Apr 12, 2023
- ♫ The Quebe Sisters with Asleep at the Wheel perform “Navajo Trail”
- We are Closening to a Move Through the Cycle – But First Will Come Disorder, by Alastair Crooke
- The Ministry of Truth: the global strategy of information control, Part 2, by Niall McCrae
- MoA: Ukraine SitRep: Leaked Briefings, Holding Roads, Split Training
- Today In Empire: Copbots, MSM Compliance, And McCaul’s Embarrassing Taiwan Admission, Caitlin Johnstone
- The Duran: Zelensky in a box, offensive success in doubt. Neocon Plan B, push Poland into conflict (Video)
- Perspectives from Eastern Europe: Many want to see a Russian defeat, by Philip Giraldi
- Pushilin Claims Bakhmut Advances Marinka Gains; Pentagon Thinks Ukraine Only Capable of Modest Gains (Mercouris Podcast)
- Gerasimov’s Call, by Declan Hayes
- Gonzalo Lira’s Roundtable: Larry Johnson and Ray McGovern, Discussing The Leaks (Video)
- “Leaked documents” from the Pentagon spark major political scandal in South Korea, by Gilbert Doctorow
- The Curse of Rousseau, by Paul Craig Roberts
- The Espionage Act & the 4th Year of Assange’s Arrest, by Joe Lauria
- The Indoctrinators, Part 1: George Soros, by Karen Harradine
- Who are the real “extremists”? by Paul Cudenec
- China, America, and the Economist, by Ron Unz
- Manufacturing Consent, Access Journalism & The COVID-19 Narrative Collapse, w/Kim Iversen (Ryan Cristián, Video)
- Richard Wolff: Europe is being Ripped Apart (Video)
- Why French Bakeries In France Are Suddenly Shutting Down At Alarming Rates, by Kari Apted
- Peace Is Breaking Out in the Middle East…and Washington Is Not Happy! by Ron Paul
- OPEC: Saudis aren’t afraid of US anymore, by M.K. Bhadrakumar
- Ukraine War Day #412: Vladlen Tatarsky Assassination Eye-Witness Speaks Out, by yalensis
- Peace Activist Nick Kollerstrom: “Russia Is Fighting a Just War in Ukraine” (Kevin Barrett, Video)
- How to Save a Dying Republic: Roundtable on the Past, Present and Future, from Matthew Ehret (Video)
- People We Should Know: Ron Paul, by John Rubino
- America’s Bizarre and Venal New Religions, by John Leake
- James O’ Keefe: This is Massive fraud by Democrats caught on Video, w/Clayton Morris
- Naomi Wolf: What’s in the Pfizer Documents? (Video)
- The ‘dry residue’ from Macron’s visit to China, by Gilbert Doctorow
- Exchange: Partisan Bias? by Glenn Greenwald (Video)
- Woke addiction: drugs and cults are the same thing, by el gato malo
- KunstlerCast 374 — Michael Rectenwald on Woke Politics and Tyranny (Audio)
- ‘Israel was our original home and Palestinians happened to live there’ — Al Franken, by Philip Weiss
- How Many Millions Are Disabled or Injured From the Jab? by Dr. Joseph Mercola