NATO’s Fertilizer Wars, by Declan Hayes
Even as South America begs for NATO sanctions to be lifted on Russian fertilizer so that Latinos can live, von der Leyen is insisting Latinos and Africans should instead depend on the poop of insects for their very survival.
Building on Zbigniew Brzeziński’s fascist dogma, Fadi Lama posits that our global economy is being divided into the three unequal parts of NATO and its vassals, the resource rich South and the three autonomous states of Russia, Iran and China (RIC). The mission of NATO’s soft and hard power forces would be to keep NATO’s satrapies quiescent, to contain RIC and to further exploit the South.
Though NATO’s media would quickly label this a conspiracy theory (sic), it is certainly a scenario worth exploring along Brzeziński’s grand strategy lines. At the very least, it would, as Lama outlines, explain NATO’s apparent military and other failings since the 9/11 terror attacks.
The situation today is NATO are on the front foot in a number of wars, NATO is making no secret of its efforts to contain RIC and the Global South is again being pummelled by economic forces NATO will not allow it mitigate, never mind contain and solve.
Food Security
The huge demand our high urbanization rates cause for food can only be met by the massive utilization of commercially made fertilizer. Nauru, to take one historical example, has been robbed of all its potash by Australia which now uses the tiny Pacific nation as a holding cell for its undesirables, much as Britain intends to use Rwanda as its own dumping ground.
Although Russia is a key exporter of fertilizer, she only caters for 15% of global supply and Belarus, which NATO’s media slam almost as often as Russia, does not even make the top thirty in terms of supply.
If NATO’s leaders were losing sleep over the poor not having enough fertilizer, then NATO could easily ramp up their own controlled supply. Since 2020, the fastest-growing exporters of fertilizers were: United Arab Emirates (up 2,989%), Nigeria (up 423.8%), Saudi Arabia (up 188%) and Oman (up 126.2%), whereas those top suppliers that posted the mildest increases in their international sales of fertilizers were: United States of America (up 14%), Indonesia (up 23.1%) and Israel (up 23.8%).
Clearly, filling the Russian gap should not be a major problem if NATO were straight shooters. That said, although Russia has a particularly acute competitive cost advantage in producing fertilizer, this is magnified by the huge demand the agricultural power houses of Brazil, India, Argentina, Mexico, Bangladesh, Indonesia and Pakistan have for the product.
If the objective is, as Fadi suggests, controlling the international fertilizer trade, rather than filling gaps in demand, then NATO’s divide and conquer disruptive practices, which Brzeziński pioneered, begin to make eminent sense, all the more so when we consider that, between them, Bayer, Corteva, ChemChina and Limagrain control over 50% of the world’s seed supply, a process that is accentuated by the market structure for those seeds, which discriminates against the disempowered poor in favor of NATO’s big and powerful, mega land owners like Bill Gates, for example. The fertilizer war is an integral part of this war for global food control of David against NATO’s Goliath.
Although NATO’s media are well aware of these dynamics, they are again making Russia the scapegoat for NATO’s own Machiavellian acts. And Belarus too, for which potassic fertilizers account for 8.7% of all exports.
Although Canada could quickly make up for some of the slack boycotting Russian fertilizer entails by ramping up potash fertilizer production in the near term, because ramping up nitrogen fertilizer production would take much more time and investment, that would allow other players outside of NATO’s control to establish themselves.
Those chief competitors would be found in the Middle East, which has huge gas reserves and is closer to the key Asian and European markets than is Canada. However, were Iran, Qatar and Saudi Arabia to further boost their ammonia and urea producing plants, that would make the international fertilizer market more independent of NATO as they would be competing for market share in Asia.
Although U.S. sanctions have stopped Indian and Bangladeshi companies investing in Iranian plants, the increased cooperation between Iran and China most likely will solve those NATO induced financing problems before too long.
Although Iran, Bangladesh, India and the others should, of course, go full steam ahead with those projects, NATO’s EU is opposed to all such projects because “a plan to invest in plants in Africa would clash with EU green goals”.
The EU’s spin machine is working hard to convince the starving African masses that “EU sanctions against Moscow and Minsk are not to be blamed for the food emergency”, that the fact that the EU stopping Africans getting fertilizer is not responsible for Africans not getting the Russian fertilizer they need and, most incredibly, that Africans should not try to stop NATO starving them to death because of the EU’s green goals..
Instead of helping Africans develop their own fertilizer plants, the EU Commission, which is fronted by the notorious plagiarist, Ursula von der Leyen, vetoed this sensible proposal as “supporting fertiliser production in developing nations would be inconsistent with the EU energy and environment policies”, whereas Africans paying through the nose to ship Canadian fertilizer across the Atlantic presumably would not.
So, even as South America begs for NATO sanctions to be lifted on Russian fertilizer so that Latinos can live, von der Leyen is insisting Latinos and Africans should instead depend on the poop of insects for their very survival. And, although worm castings are nutritionally rich they are, at best, a tiny niche market of use only to von der Leyen, Prince Charles and the rest of them to throw as a sop to the starving millions of Africa, Sri Lanka and India.
The solution to all this is in breaking NATO’s stranglehold, for Latin America, Africa and the Indian sub continent to come together, and pay for Russia, Belarus, Iran and others to deliver them the fertilizer and other products they need, to wish von der Leyen, Prince Charles, Prince Andrew and the rest of them good luck with their worm castings, their private jets and their Swiss bank accounts and to let the world know that the toiling masses of India, Africa and Latin America have as much a right to life, liberty and the pursuit of embargoed fertilizer as has any plagiarizing EU fat cat, who never did an honest day’s work in her life.
Source: Strategic Culture