- ♫ Breabach live at Celtic Colours 2019
- Joe Biden’s Saber-Rattling Threatens World War III—with China and Russia, by Dee Knight
- Sitrep Operation Z: Denazification and Demilitarization by the hundreds, by Amarynth
- Two senators demand ‘full and transparent’ investigation of Shireen Abu Akleh’s killing, by Philip Weiss
- Kremlin Declares “Land Bridge” Complete From Western Russia To Donbas To Crimea, by Tyler Durden
- Gonzalo Lira: What Russia Has To Do After Russia Wins (Podcast)
- Former Pfizer VP: ‘Massive Fraud Playing Out on a Global Scale’ (Video)
- JP Morgan CEO Screams Economic Collapse (Video)
- The Danger of Ideologues: Not Agreement Capable, by Die Untermenschen
- War update & Prediction – The Dreizin Report Podcast
- Israeli government crumbles (again) on Apartheid vote — as its ‘Arab experiment’ comes apart, by Jonathan Ofir
- The Great Game This Week: World in Review – Matthew Ehret Podcast
- Ukraine War Day #105: Ukraine Scores Own Goal, Twice In One Day! by yalensis
- Tucker Carlson: What is going on here? (Video)
- Meet the Censored: Kara Dansky, by Matt Taibbi
“What is a Woman?” A Movie That Should Be Reviewed More, For One Thing, by Matt Taibbi
- Palestine’s New Resistance Model, by Ramzy Baroud
- Sweeping Threat to Free Expression in UK, by Richard Norton-Taylor
- “The State At War with the Nation”—the Garland Raids and the January 6 Show Trials, by James Kirkpatrick
- Jerome Irwin shares his books, music and fascinating life of Native culture – Jeff Brown Podcast
- Hollywood’s Mark Ruffalo Calls out PayPal’s Discrimination against Palestinians
- Hunter’s Hooker Scored $20,000 PPP Loan As Joe Biden Entered White House, by Tyler Durden
- Norwegian Feminist Faces Three Years In Prison For Saying Biological Men Can’t Be Lesbians, by Paul Joseph Watson
- Israeli Authorities to Build New Settlement near Bethlehem
- Blake Masters on the Root of America’s Gun Violence Problem: “Black People, Frankly,” by Andrew Anglin
- The Path To Japan’s Childlessness As Conceived By Its Satanic US Occupiers, by Thorsten Pattberg
- Australia’s Newly Elected Labor PM Rushed to Meet with Joe Biden in Tokyo After His Election to Fortify Anti-Chinese Alliance, by Murray Horton
- Ray McGinnis on Freedom Convoy vs. Canadian COVID Dystopia – Audio, w/Kevin Barrett
- Mali has become another front in the Russia v NATO war in Ukraine
- Mayans call for International Action to Halt Violations of their Cultural, Spiritual and Religious Rights