Daily posts Mar 14, 2022 / The Slaughter in Yemen Continues ♫ Catherine Ashcroft & Maurice Dickson (Mochara) – Táimse im’ Chodladh Twice in a Century: Russia Faces a War of Annihilation, by Mike Whitney GEFIRA: Western Media “Are Either Delusional Or Lying Through Their Teeth” Putin’s War, by Gilad Atzmon This Ain’t Putin’s Price Hike, by Caitlin Johnstone Washington and Moscow Vie for the Stupid Prize, by Paul Craig Roberts Draining the Ukrainian Political Swamp: The Great Russian Restoration III, by Rolo Slavski Ukraine becomes an international rallying point for neo-Nazis and mercenaries, by Peter Schwarz Ukie War: Blackwater Mercenary Teams Eradicated in Precision Russian Strike on Luxury ‘Skivvy’ Hotel Too Late to Revive a Sane U.S. Foreign Policy? The Roots of the Monroe Doctrine Revisited, by Matthew Ehret NATO pushing Russia-Ukraine tension to ‘breaking point,’ China warns Kuzmarov: Censored Reports from Donbass Make Clear Ukraine and Not Russia Started the War—Eight Years Ago The Sanctions Boomerang & Putin’s Options, by James Rickards Unhinged Officials Push No-Fly Zone & World War III – Jimmy Dore Show Russia’s Special Military Operation: Day 17, by Stephen Lendman Is the Whole World United in Isolating Russia? by Ted Snider Journalistic-career-death in Palestine and Ukraine, by Philip Weiss Russia Bombs Ukrainian Military Base Near Border of NATO Member Poland, by Jake Johnson Russia Threatens Attack On NATO Weapons Shipments To Ukraine: “Legitimate Targets,” by Tyler Durden In Praise of “Whataboutism,” by Margaret Kimberley Congress’s ‘Israel Normalization Act’ normalizes ethnic cleansing and impunity, by N Tannous and Cat Knarr Iran Takes Credit for Attacking a Secret Israeli Mossad Base in Iraqi Kurdistan, by Stephen Lendman Rewarding encounters with ‘Jewish Voice for Peace,’ by Hatim Kanaaneh Understanding Che in the 21st Century, by Dimitris Lampos France’s Marine Le Pen Moved Left, Provoked Crippling Challenge From Eric Zemmour, by George Elwit Idiocracy: CDC Lowers Expectations For Child Development, Raising New Questions for Parents, by Shanxi Omoniyi Russia’s Upcoming International Anti-Fascist Congress Is An Important Soft Power Move, by Andrew Korybko