- ♫ Grateful Dead – Scarlet Begonias
- Will the West’s greed and hatred lead to the end of the world? by Aram Mirzaei
- Epic Collapse Is Upon Us, by James Howard Kunstler
- The Incongruities of Our Time Are Mind-Boggling, by Paul Craig Roberts
- News from CJ Hopkins & Consent Factory, August 2022
- Strategic Culture Editorial: NATO-Backed Kiev Regime Resorts to Nuclear Terrorism
- MoA: Ukraine’s Mystic Kherson Offensive Did Not, And Will Not Happen
- Washington steals over 80 percent of Syria’s oil output per day
- When Will the West Publicly Endorse the Right of the Palestinians to Defend Themselves? by Ilan Pappe
Mondoweiss Podcast: Israel attacks Gaza again; Palestinian resistance remains
The Israeli War on Gaza in 20 Photos
Nadler says he ‘stopped BDS dead’ with progressives in Congress, by Philip Weiss
- Will the United States Exist After November? by Paul Craig Roberts
- The Duran: EU prepares sanctions package aimed at banning Russian travel to EU member states (Video)
- Russia Advances Deeper Into Bakhmut; China’s Xi Goes to Saudi Arabia, Discussing Alternatives to USD (Mercouris Podcast)

- You are 25X more likely to be injured and 20X more likely to die if you get the COVID shot, by Steve Kirsch
- Can We Please Have an Adult Conversation about China? by Vijay Prashad
- In Actual Russia, No Sign of Sanctions, by Ted Rall
- West’s Threats to African Countries Over Russian Oil Might Spark New Sanctions Against Moscow, by Martin Jay
- Meet the Man Jesse Ventura Called “The Bravest Man in Washington,” by Jeremy Kuzmarov
- Trump Demands ‘Immediate Release’ Of FBI Raid Documents, by Tyler Durden
FBI: Trump Stole Nuclear Secrets, Was Building LEGO H-Bomb in Basement, by Kevin Barrett
- “Be Willing To Use Deadly Force”: IRS Sparks Uproar Over Job Posting, by Tyler Durden
- The German Greens and Unprincipled Lust for Power, by Gilbert Doctorow
- Fauci Booed By Crowds While Throwing First Pitch At Seattle Mariners Game, by Tyler Durden
- US-China Climate Talks in Tatters, by Marcy Winograd
- Ukraine War Day #170: Lusya For President? by yalensis
- America This Week: August 8-14, 2022, by Matt Taibbi
- Facebook Shares Abortion-Related Chats With Police, by Julia Conley
- Why Canada Failed the Ben Franklin Challenge (episode 5), by Matthew Ehret (Video)