Nature issues & Weekly human rights message, by Mazin Qumsiyeh

Tour of the US: There is limited time to plan to invite Jessie and I

(cofounders of the Palestine Institute for Biodiversity and Sustainability)

to your state. Tentative schedule for 12 August to 12 September include

California, Arizona, Ohio, Massachusetts. Connecticut, NY/NJ, Pennsylvania,

Washington DC (Maryland area also), and Florida.

You can get a glimpse of our work here at the institutes facebook page

Funds to Preserve Global Plant Biodiversity Awarded to 10 Botanic Gardens

(including our work in Palestine 🙂

Without a perceptible attention given by the Palestinian Authority or the

world community, Israel is effectively annexing more and more Palestinian

lands. The most recent Israeli moves is to lock-up large swaths of the West

Bank as Israeli owned “nature reserevs” to exclude Palestinians (our

scientific studies document the political and not science based Israeli

designations). See also this paper on politics, environment, and power:—Albaradeiya.pdf


Anticipating Israel’s Counter-Attack: Make the ‘One Democratic State’

Solution Mainstream Again by  Mazin Qumsiyeh & Alain Alameddine

Video Israel does not want you to see: Mohammad Al-Kurd tells it like it is

The Struggle Video Network highlights murder of a Palestinian toddler

Important & just published: Report of the UN Independent commission of

inquiry on the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem,

and Israel: The Commission finds that the human rights to freedom of

association, expression and opinion, and the right to peaceful assembly,

are being violated by the Government of Israel, the Government of the State

of Palestine and the de facto authorities in Gaza….  The Commission finds

that the Israeli authorities’ silencing of civil society voices that

challenge government policies and narrative is intrinsically linked to the

goal of ensuring and enshrining the permanent occupation at the expense of

the rights of the Palestinian people.

within you can find the link for the full report in few languages

3 D reconstruction of Jerusalem neighborhood ethnically cleansed in 1967

(not 1948)

New Report Reveals Human Rights Violations Resulting from IHRA Definition

of Antisemitism

Israel Is Officially Annexing the West Bank: A quiet bureaucratic maneuver

by Netanyahu’s government has begun transferring control over the occupied

territory from military to civilian leadership—violating international law.

I saw Israel’s ‘final solution to the Palestinian problem’ in Lebanon 41

years ago, and I see it again today

The one state solution is inevitable. I wrote a whole book about this

published 20 years ago (see I

am glad more and more people so its inevitability

Action: Write to congress to demand Israel not get visa waiver due to its

discriminatory practices

Stay Human and keep Palestine alive

Mazin Qumsiyeh