Lyndon Larouche was a Grand Orient Freemason, by Peter Myers

Anyone interested in conspiracies on high would have come across Executive Intelligence Review, and its suite of writers; it was very influential in decades past.

Many broke away from Lyndon Larouche, but continue to write anti-establishment material, such as F. William Engdahl, David P. Goldman (‘Spengler’), and Jonathan Tannenbaum.

The publisher and editor of Asia Times is Uwe Parpart, a former editor at EIR. David P. Goldman wrote at Asia Times, and Jonathan Tannenbaum still does.

Matthew Ehret still takes the Larouche line.

Pepe Escobar was part of their movement, and still writes good articles, but I do not know if he broke with Larouche or not.

Much of what they write is valuable, but they rarely mention Freemasonry, and don’t cover the Jewish Lobby well; they tend to blame everything on “the British” rather than “Jews” or “Freemasons”.

That Lyndon Larouche was a Grand Orient Freemason is stated by John Daniel in his book Scarlet and the Beast: A History of the War between English and French Freemasonry.

He writes, in a footnote: “Personal interviews with the Lyndon LaRouche campaign over a period of six years” (Daniel, 1993, p. 558, fn 2072).

and in another footnote,

“Personal interviews with the Lyndon LaRouche campaign. LaRouche is a Grand Orient Freemason, who claims there are good Masons and bad Masons. Ben Franklin was a good Mason, says LaRouche. LaRouche also recognizes both Freemasonries, and says that the French style is good and the British wicked. He is bent on the destruction of English Freemasonry. See dossier on LaRouche in Appendix 1” (Daniel, 1993, p. 558, fn 2073).

Daniel, John. (1993). Scarlet and the Beast: A History of the War between English and French Freemasonry. Omnia Veritas.

It’s online at

In the online pdf, the above quotes are at p. 696, and the text they refer to is at p. 584.
