Identify the Enemy – The Basics, by Ray Zwarich
Dear All:
What we are witnessing in our tragic, bleeding nation is already horrific, and it’s clearly only going to get much worse before it even starts to get better. Let’s keep faith in the latter… At some point, things will take a turn toward ‘goodness’, or at least toward ‘the better’… (All same)… But let us resolve to face, with human civilized dignity, whatever these difficult and vexing conditions throw at us.
And it sure looks like some ‘hard traveling’ lies near ahead, right square in the middle of every road.
We could face things, no matter how bad they get, in civilized human dignity, employing Reason in pursuit of Goodness, searching, with self-aware humility, for the Truth… Searching for political harmony… as the Nuclear Demon growls in the dank basement dungeon… pulling violently at its chains… Hot July days… Dog Days of August ahead…
We could do that… It IS an ‘option’… We could freely choose to do that…
We could resolve ourselves past our blind self-biases…
Those who should be allies must first stop being enemies…
We could resolve ourselves to being dignified and civilized humans… To being mature and self-aware adult humans… Employing disciplined Reason in scientifically humble pursuit of Truth itself…
But we’re clearly not ‘ready’, not NEAR ‘ready’. yet. We’re not yet capable of doing the ONLY things that can save all our lives and our children’s dreams to boot…
Yea… Well… Folks… We best ‘get ready’ with all due energy… Only Self-Awareness can save us… Fight the closest ‘enemy’ first. We EACH can find that foe in any mirror…
People who must be allies (to survive) must FIRST stop being enemies… If YOU don’t already know that, then YOUR ‘closest enemy’ is in YOUR mirror…
The Political Party now in power is now openly ‘weaponizing’ the powers of government. It is ‘prosecuting’ its political opponents for their beliefs. It is using an over-the-top ‘kangaroo court’, a Prime Time Reality TV Show, with ZERO Constitutional Due Process, to actually seize and imprison people if they refuse to ‘be silent’.
The Democratic Party Machine is exerting open Tyranny against the American traditions of Constitutional Democracy.
It is now “illegal” to believe anything that the Democratic Party has declared, by dictatorial fiat, is illegal to believe.
The Democratic Party Machine, the DPM, is in the process, right in front of us, right before our very eyes, of seizing outright totalitarian control over our government and electoral system. And the Democratic Party Machine is openly threatening anyone who dares to notice what they’re doing with deadly-serious consequences.
Anyone who even dares to notice what ‘they’ (the DPM) are doing… Anyone who DARES say anything about it, about what we ALL can see happening in front of our very eyes, are now being accused, arrested and prosecuted as criminals. Anyone who dares oppose the Democratic Party Machine’s open seizure of totalitarian power is being openly threatened with prosecution, imprisonment, loss of livelihood, loss of property, even loss of all assets to the extent of complete impoverishment.
Yesterday a US Senator, that disgusting (‘oily-slime’) Charly Schummer character, (gee… what tribe does he represent foremost?… one wonders)… publicly threatened a major Mass Media figure, in fact THE top-rated, THE “most-watched” Mass Media news-figure/spokesperson in the entire nation, Tucker Carlson, with being silenced, with being taken off the air.
The POTUS has openly and publicly ‘demonized’ anyone who refuses to bow and bend-the-knee to the Democratic Party Machine. This poor, stupid, senile old man, poor ole Skinny Joe, has actually classified as many as 100 million voting-age American citizens as “domestic terrorists” who must be ‘brought to account’, who must be prosecuted, for being political opponents of the DPM, and for believing illegal beliefs.
Joe Biden, a two-bit bagman for Big Money for 50 some years, has acquiesced to spending his rapidly onsetting dotage in public humiliation, as Big Money’s ‘Patsy’… Poor ole Joe has actually said this out loud, not just in public, but in his official capacity as POTUS… In an ‘official statement’ the POTUS, poor senile old Joe driving the buggy as the wheels wobble, has called teeming tens of millions of American citizens “domestic terrorists” who must be prosecuted for believing ‘illegal beliefs’.
While delusionally, and grotesquely batting its ‘innocent maiden’ lashes, in its ghoulishly macabre pose as a ‘hero’ of ‘democracy’, the DPM, the Democratic Party Machine, has launched a full-on offensive to seize actual totalitarian control of our entire governmental process. They are now openly using the US Government’s Police Powers, the Justice Department, including the FBI, the nation’s Police Department, to criminalize and silence political opponents.
This thuggish ‘DPM’ (Demo Party Machine) is the SAME ‘Sopranos’-style ‘crew’ that insists that all suspicions of its behavior during the ’20 election are “baseless lies”.
And anyone who thinks otherwise will be publicly arrested and put in handcuffs and leg-irons, (literally), and thrown into a solitary confinement dungeon (literally) for 18 months (and waiting, this is ongoing… this is actually happening now), without trial or bail.
The DPM is running a Prime Time Show Trial… A Reality TV Show… With zero ‘due process’ for the accused, (ZERO)… Only the prosecution can present a ‘case’, no ‘defense’ is allowed at ALL… but ‘they’ have arrogated the very real power to threaten real people with ‘deadly’-caliber consequences, with utter ruin and impoverishment, with seizure of all property, and even imprisonment, for holding the ‘wrong’ beliefs, (‘wrong’ defined as whatever the DPM says is ‘wrong’).
People are being threatened with ‘deadly’ power… we are being threatened with having our lives destroyed, for the crime of believing things that the DPM has officially declared to be ‘illegal beliefs’.
The Party in Power, the DPM, is openly declaring the primary political beliefs of the opposing Party, a faction populated with tens upon teeming tens of millions of American citizens of full voting age, to be “illegal”, punishable by being ground into utter ruin, living in a cold concrete cell with a steel door, your children shacked up with in-laws someplace.
One of the most horrific aspects of what we ALL can ‘see’ happening right before our very eyes, is that many people, possibly even most people, either don’t really know very much about what’s happening, or else, among some that are better informed, they just don’t really care that much.
Among the latter group, some have been lost into nihilism. (We can still get them back… This is a ‘spiritual’ struggle… We must win people to the ‘right’ social spirit… Only then can we carry forward with any credible political struggle). Nihilists think life is meaningless, and therefore nothing matters much to them, other than their own animal appetite gratifications, (to eat and to orgasm).
Others aren’t nihilistic, but rather just choose a sort of ‘ostrich’ (head stuck in dark place) strategy. Or we could call it the ‘big pink elephant’ strategy. Just ignore it… Pretend it’s not really there… Their own immediate lives are mostly OK. They have nice houses and drive late model cars, and have good incomes, etc. They have enough net worth that they don’t fear losing their homes in the near term. They do not live one paycheck from the street, with kids depending on them… They, the willfully ignorant, the Ostrich (head in a dark place) Crowd, think if they ignore the bad stuff they see, it’ll maybe just go away and not bother them or their lives very much.
Eventually it’ll all be over, and something else will be ‘on the news’. What time does the game start? Who’s sleeping with whom in Hollywood? These are our modern version of what has been called “the good Germans” of the 1930s, who maybe weren’t Nazis themselves, but rather just ‘went along’ as The Party steadily rose until it openly claimed totalitarian power, as our DPM now does.
The Political Party in Power is very obviously executing a slow motion ‘coup’, set in full motion on 14 October, ’20, (Obviously in meticulous preparation long before)… in a bid to seize outright totalitarian power over our government, silencing all political opponents with threats of imprisonment and impoverishment…
We must be careful to be aware, and to point out, that if they are successful, this political party will not have totalitarian control over the nation, since this party only works as an agency for a broader and more comprehensive power structure. Governmental power is a HUGE degree of power… Don’t get me wrong on that… But it is far from the most powerful among all the elements of power that comprise the ‘Syndicated’ Powers of the Ruling Elites who control our lives.
Surely all people who are paying attention know that our two political parties are each, and both, under the control of this broader amalgamation of Raw Wealth… Both of our two Political Parties are under the control of this ‘Elite Syndicate’, comprised of the deadly Raw Power that Super Wealth imparts to a relatively small group of actual living, breathing, farting, people..
The Ruling Elites… The Elite Syndicate… Call it what you will… “It’s a VERY exclusive club, and YOU ain’t IN IT!… See?” – G. Carlin…
Those are the people who control the ‘Goebbels Committee’… Every human who is awake and paying attention, surely knows that ALL the entire edifice of Mass Media is in the hands of a very small ‘committee’… Those people, very real individuals, living breathing, rutting, shitting humans, who make up the Goebbels Committee, are delegates of the General Ruling Syndicate.
They, those that own and control ALL Mass Media, are waging war against the American People. They control all the pieces ‘on the board’. It’s ‘their’ turn… Then they scurry to the other side of the table… Where it’s ‘their turn’ again… Then back to the other side… It’s ALWAYS ‘their turn’ because it’s ‘their game’.
It’s classic communist/marxist/leninist/stalinist/fascist/mafia-style “Democratic Centralism”… The Syndicate of whatever powers exist operates more or less ‘democratically’ among its own ranks. All ‘members’ know the rules… else they wouldn’t be there… they wouldn’t have ever become members… Every Locus of Power at the table has a threat on the others somehow backing her or him up… Again… If they didn’t have such a threat backing them up… If every member didn’t present a credible threat of power to every other member… Then they wouldn’t BE ‘at the table’… This table is where the ‘Big Guys’ sit down.
The nation’s Common People currently have ZERO representation at that ‘Table’.
These people practice raw and primitive ‘democracy’ among themselves. And if agreements aren’t reached… Well… “War is just ‘democracy’ carried to its extreme” – (paraphrasing von Clausewitz)
Those of us who are aware can see that ‘things’ seem to be progressing steadily… Like a long, heavy steel train, packed with shiny black hard coal, hundreds of cars of raw mass, raw weight… a train that can take an hour, (it always seems like), to pass by when you’re stuck at the crossing gate… Have you ever heard it?… When its wheels first start moving… A sudden lurch as the wheels break free from the tracks’ friction, then a low heavy hum that reverberates deep into your chest, as raw power of awful, awesome magnitude is applied to the wheels before they can again fully ‘stop’ on the tracks again and get a new grip of friction and inertia… and then the wheels begin to move… every one together, as far as you can see up and down that train in either direction… the wheels begin to turn, ever so slowly, then steadily just ever so slightly faster.
Lotta weight in that train. Lotta power. Once that train is moving at all, stopping it again, taking all that raw energy back out of it… is exactly as hard as it was to get it moving… Energy, (Power), can neither be created nor destroyed… Only changed in form… So much power in the mass itself… So hard to get moving, but once all that ‘mass’ starts moving, all that energy ap[plied becomes momentum… Even going half the speed a healthy human can saunter, that train already has enough power in its ‘momentum’ to crush an automobile into a twisted, jagged glass strewn tin pot… You don’t wanna let momentum build up too much with a downgrade ahead…
One Political Party, and its highly organized ‘Political Machine’, the Party now in power, the DPM, the DemoParty Machine, in desperate fear as it feels its power rapidly slipping away as the US economy falls into shambles, has now fully weaponized the US Justice Department. Using the FBI as strong-arm ‘muscle’, the DPM is arresting, in handcuffs and even leg irons, (literally), arresting its political opponents publicly, for maximum humiliation effect. The leaders of the DPM, such as “oily-mucous” Charly Schummer, (a DEADLY dangerous character), are calling for the strong-arm silencing of Leading Voices among their political opponents…
I’m not by any means a Constitutional scholar, but I do know for certain that using the powers of government for partisan purposes is the exact manner through which ‘democracy’ is always, and predictably, (have any read Aristotle? Here’s a good primer), corrupted by the powers of the Super Wealthy.
Tyranny is a kind of monarchy which has in view the interest of the monarch only; oligarchy has in view the interest of the wealthy; democracy, of the needy: none of them the common good of all.
For the real difference between democracy and oligarchy is poverty and wealth. Wherever men rule by reason of their wealth, whether they be few or many, that is an oligarchy, and where the poor rule, that is a democracy.
— Aristotle
When the poor rule, it is their appetites that guide their opinions. What the poor want is to keep the people they love fed and sheltered. When people are motivated by their appetites, by their WANTS, they are no longer much capable of Reason.
Mobs ‘reason’ with their ‘passions’. This is what empowers demagogues… It is relatively easy to ‘fool’ people who are greatly ‘aroused’ emotionally… The Mass Media easily orchestrates the Woke Mob’s Passions… Mob Passions become like religious fervor. Facts don’t matter to them anymore, once the mantle of self-righteousness is taken on, once one is self-anointed with self-righteous moral superiority, people become self-delusional. They become ‘crazed’ in their beliefs.
In the stupor of ideology… Wielding the mantle of ‘holy’ self-righteousness… Like a herd of crazed zombies in some B movie dystopia, the Woke Mob has easily been induced to passionately believe that ‘Reality’ itself is ‘optional’… Facts don’t matter as they march forward doing their ‘religious’ duties… I remember how ‘Onward Christian Soldiers‘ “marching as to war”, gave me goosebumps as a small child in Lutheran Sunday School….
They come to actually feel morally superior, and therefore “licensed to lie”, to serve their ‘holy’ (morally superior) cause… Public Honor lies long dead…
The Truth is optional??… Uhh… The Truth will find a way to manifest itself… These aren’t just words… It is the Truth, the Truth itself, and ONLY the Truth, that can set us free…
The Truth will find a way… It always does… Flowing as insistently as highland water…
Identify the Enemy
The DPM that is seizing tyrannical powers over our government is NOT ‘The Enemy’. The DPM is only an agency of The Enemy. The thing we MUST remember is that Trump’s forces also comprise an agency of The Enemy.
The Enemy is not hosting a genuine political contest… The Enemy is merely ‘running a show’. It’s like Pro Wrestling… It’s make-believe… It’s not a real contest… It doesn’t matter to those running the game which ‘side’ wins… There might be temporary advantages, but long term, it doesn’t matter who wins or loses elections. The Ruling Elite Syndicate is still running the show and raking in the dough…
The Elite Syndicate, through its Goebbels Committee, controls both ‘ends’ of our ‘engineered’ political ‘spectrum’. Trump is fully ‘on board’ with US Empire. He just has had some friendlier notions toward Russia… following the theory of driving a wedge between Russia and China, rather than driving those nations into closer alliance…
So… ‘Both’ sides are on ONE side… Right??… US Empire… dedicated to Israel… Both ‘sides’, both Political Parties, both Republicans and Democrats, support the primacy and control of the Ruling Elite Syndicate ‘come hell or high water’…
I’m not sure anyone even knows… (Anyone?…)… But I’d peg the mega-organized American Jewish Lobby at holding about 40% of the total power of the Ruling Elite Syndicate. Enough to exert overall control through primarily Jewish-controlled Mass Media.
But whatever its tribal make-up and motivations, the Elite Syndicate easily and expertly uses its centralized control of the immense power of Mass Media to ‘sway the mob’, to control a giant charade of ‘democracy’, to the Elites’ own needs and commands.
Even beyond simply control of what people know and/or believe, the Mass Media control how people FEEL. The Mass Media have immense control over the general ’emotions’ of the population, who are each intensely focused on Mass Media for several hours every single day… Every citizen is bombarded with an estimated 6,000 to 10,000 advertisements assaulting everyone’s consciousness constantly throughout every single day.
Never mind the paltry few million who watch cable news. The larger means of social and political control consists of controlling people’s emotions through the constant bombardment of their attention with commercial and political advertising.
Our entire edifice of Mass Media, including our so-called ‘alt-media’, has been fully transformed into a giant propaganda machine. It’s ALL ‘programming’. The people, the citizens, i.e.: us… We are the ones being ‘programmed’. The themes and plots and ‘narratives’ woven through the various genres of programming and advertising, (‘the news’ being only one among many competing for people’s already overloaded attention), are being burned into our consciousness with the laser heat of constant blaring noise, and brightly flashing, mesmerizing colored light.
With our emotions raised to a skillfully contrived state of apprehension by some plot tensioning device, in a period of two minutes or so we are bombarded by a staccato succession of messages, each insistently designed to assault and capture our attention… each scientifically designed for maximum psychological, emotional, and motivational effect.
And virtually every single individual is subjected to this attention-bombardment constantly, for many hours every single day.
Well… Uhh… C’mon, folks… We ALL already know this… When THAT much power is as ‘centralized’ as it has become in our nation, with ALL our Mass Media fallen under ‘centralized’ control, control of that much raw social power is a much more powerful Locus of Power than EITHER of the relatively ‘punier’ Political Parties.
In fact, centralized Control of the Mass Media is a MUCH more powerful social tool, a more powerful lever of raw social power, than ALL the powers of government combined.
The Ruling Elites don’t merely now have most of the nation’s wealth under their greed-and-lust-besotted thumbs… They now have not only the power to mold, to ‘engineer’, people’s actual consciousness in real time… Not merely the power to think they can actually ‘create reality’…. They don’t merely have that power…(Above and beyond mere governmental power), That power is combined with complete power over our Money itself… They don’t now just have most of our common wealth… They control more than merely the wealth… They control the Money itself…
Those are the two pillars of the stool… Control of Mass Media… (which they mistakenly believe will allow them to control actual Reality)… And control of our Money… Totalitarian Control of government is only the Third Leg of Tyranny’s Stool…
The ‘Goebbels Committee’, the arm of the Elite Syndicate that manages and ‘oversees’ Mass Media, has complete effective control of both political parties. All people holding elected office are fully dependent on the Elite Syndicate to stay in office. They all know this. The politicians ALL need the money to communicate… to get on TV… to make noise on Mass Media. They get money by hook or by crook… They don’t represent their constituents first. They represent the powers that donate to their mega-expensive political campaigns first.
But the Mass Media themselves can donate to campaigns simply by providing air time ‘free’, through more ‘news coverage’, of more favored candidates’ carefully crafted and cultivated ‘Brands’.
The Mass Media elected Trump. They gave him an estimated $4 BILLION worth of ‘free’ airtime, many times more than they gave Hillary Clinton. Then as soon as he was elected, the Mass Media launched into an ‘off the charts’, WAYY over-the-top, unprecedented and savage attack on Trump.
The people that control Mass Media have the power to manipulate our political process to this level of detail, and even beyond. The Jewish-dominated ‘Goebbels Committee’, acting on behalf of the Jewish-dominated US Ruling Syndicate, wanted to create a demagogue leader to head up the majority white population, who reacted predictably when, right after so many jobs were exported to Asia, and then, in the early 90s, when Clinton signed NAFTA, our nation’s southern border was thrown wide open.
The half of the population that lives hardly more, and often less, than one lost paycheck and/or welfare check from the street, has fallen into ever greater degrees of the crushing anxieties of the grimacing reality of poverty itself staring them coldly in the face… The briefly more powerful ‘labor movement’ has been reduced to a sad-sack impotent shell… as tens of millions of desperately poor ‘excess laborers’ have been imported to do those jobs that by their nature can’t be exported…. But American working people are viciously demonized as “racists” for even speaking up to defend their own families’ welfare…
Well… We’re pretty much getting “full up”… Unless we’re going to allow tin-roofed shanty-towns to begin to sprout along waterways, (along the natural sewers), we’ve already got likely around 50 million people living in the US who barely, if at all, speak English, and are desperate to find work at even starvation wages. They are not ‘citizens’, and technically they have no right to vote. People this poor are the mostly defenseless… They are the most easily victimized people living in our nation… They’ve been pouring in for over 25 years now. 50 million people… plus or minus… does ANY actual data even exist?
When you start getting “full up”, the people arriving, thrown immediately into the miseries of urban ghetto life, begin to resent all the people lining up and packing in behind them. Everybody always wants to pull up the ladder right after THEY get into the ‘exclusive’ club… It’s human nature… It’s how we humans behave… Once these desperately poor people get here, when it starts getting too crowded, when the urban jungle growls louder for meat, the recent immigrants themselves quickly come to oppose ongoing ‘open borders’.
Open Borders are VERY bad for the plight of the tens upon tens of teeming millions of poor US working people, of every race, even recent immigrants, who have to immediately compete with this imported desperately poor ‘excess labor’ still constantly pouring in… The millions of poor working people who must compete for jobs and survival, on a greed-besotted nation’s ‘mean streets’, with these desperately poor immigrants, desperate for work just to survive? Those people are being cruelly and viciously ‘demonized’ for their own suffering. Which people? The victims are being demonized for representing their own families’ best interests.
At the lower tiers of American society, people on every tribal ‘side’ are all on ONE side. Many must struggle for survival alone. The crushing anxiety of poverty is always threatening…
The same people who made the decisions to export all our nation’s best jobs, our entire manufacturing base, to Asia, are the same people who then decided to throw our nation’s borders wide open to import desperate ‘excess labor’ to drive wages inside our nation ever further down, with inflation now taking whatever small savings people might have, swirling down the toilet drain… These SAME PEOPLE are the Ruling Elite Syndicate… These are the SAME people who control ALL Mass Media, (even so-called ‘alt-media’)… Advised by the nation’s most brilliant minds in mass psychology, it is the Goebbels Committee… Call it the Central Propaganda Committee, or the Bureau of Official Lies, but call it what is IS…
‘They’, the Goebbels Committee, are running our lives as a Reality TV Show. They’re not ‘rooting’ for one side or the other. They have contingency plans for whichever way the mob passions might flow… ‘They’ are not engaged against any domestic political challenge. No organized political force in the nation is even opposing the Ruling Elites’ Iron Grip on domestic power. Within the ranks of the Elites, the people at the Table vie for power, but no political force in the nation is currently even opposing the Elites’ power.
All we have is left v. right. Democrats v. Republicans. Trump v. the Soros/Clintonista Thugs…
The nation’s population has been artfully ‘engineered’ to be almost exactly divided in half, at least to the extent that NEITHER half is powerful enough to prevail over the other.
That is EXACTLY the perfect ‘equilibrium of the status quo’… This is a dead solid PERFECT execution of divide and rule.
Identify the Enemy…
If you think the Democratic Party is The Enemy, you’re wrong. The DPM is a contrived and controlled agency of The Enemy…
If you think the Republican Party, or Trump, is The Enemy, you’re wrong… Witting or not, this Trump Faction is as contrived and controlled an agency of The Enemy as the DPM.
We have had this false ‘political spectrum’ imposed on us. Both ‘the left’ and ‘the right’, as these terms in usage have been twisted to mean… serve the same master… Both ‘the left’ and ‘the right’, as even language, as terms in usage, have been eviscerated of their full and true meaning.
Identify the Enemy… The agencies of The Enemy, the Republican Party and the Democratic Party, are what they are… But whatever they are, they are NOT ‘The Enemy’. It is the same power that lies behind BOTH Parties that is ‘The Enemy’.
When we can properly ‘Identify the Enemy’, we will start to understand that people who should be allies must First stop being enemies…
It is a fearsome enough Enemy we face… But when we learn this ONE lesson, when we UNITE, when we face our Common Enemy, the same Ruling Elites who lust to rule over the entire Earth, we will EASILY displace them from their current seats of power.
As long as we, the Common People, remain so artfully divided, that is how long we will continue to be ruled.
People who should be allies must FIRST stop being enemies…