I Will Never Tell You Who I Am, by Ray Zwarich

Too much the Fool to even know… I will never tell you who I am…

Despair surrounds us, closing in… How else but in blood and tragedy can this story of hate and madness end?… Mob hysteria continues to rule over us… One ‘side’ rages in mindless hysterical madness, insisting that it can impose its crazed hysterical desires on the other, to crush the last dying semblance of all Reason and Sanity… The other re-acts in confused disbelief… seemingly fully aware of the craziness, but helpless in its confusion to offer respite… Neither is the least aware of the strings that control us all…

How could one be ‘least’ when neither is at ALL aware?

At least one ‘side’ is sane. Confused in its nonsensical beliefs, perhaps, but at least rational, at least trying, in human moral decency, to apply Reason to counter madness. The pseudoRight yet does not realize that a truly democratic government is the ONLY social agency that can save us from the ravages of the increasingly morally depraved and spiritually demented Elites that have captured our nation into their clawed clutches.

With no truly democratic government to protect us, we, the Common People, are helpless before the hosts of the Deadly Seven that fully rule the hearts of these unholy Elites who rule us.

The other ‘side’, the reprehensibly ugly PseudoLeft, only falls further into its clinical delusional insanity. These poor crazed people, fallen to be utter slaves to their own ugly bestial desires, have rejected all semblance of not just democracy, not just decent civilized human behavior, but of reality itself. These poor souls, lost into the thorny bestial wilderenes their own moral depravity, are so completely ruled by their own hysterically insane mob passions that their clinically insane ideology has now fully supplanted reality itself in their own fallen souls, in their won demented minds.

Democracy is lost… Flawed as America has always been, we once, in my own lifetime, aspired to live up to a shining ideal. Was it not Pride itself that laid us this low? As all the Deadly Seven have now come to rule over us, was it not Pride that led them? Does Pride not ALWAYS march at the front of this terrible deadly host?

Did we not come to claim to own the very ideal toward which we once so reverently and humbly aspired? In that very claim, in our deadly hubristic Pride, did we not reject all aspiration toward that noble ideal? Rejecting all humility, did we not come to claim to be “exceptional”?

Did we not embrace self-righteousness? Did we not claim the right to rule over all Humanity? In rejecting all humility, in claiming to be “exceptional” humans, did we not only succeed in proving how DEADLY ordinary we are?

Reality… Truth itself… by any name we poor dumb humans might call it, now closes in around us, to prove that we are not in the LEAST, not in ANY way, “exceptional”. How much blood will flow in the proving? How many must die ere humility before the truth regains its proper place in our attention?

Our tragic, bleeding nation has fallen into the rubble of deadly, self-righteous certainty of demented moral ruin… Once a babe was born… What terrible beast, its hour come ’round at last,  now slouches toward Bethlehem? When we laid truth aside, when we sneered in Pride at reality, what did we think would rise in its stead? Can we not awaken from this madness before our children’s dreams all die?

The morally demented, spiritually depraved Elites who rule over us… Those who hold the strings on which we ALL now dance, the strings on which both sides, and those on neither side, nor on any ‘side,’ are jerked this way and that in crazed involuntary spasms, those who pull us all violently deeper into madness, are clearly themselves in a panic of fatal realization… The end game is at hand. The water that has sloshed about their ankles now forces them to wade… They already know it all ends badly for them. They now see that the power they thought they had can only hurt them as much as all others if they use it. Their eyes now can only grow wider, rapt in helpless panic, as their Empire falls around them into rubble and ruin. As they have spurred the poor lost pseudoLeft mob to raging madness, to what more terrible madness will those clinging desperately to crumbling power be driven?

The Samson Option? In their moral dementia, will they figure that if they cannot rule over us all, they will destroy us all? Are they THAT depraved? Are ANY sure that they are NOT?

‘The Left’, an imaginary construct that makes no sense, that has no meaning, that is totally divorced from reality and truth itself, rages against ‘The Right’, equally conjured from imaginary beliefs… psueoLeft v. pseudoRight… falsely raging at one another over issues that have no definitional bearing on the true meaning of either Left or Right…

Democrats and Republicans? We all know, perfectly WELL we ALL know, that both are agents of our Common Enemy… yet in our conjured, shared madness we agree to pretend that one is worth fighting for, and the other must be fought against. Neither has an answer, let alone THE answer… Pick one… It doesn’t matter which… Then rage against the other…

Thus do our Ruling Elites command us…

THERE is our deadly fatal embrace of madness. There lies our disconnect of Reason itself. There do we cast the very mantle of truth into the mud and mire… We know… Perfectly well do we know… Yet we agree to pretend we do not…

Thus do we dutifully divide, as so cunningly instructed, like robot lemmings, as if hypnotically commanded by the subliminal ideas and images we constantly absorb from the Elites’ evil Mass Media, into these artfully engineered camps, to eschew all decency, to embrace the depravity as commanded, to fight each other, rather than fight together against our Common Enemy…

Divide and rule… It’s been going on for 10,000 years… And just look at us… Fools… Despite all or any god’s grace… Nothing but colossal fools… Despite our godly gifts of Reason, here we are, falling like mindless FOOLS before, quite literally, THE “oldest trick in History’s book”…

Thus shall we shed our nation’s lifeblood? Thus shall we watch all sense of shared brotherhood, sisterhood, fatherhood, motherhood, all sense of family, all sense of nation, all sense of Humanity, fall to bloody ruin?

There is only ONE true division that matters… We are divided between the evil, morally depraved Elites that hold the strings of power, and those who dance on them… Yet, as we reject Reason itself, no mere words remain to make sense of truth itself, as we trample it under our foolish, proud feet… What we now call ‘left’ and ‘right’ are completely unrelated to the one true division, ‘tween those who rule, those who have intentionally created this madness

Abortion and guns? Transgender craziness? Primitive tribal divisions? What have any of these to do with our divisions between rich and poor, between those who have so much that so many do not have enough, between a rapacious, cruel, morally depraved, spiritually demented class of Super Wealthy Elites who rule over us, and the Common People who are ruled over in our increasing madness and misery?

Yet the Common People, even knowing perfectly well that the Elites are our Common Enemy, agreeably divide ourselves to fight one another…

Thus NONE of us are fighting our Common Enemy…

Cry for our bleeding nation… Cry for our children whose dreams fall into ruin, as our nation’s women and mothers snarl in ugly self-righteous  madness, as they snarl like ugly Harpy she-demons, to claim, in demented self-righteousness, their ‘right’ to kill their own babies…

How low can a nation possibly fall?…

Cry for our beloved nation… Cry for all Humanity, as we all watch in horror, helpless to calm the hysterical insanity, helpless to stop the madness from marching on…

Does no better spirit walk among us?

I will never tell you who I am.

All already know.
