Important Amnesty Int’l Report: Damning evidence of war crimes in Gaza, by Mazin Qumsiyeh

30% of Gaza’s buildings are damaged. Before this genocidal onslaught and
even under the blockade and siege with most supplies forbidden, 500 trucks
came into Gaza EVERYDAY. Now The criminal Biden administration boasts of
allowing 20 trucks for 2.3 million starving, thirsty people.

And here is Prof. Ilan Pappe explaining reality (listen carefully)

Read Letter from Palestinian Christians on what is happening (read carefully)
[this happened after the Israeli attack on an ancient church murdering 16
Palestinian Christians]

Stunning State Department Memo Warns Diplomats: No Gaza ‘De-Escalation’
Talk: As Israel escalates its attacks on Gaza, the State Department is
discouraging diplomats working on Middle East issues from making public
statements suggesting the U.S. wants to see less violence, according to
internal emails viewed by HuffPost.
and then there is this to emphasize:
UNSC voted 12-1 in support of Brazil’s proposal, since the single negative
vote is USA because ‘Israel has a right to vengeance) so it does not pass
(veto power)
[Will the world still let the bloody hands of the US/Israel cabal continue
to run global affairs after the lust for blood ends?]
Group of Muslim and Jewish US Hill staffers call for cease-fire in
Israel-Hamas war

Public Statement: 800 Scholars Warn of Potential Genocide in Gaza

Public Statement: Scholars Warn of Potential Genocide in Gaza

Mazin Qumsiyeh | “En Gaza la vida se ha detenido: las acciones israelíes se
ajustan a la definición de genocidio”–En-Gaza-la-vida-se-ha-detenido-las-acciones-israel%C3%ADes-se-ajustan-a-la-definici%C3%B3n-de-genocidio-10-19

Finally a short message to political leaders meeting in Cairo now even as
the apartheid regime continues its genocidal onslaught on the Palestinian
civilians (including EU and Arab leaders): you are partners in crime, your
people will not forgive you, each of your countries could have expelled the
Israeli or US ambassadors (they are partners in crime), you could have
acted practically to support the heroic resistance of the Palestinian
people. And for Mahmoud Abbas: we are sick and tired of your useless
statements. We need action. You know what you have to do. And you lie when
you say we will work for peace based on a two-state solution. Stop giving
cover to normalization. SHAME ON YOU. ALL OF YOU partnetrs in genocide.
SHAME ON YOU for not demanding AND ACTING to end apartheid.

I used to sign off to ‘stay human’ but I am not sure how much humanity is
left in the world. Will humanity be te last victim of Zionism after
finishing off Gaza and the West Bank???

May logic prevail, may the genocidal actions end soon (see
Love and Peace

Mazin Qumsiyeh
Professor, founder and director
Palestine Institute for Biodiversity and Sustainability
Bethlehem University