Let it be known that THIS holocaust will go down in history as the best documented, by Mazin Qumsiyeh
Let it be known that THIS holocaust will go down in history as the best documented in the many previous holocausts. and with political support and cover It is happening on OUR watch
44 medical facilities went out of service in the Gaza strip even as the
number of whole families killed and injured every hour and every day
continue to increase. 50 in one bombing, 30 in another. These are
not numbers these are children, wmen, elderly who are intentionally bombed
increasing with new kind of weapons. They are HUMAN BEINGS like you and I
(it seems painful that we have to remind this). Thousands of children were
now massacred. They die now increasingly because their severe burns or
traumatic macerated limbs cannot get surgeries because all medical supplies
ran out. There is no safe place in Gaza. Food and water ran out. The links
I sent prove genocide. No it is not Hamas that Israel is fighting (they
have not touched Hamas): It is a GENOCIDE,
Politicians try to be diplomatic. Arab “leaders” (including Mahmoud Abbas)
continue to simply utter speeches (weak ones at that) and not do anything
practical to help. PFrench President Macron says he cares about Palestinian
lives and wants a two state solution while claiming Israel is engaged in
self defense. Biden says ceasefire give a win to Hamas and continues to
deliver more bombs to obliterate the population of Gaza. Israeli leaders
continue to threaten even more carnage. Gaza is literally being wiped out.
Speeches will not stop this because Israel showed that it can manipulate
western leaders with veto power at the UN. Russia and China have also not
done anything practical. Even thousands of Palestinian prisoners are being
starved and denied medical care and even torured to death (two in in two
days). Thousands of children were massacred and tens of thousands more are
now being massacred or will die because of lack of water and food and
treatments. leading and begging criminals like Macron, Biden, and Netanyahu
will not stop the carnage. To hell with this silent world. Let it be known
that THIS holocaust will go down in history as the best documented in the
many previous holocausts. and with political support and cover It is
happening on OUR watch.
رسالة لسكان غزة
Letter to Gaza
See details of answers to questions at http://ongaza.org
ٍVery well documented now: Center for Constitutional Rights on Israel’s
unfolding Crime of Genocide in Gaza
Jewish Currents: A text book case of genocide by Raz Segal
Let them eat cement: Israel is not only decimating Gaza with airstrikes but
employing the oldest and cruelest weapon of war — starvation. Israel’s
message, on the eve of a ground invasion, is clear. Leave Gaza or Die.
The mask is off: Gaza has exposed the hypocrisy of international law
Very important Amnesty International Report: Damning evidence of war crimes
as Israeli attacks wipe out entire families in Gaza
Damning evidence of war crimes as Israeli attacks wipe out entire families in Gaza
Mazin (who is about to give up on humanity) from besieged occupied
Bethlehem which will get its turn for genocide after Israel finishes off
Gaza people
Peter Myers Digest Oct 24, 2023