Fable of the Ancient Tribe, by Ray Zwarich
No internet… Hmm… Coincidences do happen… Post hoc ergo propter hoc is a logical fallacy… ‘Might be true’ is NOT ‘true’…
Games are over, folks… It’s time… Time we get down t’ business…
We know that the Enemy is ruthless. This Enemy burns, blows up, starves and otherwise kills babies, (and plenty of other folks too, of course, but EVEN babies), just to maintain and increase its own wealth and power.
That is as ruthless as ruthless can possibly be… ‘More’ ruthless than these people, simply does not exist. The Enemy is VICIOUS ruthless… (we could say…)
Only fools and idiots would assume that such an Enemy has a ‘moral compass’.
I think they do.
Lacking a moral compass means not being able to tell the difference between good and evil. That makes them ‘innocent’, like Eve before she took that first bite… The tiger feels no pangs of shame or guilt, as the lamb bleats in pain and terror while being eaten alive by a giant monster… Is the tiger ‘innocent’?
But Eve ate that apple… and forever burdened us with the ‘knowledge of good and evil’… Humans could no longer claim ‘innocence’…
Should we ‘blame’ Eve? Or give thanks?…
No…. I think these people DO have a moral compass that works perfectly fine… They KNOW the difference between Good and Evil…
They have CHOSEN Evil… The Age Old human foibles, raw human lust, raw human greed, raw POWER, have again driven them to CHOOSE evil… The Devil lives in ALL of us, every single one… The Devil in these Fiendish Murderous Ghouls have come to rule over them… They burn babies, and then, with a straight face, they tell us it’s “worth it”, to feed their raw lust for wealth and POWER, theri lust for World Domination, to murder 500,000 human children.. “It’s a hard choice”, (quell the urge to vomit), “but we think it’s worth it”. (Okay… let ‘r loose)…
“We can forgive the Arabs for killing our children, but we CANNOT forgive them for forcing us to kill THEIR children.” – Golda Meier
There it is… Ladies and gentlemen… THERE lies the Gordian Anti-Reason that so easily ties so many human minds into knots… Could any but this Ancient Tribe, which believes with great certitude that they are God’s favorite (chosen) people, believe in their deepest hearts that Golda Meier’s monstrously EVIL ‘logic’ makes ‘perfect sense’?
“It’s THEIR fault we’re murdering their children”, sez ole Baba Meier, of the Ancient Tribe, blood dripping in a steady rivulet from her hands, baby-guts stuck to her apron.
These people burn, blow up, starve, and otherwise kill babies, for the SOLE purpose of increasing their OWN wealth, power, and DOMINANCE.. (Ahh.. Dominus.. Dominus.. sigh..)
And then they blame their victims… “We had to kill them for their own good… They forced us to kill their babies..” (The power of the Human Mind to deceive itself knows no bounds.)
Or else they claim they are doing God’s Will… That’s what the People of the Ancient Tribe do… (They are allied with other tribes, with many Christain tribes, for example, in a Syndicate of Ruling Elites… Who ALL pretend to believe they are doing God’s will.
When these DEADLY self-important People of the Ancient Tribe came to the land of Canaan, (having escaped the Egyptians, who HATED them so much the Pharaoh wanted to kill them ALL), when the Ancient Tribe first came to the land ‘between the river and the sea’, later to become known as Palestine, or Judea, and then Israel, this land was fully inhabited by a populous tribe of reasonably prosperous, and reasonably happy, people… The Canaanites… This Ancient Tribe, believing itself to be God’s Favorite People, killed ALL the Canaanites, every single one, (including all the babies, of course). Ohh… But they didn’t stop there…
Nooo… Not this vicious self-important Ancient Tribe… God’s Favorite People… They killed EVERY living thing that had a beating heart… They killed every goat, every chicken, every donkey, every ox, every dog, every song bird in a cage… They killed EVERY living thing they could…
And then they said… “God told us to do this… This is Good what we have done… We have only obeyed God… Thus we are PROUD that we have done this… Let us write this down to be our Tribe’s Lore..
“Let ‘The Book’ declare that this be the Legend of the Ancient Tribe.”… saith the priests of the Ancient Tribe, as they stain the River Jordan blood red, from their bathing the blood and guts off ‘em in those waters… off themselves, then off of each other… As they celebrated the joyous occasion of the Original Genocide..
So it is written in the Book of the Ancient Tribe.. which they always read again, as they once again celebrate their EVIL ‘deed’ to the Ancient Land of Canaan…
They’re God’s Favorite People.. Don’t forget… As Malone said, (in his Scottish brogue): “How’s THAT for claiming ‘legal’ authority fer yer sins?Claiming an actual genicde as a ‘deed’ from God?… Aren’t those people cunning?… Just claim that your raw evil Desire, your raw lust for DOMINANCE…(O..Dominus…Dominus..sigh..).. Yer greed for wealth and POWER is merely a gift from God?”
LOL… That Malone fella always has a way of puttin’ things, eh?
“And THAT, boys and girls, was how the People of the Ancient Tribe came to claim a ‘deed’ to this territory… God His Own Self gave it t’ them”, sez Malone (in his Scotsman’s celtic brogue).
Well… Live by.. Die by.. Eh?…
As they took it from The Canaanites, the Romans took it from them… LOL… ‘Cept the Romans weren’t NEAR as VICIOUS as the People of the Ancient Tribe.. They didn’t ’em kill ’em all. They just kicked their asses out the front gate, and said, “We’re SICK ‘a ya’s… Get the FOCK outta here, and don’t never come back!”
The People of the Ancient Tribe were BITTER…. Powerful bitter… They vowed their revenge… If it takes 2000 years even, they vowed, together, as a bitter, defeated tribe, that they would have their REVENGE!
They wandered the Earth… They first went north, into the Caucasus… They lived among other tribes… They converted many others to their beliefs, in order to gain influence, then power, over any and ALL of these tribes they encountered… They had a Magic Talisman to offer to these primitive, uneducated (ignorant) peoples. If you adopt our beliefs, you can be one of God’s Favorite People too..
Living among primitives, armed with the experience of ancient knowledge, including their own fanatical tribal religious devotion, this Ancient Tribe were an exceedingly cunning people… These primitive tribes were virtually defenseless against the Ancient Tribe’s ancient ‘wisdom’.. of people’s follies and weaknesses, to use against them…
In EVERY society in which these People of the Ancient Tribe, lived, they slowly, cunningly, steadily, inexorably, took over all the levers of social and political power… They ALWAYS gained control of ‘the money’, and they ALWAYS gained control of ‘the means of communication’, the two most CRUCIAL levers of social and political power.
As they established themselves among the Caucasian tribes, they also continued to migrate, as the centuries grew into millennia… northeast, then west, around the Black Sea, into Europe.. All along the way, in EVERY territory they came to live in, (in EVERY single one), they did the SAME dang thing… They cunningly gained control of ‘the money’, and of ‘the means of communication’… And thus they cunningly came to dominate the other tribes, despite being only a tiny infinitesimal percentage of the population.
Well… As any normal and sane human person can imagine, all those other tribes came to resent, and eventually to hate, this Ancient Tribe, that so arrogantly claimed to be God’s Favorite People, and so cunningly took over all their banks, and all their ‘means of communication’… However crude… if they communicated with smoke signals, the Ancient Tribe would cunningly buy up all the suitable promontories, and all the forests, all the wood supply for burning, all the fuel to make smoke, for miles around… THAT is how cunning the People of the Ancient Tribe ALWAYS were.
As the centuries grew into millennia, human societies advanced, in terms of raw knowledge, in terms of technology… But always… ALWAYS… The Ancient Tribe, a tiny infinitesimal percentage of the population, maintained control of the SAME two levers of political/social power… In EVERY society they EVER lived in, they came to control the money, (not merely wealth, but the money itself), and the means of communication.
Well… What if it was YOU? What if these people lived in YOUR society? What if they were but 2% of your society’s population, but had come to control not just your banks, but your money itself… And had an Iron Fist effective control of your ENTIRE apparatus of social mass communication?… How would YOU feel?
[Just as an aside here… My internet is out… It’s our only connection to the ‘outside world’… People of the Ancient Tribe control our service…
(Charter Communications, owned by Liberty Global, whose largest stockholder is Harris Associates LP, (the stock share of the next largest is less than 1/6th its size, 51 million shares to 8 million…) Harris Associates LP was the step-child of the Irving Harris Foundation, (from their website, “Harris Associates L.P. is founded, born out of Irving Harris‘ family office”.]
Yea… boys and girls… These People of the Ancient Tribe have been doing what they do for a VERY long time, and they control my ONLY connection to the ‘outside world’… LOL…
We cut the TV cable years ago.. (At least five, maybe more..)… We don’t get a reliable cell signal out here, (AT&T, who owns them?), but now we have cell service over the internet.. Except when we don’t.. like now…Hmm.. is there a storm?..no.. uhh… well.. shit happens.. post hoc ergo propter hoc is a logical fallacy…
Well… Raise your hand if you think they could NOT do this if they wanted to… I’ve got a big pointy HAT here for you to wear… And a special stool for you to sit on… Here.. stick this red bulb on yer nose…
Would those nice folks do such a thing to a poor old half crippled ape?
Eh.. well.. Post hoc ergo propter hoc… We’re out here ‘in the sticks’… Prob’ly just one of the dead oaks, from that gypsy-moth infestation a couple r’ so years back… fell across the cable…
You ever seen a ‘lineman’ work, folks?… LOL… Whew BOY!.. You wanna know what “leather tough” means?… Go out in an ice storm, ‘specially one outta the Nor’east in this territory, with the wind blowing a steady 40-mile, every which way, and sometimes in circles.. Go on out, folks.. it’s fun and exciting… follow a lineman as he does his day’s, or dead of night’s, work… LOL… (You’ll be missin’ yer toasty-warm cozy bed.. LOL..)
Them guy’ll get it fixed… They’ll spit out ‘few chewed up nails, get outta their trucks, and “git’r’dun”… Yea.. Shit just happens sometimes… But we got full grow’d men, (that’s M-E-N ladies), on the job. They’ll get Caliban fixed up… just a fallen dead oak tree.
I ain’t a’scared them Ancient Tribe people… Yea… they’re DEADLY vicious… but once yer not afraid of dying, folks.. what’s left t’ be afraid of?
Rats in a cage eating your face?… (Like ole GeorgieBoy wrote about poor Winston)… Naw… (Malone again)…”I like me chances.. I’ll crush their rat-skulls with me molars, spit ‘em out, and hope I don’t get sick from the moral filth… So what’s a couple bloody cheeks… I didn’t need that side ‘a me nose anyway.. yea… didn’t feel good, but ALL human pain stops eventually… (ALL human pain…)
Anyways… LOL… Sheesh… (sigh…)..
Naw… I do NOT believe ‘they’ turned off my ONLY connection to the ‘outside world’… I just know it’s turned off… and I also know they COULD if they wanted to, with the mere flip of a switch…
Raise your hand if you’re so stupid you don’t understand that, or what it means… Didja folks never read ole GeorgieBoy Orwell?… 1948, same year Dulles and Marcuse were drinking brandy together in walnut-paneled dens, smoking big cigars, late into the wee hours, getting the CIA organized…
Yea… that English fella.. Orwell… He read about Zworykin’s work… He ‘SAW’ what those boys, Dulles and Marcuse, were gonna do… And that old boy wrote a whole fucking BOOK about it, but we’re two fucking STUPID now to even read it anymore, let alone understand it…
Anyway… This Ancient Tribe, a clan name a’ Rothschilde captured effective control of Europe’s money, then eventually even crossed the “Big Watah”, (as my Dji-Dji called it, he never spoke but pid’gin English, but was a brilliant man), and came to live in a land that would one day become America…. OUR nation… (Theirs too… but NOT theirs alone… Capisce, ye ancient ones?… Believe me, folks, they ‘capisce’.. LOL..)
1913 was a key (as in ‘watershed’ caliber ‘key’) year in our nation’s History, and hardly ANY of us even know it… (Because..because… duhh.. Because those who control ALL our means of communication don’t WANT us to know it). They now, (as of 1913), could actually ‘make’ money, as in ‘manufacture’ it, (not ‘earn’ it) for themselves, first with a printing press, now with merely keystrokes on a computer.
They need an extra $TRILLION ‘r so? No problemo… A phone call to a slime creature lackey… A SlipperyPelosisaurus, or a BidenSwampViper, and then turn yer chair around, and type a $TRILLION or 2 for yourself, or 5, or ANY damn much you WANT…
Well, folks… How would YOU feel if that Ancient Tribe came to control not just YOUR nation’s money itself, not just YOUR nation’s entire apparatus of Mass Communications, but your nation’s Universities, as well… And every local State Legislature… And any and every other lever of social and political power they can…
What if they controlled the textbooks used in your grade schools, and middle schools, and high schools, and now started to teach your children that YOU are EVIL?
How would YOU feel?…
Well… ya know how folks ‘kin be… That’s how lots and LOTS of people are a’ gettin’ t’ feel.. Ya know?
Well… If you’ll just read your History, you’d know that everywhere this Ancient Tribe EVER went to live, EVERY-fuckin’-where….sooner or later the other people they lived among came to HATE them intensely… (Don’t take my word… Read it fer yer OWN dang self… It’s History…)
Well… Anyway.. If you’ll just read your History… (Geez.. these humans.. sigh..)… you’ll ‘see’ that in Ancient Times, in fact, in times not all that long ago, in the time of Caliban’s own father and mother, humans were MUCH less ‘civilized’… (I ain’t sayin’ we’re ready to boast yet, but we HAVE made considerable progress, if not ‘on the ground’, at least in terms of moral consciousness)…
Even as late as “four score and seven years ago” now, anger against this arrogant Ancient Tribe, (God’s Favorite People, we must NEVER forget), once again came to a violent ‘fever pitch’… in the land of the Ancient Suebi… (Germany)… The fiercest warriors of all Europe… (The Gauls were so scared of ’em, that they told Caesar’s soldiers that one could not even look them in the eye, so keen and fierce was their gaze…. No shit… ‘Leastways that’s what Caesar tells us… (Plutarch gives some corroboration)
When THOSE warriors let loose their terrible anger against the Ancient Tribe… It was a HORRIBLE slaughter… but it was nothing NEW to the Ancient Tribe… They ALWAYS came to be hated, ALWAYS, with DEADLY vehement PASSION, by EVERY other peoples they have EVER lived among…
Read your History folks… These are NOT ‘fairy tales’…. This is what actually happened…
But the Ancient Tribe wants Caliban to believe that in ALL these cases, in every SINGLE case, it was all those OTHER people who were fucked-up monsters… They bat their teary-cunning Ancient Tribe eyes, like pure snow-shrouded maidens, and tell us, “WE are innocent, because we are God’s Favorite People”.
And now Caliban ‘sees’ that this Ancient Tribe has come to dominate my OWN nation… Oh… Okey doke, then… Well… what’s it to me? Eh? Are they hurting me?
You BETCHA they are…
They are threatening my FAMILY’s safety… they are threatening my babies, “unborned and unnamed”… and THAT is why Caliban’s nose is flaring wide open, snorting out his buggars and snot, (so’s he can breathe better once it starts… Caliban has been ‘in action’ a couple ‘r so times before).
Caliban is fighting for my FAMILY… For me own BLOOD… And it very WELL may be ‘to the death’… “One way or another, this darkness gots t’ give…”
Caliban has watched, with me OWN eyes, as these people of the Ancient Tribe now claim, and more than merely claim, they enFORCE… on pain of death to innocent babies… God’s ‘Deed’, to the land the Romans took from them.
They AGAIN wantonly slaughter the innocent, claiming that only God Himself commands them… Then turn to us, hands dripping red, and say, “We’re God’s Favorite People and we can do ANYTHING we WANT”..
Ahh.. Well… Okey dokey then…
Again.. Raw HATRED is rising fast against the Ancient Tribe… This Ancient Tribe is indeed cunning… MUCH more so than most people have yet even realized… (This Story is only beginning to be told…)… They KNOW what’s coming… They’re scared shitless.. These people are DESPERATE scared… And thus they are exCEEDingly DANGEROUS…
In their desperation, these People of the Ancient Tribe have decided to destroy us, to utterly destroy us, as a people, for DARING to defy and threaten them… They have already utterly destroyed our culture.. They have destroyed the very moral fabric of our nation, the same as is the moral fabric of EVERY nation. They have made irresponsible cruel Lotharios of our sons, and sluts and whores of our poor daughters.. Now they hold society’s puppet strings in their hands… They control ‘the blacks’… The stupid idiotic Marionette Left dances all herky-jerky on their cunning evil strings…
It was Marcuse… Professor Herbert Marcuse, Allen Dulles’ drinking buddy, who was the Evil Genius of the Ancient Tribe…. It was Marcuse raped and murdered Marilyn Monroe.. (Figurative/poetic language here… Mary is a VERY old name.. eh?) It was Marcuse taught our daughters they oughta’ just ‘have fun’, like SindieGirl said, “Girl’s Jes’ Wanna Have Fun”… Eh? Now they gots a babe on each tit, and no man around, and life just SUCKS big time… ALL the time… They now HATE men.. (Well… Can ya blame ’em fer carrying a silver dagger?)
“Heh-heh-heh”… sez the evil cunning Mengele, er, Marcuse.
Ahhh… But these Ancient People have a VERY long memory… and thus they KNOW they will fail… They’re ALWAYS too smart for their OWN good.. But their raw lust for DOMINANCE (o Dominus.. Dominus.. sigh..) is so great, that even though they KNOW what comes next… The water already sloshes about their ankles… The sweat hits the table like lead bullets… They just can’t help themselves…
And Grampaw Owen, a leather tough old country boy, taught Caliban well… A critter is NEVER as dangerous as when he ‘r she’s scared for her ‘r his very life…
And here’s a poor old ape, hobbling around… DEATHLY fearing fer me fambly’s life… Ya think an old ape ain’t dangerous?
Maybe ya oughta think s’more?
PS: How ya been, Bibi Joffrey?… Since they nailed yer rotten corrupt heart to the wall with a silver stake?
No… LOL… fer REAL, folks… fer fuckin’ REAL… LOL… Bibi Joffrey.. his own dark nasty evil-hearted self.. reads Caliban’s mail.. Ain’t that somepin’?
Aghh… These soft-clothes people don’t even yet know… (cue the double palm wave)…“Things went down you don’t understand, but in time I think ya will”… Robert Hunter; Jerome Garcia
They will… They’ll come to ‘see’… They most certainly will.. Caliban has FAITH in them… And poor Bibi is sweating bullets, as his feet slosh… His shawl pulled tight around his evil stopped shoulders as he shakes in uncontrollable fear… Awe, c’mon Bibi, forgiveness is divine… just repent, and we’ll forgive ya.
“Can we build a nation on forgiveness’ grace?.. Can we walk together hand in hand?”..