Welcome to SitRepWorld.
This site is a sequel to One Democratic State (the Legacy Website) which is now archived, though the links are still active (some may be defunct by now). There you will find a great deal of material aside from the daily links. ‘By the Editor‘ consists of my own essays from the last decade, an ’About’ page, a ‘Donations‘ page, ‘Archives‘ going back about eight years, material on ‘Historical Revisionism,’ an extensive listing of ‘Quotes‘ and so forth.
The One Democratic State movement is now going mainstream but I found myself increasingly covering what is going on elsewhere, as everything is connected. So I created SitRepWorld, which contains about 30 links daily, a heady mixture of the most informed, articulate and relevant takes on what is actually happening – and after ten years of doing this, I know where to look. It’s an effective antidote to the toxic virus known as the Mainstream Media, if you choose to make use of it.
My email address is rtucker41 at earthlink.net