- ♫ Christy Moore – Black Is The Colour
- A New Russia Has Emerged, by Paul Craig Roberts
- China in the Year of the Dragon and Beyond, by Richard Solomon
- Six Months Of Hell On Earth, by Caitlin Johnstone
- Col. Douglas Macgregor Reveals Truth on Israel War in Middle East (Video)
- The Death of Amr, by Chris Hedges
- “The Nasty Little Sparta,” by Eric Margolis
- Scott Ritter: Israel Crossed Iran’s Red Line and Total War is Coming (Video)
- Was Israel’s Strike on Iranian Embassy in Damascus an attempt to draw the US into the War? by Juan Cole
- Israel’s Irremediable Defeat: On Tel Aviv’s Other Unwinnable War, by Ramzy Baroud
- Al Jazeera Sanad probe: Israeli forces deliberately hit WCK convoy
- Day 180 Pal Chron: PA Plot Foiled, Sunak Resists Pressure, Gantz: New Elections, Nasrallah: Brink of Extinction
- Horrific Israeli Massacre Of Civilians Exposed At Al-Shifa & Israel Attacks.. Ryan Cristián Video
- Letter to Texas’ Gov. Abbott: Stop Weaponizing “Antisemitism” to Harass Campus Critics of Israeli Policy
- This short video summarizes ODS, both the vision and the initiative – The One Democratic State Initiative
- Jeffrey Sachs Interview – An Analysis with a Critical Perspective (Video)
- Samantha Power and the Power of a Word, by Diana Johnstone
- China Prepares in Central Asia to Withstand Any Western Isolation Efforts, by Conor Gallagher
- The Revolt of the Outer Party. Meanwhile, Everyman can get stuffed, by Aurelien

- Mass Layoffs Begin At California Fast Food Chains As $20 Minimum Wage Law Takes Effect, by Tyler Durden
- Change in Ukrainian peace demands shows neo-Nazi regime is desperate, by Lucas Leiroz
- Electric War Goes West – Depopulation Turns Into Displacement Turns Into Civil War, by Yves Smith, John Helmer
- The Sum of our Escalations: Annihilation or Fascism, by Oliver Boyd-Barrett
- MoA: U.S. Has Claimed Duty To Warn But Did Not Do It
- Nothing but Trouble Ahead, A Conversation with Glenn Greenwald, by John J. Mearsheimer
- Kiev Desperate; Rus Breakrough Avdeyevka Chasov Yar, Ukr Troop Chaos Officers Tell Politico War Lost (Mercouris Podcast)
- Ukraine War Day #770: Underground Warriors, by yalensis
- ☕️ JUST CULTURALLY ☙ Wednesday, April 3, 2024 ☙ C&C NEWS 🦠, by Jeff Childers
- A Crack Finally Shows in the Propaganda Facade: Q&A With Coleman Hughes, by Matt Taibbi
- SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19–Simple Truths Ignored, w/Dr. Bret Barker, Peter McCullough, MD (Video)
- Neuroinflammation & the Zombie Mind: Stunning interview with Dr. Michael Nehls, by John Leake
- Fraud Revealed in German Covid Response, by John Leake
- Multiple Deaths, Thousands of Cardiac Injuries Reported to V-safe, Latest Data Dump Reveals, by M Nevradakis
- Industry Cover-Up of Rising Autism Rates by Mark Blaxill, M Nevradakis (Video)
- Charade of new EUA Countermeasures continues… by Sasha Latypova
- Europe’s Identity Crisis, by Patrick Lawrence
- The New Junta in Niger Tells the United States to Pack Up Its War and Go Home, by Yves Smith, Nick Turse
- Haiti: voodoo, cannibalism and American intrigues, by Declan Hayes