tyler Durden
- Death of the dollar, the explosive topic of racial IQs, Peter K., Pepe, by Jeff Brown
- Scott Ritter and the Russian ‘Path of Redemption’ – Part Four: The Donbas Dilemma
- Putin Kiev Ultimatum: Drop Zelensky, Withdraw 4 Regions, No NATO Or Face Defeat; Volchansk Cauldron (Mercouris Podcast)
- Putin Offers Reasonable Peace Terms to Ukraine; West Prepares for War, by Oliver Boyd-Barrett
- Western Officials and Press Starting to Acknowledge Impact of Rus Electric War on Ukraine, by Yves Smith
- Ukraine War Day #842: How The Russian Army Blinded HIMARS, Deceived Starlink.. (Part 4), by yalensis
- Intrigue About Exit of Ukr Restoration Fund Chief and Maidan Revolt Instigator, by Yves Smith
- Peacemaker on X: “Serbian President Vučić: “There will be a world war in 3-4 months
- Wanted, Wrangler for Joe Biden, by Bill Astore
- What Makes All Vaccines So Dangerous? by A Midwestern Doctor
- BC Centre for Disease Control Caught Lying and Withholding Important Pub Health Data, by Dr. Byram Bridle
- “The middle ground between light and shadow, between science and superstition,” by John Leake
- Biofuels manufacturing found to be a significant source of hazardous air pollution, by Dana Drugmand
- Star Wars Lesbian Witches ‘Use The Force’ To Get Pregnant Without Men, by Steve Watson
- How Racial Preferences, Supposedly Outlawed in California, Have Persisted at UCLA, by A. Sibarium