Qatar and more, by Mazin Qumsiyeh

I am in Doha, Qatar where I am giving talks including at the Global Energy
Cultures Conference at Georgetown University (9 and 10 December, then Monday, December 11, 2023
17:00 – 19:00 (GMT +3) talk at Auditorium, Minaretein, Education City,
Hamad Bin Khalifa University. If you know people in Qatar, please let me
know and connect me with them. I am speaking on Palestine, the impact of
the genocide on people and the environment, and issues of sustainability
and peace with justice.

A call from Palestine to the Global Climate Justice Movements: Ending
#GazaGenocide is a Climate Issue

Ongoing campaign of holocaust: Hundreds of Palestinian civilians rounded
up, stripped, abused and shipped to gulags,-abuses-dozens-of-Palestinian-civilians-at-UNRWA-run-schools-in-northern-Gaza

Rev. Dr. Mitri Raheb: A Word from Heads of Churches on Behalf of Christian
Palestinians in Gaza

Listen to the students at Ramallah Friends School singing a Christmas
greeting to the children of Gaza and the world

Refaat Alareer, professor and co-founder of ‘We Are Not Numbers’, killed by
Israeli forces

Israel approves more colonial settlements (teft of Palestinian lands)

Amidst the war, the plan for the construction of a new settlement in East Jerusalem has been approved

Amid Israel’s Brutality In Gaza, It’s Time To Commit To Anti-Zionism: As
Israel devastates Gaza, Jewish anti-Zionists are resisting and insisting
that anti-Zionism is not anti-Semitism

Amid Israel’s Brutality in Gaza, It’s Time to Commit to Anti-Zionism

Obligation to destroy churches

The Zionists are perhaps the most lying people on earth. After dozens of
their lies about the their onslaught on the population were coclusively
roven lies (beheaded babies, burning people etc) now they come with tehe
vile accusation of rape. This, they think can give them cover to continue
their holocaust/genocide. (7500 children, 5000 women murdered so far). See
this fair report

CNN report claiming sexual violence on October 7 relied on non-credible witnesses, some with undisclosed ties to Israeli govt

Here is an academic study of sexual violence by Israeis against Palestinian
and here is an Interview by a released Israeli hostage who took her dog
with her! Hamas took care of her dog:
and more at

Stay Human and keep Palestine alive

Mazin Qumsiyeh