- ♫ Something’ stupid – Frank and Nancy Sinatra
- Finkelstein: “Israel Is a Lunatic State. Certifiably crazy,” by Hal Turner
- US House awards Israel $26 Billion so it can go on Killing or Wounding a Palestinian Child every 10 Minutes, by Juan Cole
- In Gaza The Sniper Drones Are Crying Like Babies, by Caitlin Johnstone
- $95 Billion for More War, Weapons, and Death, by Bill Astore
- Good news for Russia: The West is too dumb to fight the Russians, by Don Hank
- US Passes $26 Billion Aid Package for Israel – These Lawmakers Voted against It
- Israel Checkmated? Its occupation of DC is no longer a trump card, by Kevin Barrett
- House Passes $95 Billion Aid Package For Ukr, Isr And Taiwan – But Not US Border, by Tyler Durden
- The Israel Lobby at Work, by John J. Mearsheimer
- Chris Hedges: US, Iran, Israel, Gaza, Assange, NYT, internet.. more (Video)
- Iran’s Jewish Population Belies Claims of Tehran’s Genocidal Intent, by Brian McGlinchey
- Trump Sold-Out His Base to Shovel $95 Billion to Ukraine and Israel, by Mike Whitney
- The Whore Media, Like “Our” Government, Always Misleads, by Paul Craig Roberts
- An awe-inspiring 54 knowledge-expanding articles and videos from Patrice Greanville
- NYT Brass Moves to Stanch Leaks Over Gaza Coverage, by Jeremy Scahill, Ryan Grim
- Scott Ritter: NATO Just Crossed Putin’s Red Line! The Severity Of The Ukraine War Escalated (Video)

- The Duran: Preventing Ukraine collapse during US election (Video)
- A Saturday Massacre in Congress, by Matt Taibbi
- Rus Brushes Off $61B Ukr Package; Intensifies Advance, 2 Villages Captured; Israel Attacks Iran Base (Mercouris Podcast)
- Ukraine War Day #788: Zelensky Regulates Gambling, by yalensis
- Douglas Macgregor Exposes A Series Of Western Lies About Ukraine War (Video)
- Highly Pathogenic Avian H5N1 Influenza In Focus – Dr. McCullough w/Alison Steinberg
- WHO: Intel Agency for Gates Foundation? by John Leake
- Ants, socializing and SARS-2 spike-induced anosmia (loss of smell) in people, by Jessica Rose
- War & Genocide on Earth Day, by Melissa Garriga
- Why Is Gold Rising Now, Where Is It Headed Tomorrow? by Matthew Piepenburg
- Bill Maher Calls Out Hollywood Pedophilia And The Gay Agenda In Schools, by Tyler Durden
- Holy war over holy war in Ukraine, by Declan Hayes
- Woke or joke, let’s play again, by el gato malo
- SC Wditorial: Macron’s Olympic truce call takes gold for western cynicism
- Ex-Stormy Daniels Lawyer Michael Avenatti Says He is Willing to Testify for Trump
- Philippines: torment for suffering citizens; How they miss Rodrigo Duterte, by Jeff Bron
- The `Good War’ Myth of World War II, and Why It’s Dangerous, by Mark Weber