Ukrainian terrorists assassinate daughter of Russian philosopher Alexander Dugin, by Dmitry Orlov
On Saturday, August 20, 2022, in Odintsov neighborhood of Bolshaya Vyaz’ma, near Moscow, a car bomb planted under the driver’s seat took away the life of journalist Darya Dugina, 29, daughter of Russian philosopher and politologist Alexander Dugin. The bomb was planted by Ukrainian citizen Natalya Vovk, born in 1979, who had arrived in Russia on July 23 together with her daugher Sofia Shaban. They had rented an apartment in the building where Dugina lived and followed her around in a Mini Cooper under three different license plates: from Donetsk, Kazakhstan and the Ukraine. The day of the terrorist attack Vovk and her daughter were present at the festival “Tradition” attended by Alexander Dugin and his daughter. After triggering the explosive device, the two fled via Pskov to Estonia. Alexander Dugin was following Darya in another car and witnessed the explosion. He is now in a hospital, being treated for psychological trauma. He and his daughter were very close and worked closely together on various projects.
Although Western media hacks rushed to call Dugin “Putin’s advisor” or “Russian nationalist” or any number of other nonsense epithets, that’s just the usual Western media nonsense. Dugin is a philosopher and, being rather controversial, is not in any sense close to the Kremlin. He has produced a very impressive body of work and it may be a bad idea to summarize it in just a few sentences, but I’ll try.
The specifics of the Russian state have to do with the vast Eurasian landscape and are independent of ethnology, religion, economics or ideology and require for its preservation a single strong leader whose power rests on the approval of a vast, conservative, locally self-governing, patriotic majority. When Russia had such leadership, especially under Prince Vladimir [~915-1015], Ivan IV the Terrible [1530-1584], Peter I the Great [1672-1725], Joseph Stalin and now under Vladimir Putin, its realm expanded rapidly. Even under not so great leaders, it grew steadily because its model of governance, with an authoritative center safeguarding the interests of far-flung communities large and small regardless of ethnicity, language or religion, gradually gained adherents among neighboring populations based on the principle of self-evident ethnic complementarity. The two counterexamples of massive incompetence are Mikhail Gorbachev and Boris Yeltsin, who brought Russia to the brink of economic collapse and political dissolution. Following the passing of America’s unipolar moment a decade or so ago, Russia has been steadily expanding its reach and stands an excellent chance of joining other great nations of Eurasia in forming a Eurasian center of power that will cast off the burden of external control and exploitation by Western nations. Dugin sees Moscow as the Third Rome and the inheritor of both the Eastern Roman Empire and the Mongol Empire. He is a Russian patriot but calling him a nationalist is pure nonsense since Russia is not a nation but a federation of many nations.
As seems usual with the Ukrainians, the heinous act of assassinating Dugin’s daughter was for them a potently self-destructive act. Before this event, Dugin labored in relative obscurity and his ideas were widely known in rather narrow circles and considered controversial. But now his name is everywhere and tens of millions of people are looking him up and studying his work. His daughter’s martyrdom has elevated her, and him, to the status of national heroes and how their names, and his work, will live on forever.
The Ukrainians could hardly have done more to advance the cause of Eurasian sovereignty and to hasten the demise of their still-born, foreign-controlled fake mono-ethnic nationalist clan. Assassinating the daughter of a philosopher is an act of Ukrainian national humiliation and its leaders, who ordered the hit, will now wallow in perpetual ignominy and shame.
Source: Club Orlov