- ♫ Joan Baez, Diamonds and Rust
- It’s About Time, by Edward Curtin
- How Hard Is It to Avoid WWIII? Easier Than You Think, by Matthew Ehret
- Empire of Lies Eager to Receive Mr. Sarmat’s Business Card, by Pepe Escobar
- The War Party’s Dictates on the Ukraine War, by Ronald Enzweiler
- Sociopath Neocons Sacrifice Ukrainians and Global Poor – Economist Michael Hudson (Video)
- Is The US Going To Transition From Stagflation Directly Into A Full-Blown Economic Depression? by Michael Snyder
- Governmental Dysfunction Rises with Time, by Paul Craig Roberts
- Nuclear War with Russia? ‘A Wall of Fire that Encompasses Everything Around Us at the Temperature of the Center of the Sun.’ w/Ted Postol, Robert Scheer (Audio, Transcript)
- Can the Ukraine Win the War Against Free Speech? by Andrew Anglin
Kersey: Prominent Black Journalists Falsely Accuse Elon Musk of Being a Racist, a White Nationalist
Elon’s Latest Statements on His Master Plan, by Andrew Anglin
- Ukraine: The Real Zelensky – Natylie Baldwin interviews academic Olga Baysha
- Ukraine War Day #65: Infrastructure – Bridges, by yalensis
- On Ukraine, the World Majority Sides with Russia Over US, by John V. Walsh
- T’ruah: A letter to the Muslim community in Illinois on the sanctity of the Haram al-Sharif
- Biden Administration Comes Under Fire for Forming DHS ‘Disinformation’ Board, by Dave DeCamp
- Is President Biden OK? by Tyler Durden
- Eva Bartlett Interview: Evidence On The Ground In Ukraine Directly Contradicts Western Narrative (Ryan Cristián Podcast)
- Ukraine, Romania, Moldova … vs. Transnistria: A WW III Scenario, by Brett Redmayne-Titley
Dreizin Report: Here comes the second front – Ukraine War & Aftermath
- ‘Temporal and Spatial’ Division: Why Israel’s Endgame at Al-Aqsa Mosque Will Fail, by Ramzy Baroud
- Ukraine: The Realist Father of Poland’s Hawkish PM, by Michal Krupa
- This Man Pulled the Trigger, But Did the CIA and DGSE Put the Idea in His Head and the Gun in His Hand? by Jeremy Kuzmarov
- Diversity-As-Description vs Diversity-As-Prescription, Which Invariably Turns Into Diversity-As-Cancer, by Jung-Freud
- Against the Trumpian GOP Onslaught – The Dems are Like Deer in the Headlights, by Ralph Nader
- “Holy Christ, That’s Bad” – Lake Mead’s Water Intake Pipe Exposed For First-Time, by Tyler Durden
- ‘The Politics of Persecution: Middle Eastern Christians in an Age of Empire by Mitri Raheb’, by Jeff Wright
- BBC News: US Police Officers Murdered Up by 59%, Says FBI