- ♫ D.Shostakovich – Waltz No.2 (from the Jazz Suite No.2)
- The Masque of Pandora, by Alastair Crooke
- China Is Better Than The USA, by Caitlin Johnstone
- Pre-Emptive Murder: Killing Children in ‘Self Defense,’ by Craig Murray
- MoA: Trump Raid Is Sabotaging The Democrats’ Campaign
Gestapo Democrats, by Paul Craig Roberts
Bernie Kerik: “If FBI Raid Will Not Stop Donald Trump – Their Next Step Will Be Assassination,” by Jim Hoft
DeSantis Slams ‘Weaponized Federal Agencies’ For Raid On Trump’s Mar-A-Lago, by Tyler Durden
Trump posted this on Truth Social at about noon on August 9, 2022
- Z for Zorro, by Batiushka
- The Russian Navy’s Great Game, by Declan Hayes
- The Global Debt Scam – Day of Reckoning? by Marwan Salamah
- Gonzalo Lira – Roundtable #11: HistoryLegends, Military Summary, Sleboda (Video)
- Producing New Enemies for No Reason Whatsoever: Why did Nancy Pelosi go to Taiwan? by Philip Giraldi
The Pelosi Fallout, by Patrick Lawrence
Who Won the Taiwan War Games? by Pat Buchanan
Pelosi Plays with Fire Like a Bull in a China Shop, by Ed Rampell
- Biden’s Assassination of al-Qaeda Leader Ayman al-Zawahiri Was Illegal, by Marjorie Cohn
- Richard Medhurst interviews Scott Ritter: Who Is Winning the War in Ukraine? (Video)
- The rediscovery of the Chinese history of science and technology, by Jean-Pierre Voiret
- Israeli general, a Harvard fellow, extols Gaza onslaught as ‘really clean’ and ‘very nice,’ by Jonathan Ofir
Surviving and dying in Gaza, by Areej Alrantisi
- Israel threatens attorneys representing Palestinian civil society organizations, by Siham Rashid
- Here Are The Winners And Losers In The ‘Inflation Reduction Act,’ by Tyler Durden
- Dems Poised To Make IRS Larger Than Pentagon, State Department, FBI, and Border Patrol Combined
- Contenders for Boris Johnson’s crown stress fealty to Israel, by Jonathan Cook
President Nixon and Billy Graham Discuss Jewish `Stranglehold’ on US Media (Video)
- Welcome to the Third World, by Matt Taibbi
- Et Tu? CNN Takes Aim At Hunter Biden, Airs Roger Waters Calling Joe ‘War Criminal,’ by Tyler Durden
- Ukraine War Day #167: Taking It Into The Toilet, by yalensis