The Klan Speaks, by Fred Reed

In my years as a police reporter for the Washington Times, I became friends with a DEA undercover guy, soon to retire, who for complex reasons became involved (professionally) with the KKK, which sometimes finances itself through drugs. By surreptitious use of a cellphone camera, he copied a letter from a Klansman in Indiana, tried to give it to both the FBI and Washington Post and, being brushed off by both, gave me a copy. I post it unedited.

Esteemed Grand Klagon and Guide of the Knights of the Invisible Empire,

As commanded by you in your letter of 7 February instant in the Year of Our Lor 2022, I send a precis of our efforts in Washington to prevent the pollution of our hallowed land by the Negro. I can report that events go well for us, though a few things need further attention.

First, we have received the results of the quadrennial test of scholarly performance of children in the state of Maryland. They are most satisfactory. Several black schools in Baltimore had no students who could read proficiently. Others had only a handful. Later we learned by a document clandestinely provided to us that many of these students are at the level of first or second grade.

This salutary illiteracy assures their unemployability for the remaining fifty years of their lives. Illiteracy and its consequences will arouse resentment among our White population. We can count on our enemies to do nothing to better the schools as this would draw attention to their fecklessness in allowing things to reach their current state. Fortunately neither blacks nor Whites appear interested in the matter.

All has gone as the esteemed Subaltern Kleegle of the Florida Klavern has predicted: Our enemies prefer to hide their failures in managing the schools to admitting them and seeking a remedy. This is well as a public cognizance of circumstances might draw forth a foolish sympathy for the Africans among us. Thus do the race mixers do our work for us. For this we should give thanks to our Heavenly Father who sustains our struggle.

In further congruence with the foresights of the Florida Kleegle, the depraved paladins of miscegenation invest great energy in violent denunciation of White Supremacists and White Nationalists while ignoring the Negro in whom they seem to have little interest. I confess myself surprised by this curiousness. Those who purport to desire the advancement of the Negros have chosen to hide their failings rather than address them They appear chiefly interested in political dispute and the suppression of notice of their failure than in doing anything of substance.

This being so, I recommend that the various State Klaverns hold marches in full robes and hoods and, if possible without falling afoul of the law, burn crosses where this will be discovered by minions of the press. This will arouse alarm across the nation and divert thought from anything of practical import. We have further found that hanging a noose where it will be discovered will occupy them for weeks in a state of high and empty excitement. This gives them a sense of accomplishing something  of use without danger of their actually doing so. I confess I think them chiefly interested in being entertained.

On another topic if I may: In earlier years we feared that the various civil rights laws would lead to racial mingling.  This concern seems exaggerated. Klansmen who have labored here quietly for years, some on Capitol Hill, report little mixing with Negros. Those who talk warmly of integration seem little interested in practicing it. Restaurants favored by Whites almost never have more than a few Negros, and usually not those. They appear to campaign ardently for something they do not actually want. This is most gratifying and seems likely to continue. In my twenty years of serving our Cause in the Capital, often in association with people who become furious if the undesirability of miscegenation is mentioned, I have never once encountered a black in any of their homes. None would consider sending their children to the black public schools. Keeping the children apart accustoms them to separation, making assimilation at a later age unlikely. This of course is to be encouraged.

The internet has proved most fecund for our ends. As our Chief Klyton noted in last fall’s National Klavern, Whites are afraid of the Negro, yet cannot admit their fright. This fear is among our greatest assets. Our enemies strictly avoid mention of Negro crime in the media. yet the internet makes the Negro’s depredations visible to all. The consequence of this fruitless attempt to hide the violence of the Negro is to persuade much of the population that their government colludes with the darker race against them. Yet while our enemies cannot conceal the problem, neither can they do anything about it, because this would require admitting that it exists, and this they cannot do. Once again they are doing our work for us.  We should suggest to our members that on the internet they stress complicity in dismantling law and order.

At the last Klavern I differed with the Exalted Subaltern Kleegle of Oklahoma regarding the value of Affirmative Action. The Kleegle held that it promotes social contact with the Negro and might lead to the horrors of intermarriage. There is some truth to this. Yet on the whole affirmative action works in our favor. Without this discrimination against the White Race, there would be fewer Negro doctors but they would be respected by whites. At all costs we should avoid any course that makes the Negro seem able in anything beyond manual work as it might engender social amalgamation. Now Whites avoid Negro doctors while pretending they do not.

Affirmative Action further maintains anger among Whites at what they see as, but dare not complain of, discrimination against themselves. I am almost daily pleased to hear Whites complaining of additional work imposed on themselves to correct unusable work by Negros. I almost wish we had thought of this but, as so often, our enemies do our work for us.

We who labor here in the capital of the Northern Forces know how galling it is to see statues of our hallowed Confederate leaders pulled down. We know that it is done it unending vengeance against the South by Northerners who forget that it was they who imported the slaves. Suffer it we must. Yet in life the road to victory  often passes through difficult and stressful  times. We may hope, with some expectation of a favorable outcome, that anger at the desecration will divide the country permanently and irretrievably so that, if the South cannot rise again, at least the North can, perhaps, be brought down. The insurrection occasioned by the death of the black buck Floyd shows the way.

The foregoing I hope will provide a portrait of the state of our Klan’s affairs in Washington. The question arises: Should we try to better the position of our nation’s White population by political means, or try to ignite a general nationwide insurrection and hope that our membership, being well armed, will prove able to gain control of a large territory and raise our Southern flag?

My own opinion, for what you may deem it worth, is that we should encourage rebellion. Events suggest that the time is propitious. The federal government provokes general dissatisfaction as we cannot, inciting wars, inflation, decline of the economy, sectional anger. President Biden seems almost to do this deliberately, though it is hard to tell what is in his mind. I have wondered whether he migh secretly be one of us, though this is a question above my rank. The  dissatisfaction’s  provide a fertile field for an uprising.

The key, we may hope, will be a sudden intense fury among the Negros. They see themselves kept in segregation and illiteracy, feared and secretly scorned by Whites who talk of equality while preventing it except in the few. Negros vote almost entirely for the Democrat party, which consequently has to do nothing for them, and the Republican party will not get Negro votes no matter what it does, so neither will undertake anything of substance for the dark race. Thus we can rely on continuing and growing dissatisfaction among our Africans.

Our best hope for an igniting spark is criminality among blacks that grows as their conditions worsen and they see no likelihood of betterment. We now see a sharp increase of murders of Whites by Blacks, which are hidden by the media but known on the internet. I think we can rely on this continuing. With this fortunate development fear will grow among whites who will abandon the cities, increasing poverty therein. Our enemies cannot control crime as they would lose the votes of blacks and cities would burn, so we can, I think, count on a productive increase of hostility among the African race. Sooner or later, explosion must come. For this we should pray.

I will close now, hoping this report of use. Our way ahead is beset by storm clouds and uncertainties but we may yet emerge into the light of success of our Holy Cause for the preservation of our people and nation.

Your faithful servant,

Samuel Gregory,

Exalted Subaltern Kleegle