Daily posts Apr 4, 2022 / Azov Battalion member in eastern Ukraine ♫ Desafinado – Antonio Carlos Jobim & Joe Henderson Gazprom Halts Gas Shipments To Europe Via Critical Pipeline, by Tyler Durden Is It Possible to Actually Know What Has Been and Is Going On in Ukraine? by Boyd Cathey Sitrep: Operation Z April 03, 2022, by Nightvision Is Russia Losing the War in Ukraine? Ft. Scott Ritter (Video) Dreizin Report: This month will decide world politics for next 30+ years Events Like These Only Happen Once Every Century (Sergey Glazyev) Will There Be A 2024 US Presidential Election? by James Quinn “A Paradigm Shift Western Media Hasn’t Grasped Yet” – Russian Ruble Relaunched, by Ronan Manly Zoltan Pozsar: We are witnessing the birth of a new world monetary order IMF Warns That Sanctions Against Russia Threaten To Weaken The Dominance Of The Dollar, by Bryan Jung NATO´s internal gold war, by Jorge Vilches Harvard Study: Those Who Live Closer to Fracking Sites Die Earlier, by Werner Rügemer COVID Psyop Has Been Exposed, Ukraine’s “Defensive” Bioweapons & USAID Caught In Fake News – Ryan Cristián Podcast Anglin: Zhao Condemns “Insane Actions” of West, Banning Russian Art and Literature, Stealing Private Property Biden On The Long Fight Ahead: “This battle will not be won in days or months,” by Dee Knight Project Nimbus: How Amazon and Google and Amazon Made Billions From Israel’s Occupation, by Ramzy Baroud New Revelations Shed Light on Nazi Roots of House of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, by Matthew Ehret Global food crisis fuels international class struggle, by Eric London Hunter Biden helped secure millions in funding for US contractor in Ukraine specializing in deadly pathogen research Pentagon Says There’s No ‘Offensive’ Bioweapons at US-Linked Ukraine Labs, by Dave DeCamp “The Withdrawal from Kiev Is the.. Transformation from a Psychological Operation to a Textbook War” Ukraine’s Propaganda War: International PR Firms, DC Lobbyists and CIA Cutouts, by Dan Cohen Blundering into a nuclear war in Ukraine: a hypothetical scenario, by Christopher Colletta 75-year history of a secret alliance between Anglo-Saxons and Ukrainian Nazis Chomsky, Cornel West, Naomi Klein & 100 Academics Denounce The Lobby’s Attempt To Cancel Lowkey, by Alan Macleod Putin’s Holocaust Obsession, by Andrew Joyce Tennis World Rocked as FIFTEEN “Fully Vaccinated” Players Unable to Finish Miami Open, by J.D. Rucker Ukraine Announces Million Dollars Reward Per Russian Helicopter, Fighter Jet, Warship, by Tyler Durden