- ♫ Od Ebra do Dunava Live in Vilnius – Barcelona Gipsy balKan Orchestra
- Evil, Scary China Refuses To Passively Let Us Encircle It, by Caitlin Johnstone
- The Nuclear Plan to Decapitate Russia and China (and the Planet), by Dan Steinbock
- Time for China’s Military to Safeguard Serbia, Syria and Southern Sudan, by Declan Hayes
- The Crucifixion of Julian Assange, by Chris Hedges
- Why Do Leftists Support Billionaire Oligarchs? by John Leake
- The American Political Spectacle: Cage Fights or Professional Wrestling? by Kevin Barrett (Video)
- Russia Breakthrough Kupyansk, Sinkovka Encircled, Kiev Evacuations; US-Japan-S.Korea Against China (Mercouris Podcast)
- SITREP 8/20/23: F-16s Paper Over 500k Losses Report, by Simplicius The Thinker
- Ukraine War Day #543: German Technology At The Front, by yalensis
- Stephen Gardner: Ukraine Crushed by Putin’s Latest Assault, w/Col(Ret) Tony Shaffer (Video)
- The Duran: Collective west preparations for the West Germany plan (Video)
- More doom and gloom from ZeroHedge, et al., about China’s economy crashing, by Jeff Brown
- The Next Major War Is Reportedly About To Begin, And “D-Day” Already Chosen, by Michael Snyder
- Pan African Breakthroughs, and the Need for a Sane Foreign Policy w/Matt Ehret (Video)
- Most Intensive Ivermectin Use Had 74 Percent Reduction in Excess Deaths in Peru, by Megan Redshaw
- Mortality Summary, USA, 2020 to 2023, by Joel Smalley
- Disease X: A Vaccine Program Waiting for a New Illness, by Peter McCullough, MD (Video)

- Eris vaccine marketing hits Germany, complete with panic about nonexistent “Covid wave,” by eugyppius
- Drop College COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates
- Masks are worthless. We’re Not Doing This Again. Stop trying to mandate them, by Adam Gaertner
- Misinformation wars: The flawed research driving bad policy, by Rebekah Barnett
- ☕️ Lockdown 2023? ☙ Sunday, August 20, 2023 ☙ C&C NEWS 🦠
- Jimmy Walter on Self-Exile from Imploding USA, by Kevin Barrett (Audio)
- What are they saying about the war in Italy this August? by Gilbert Doctorow
- “The Big 3”: ESG & DEI’s Puppet Masters
- Why Did Corporations Go ‘Woke?’ It’s Not About the Free Market, by Jon Schweppe
- A clip from the comedy series Scot Squad that nails the world that we now live in (Twitter)
- Thomas Sowell’s real history of slavery 11: About the American Founding Fathers owning slaves (Video)
- Truth in advertising; The new movie “Golda,” by Dov Taylor
- Mexico Overtakes China as America’s New Manufacturing Base, by Nick R. Hamilton
- A review of ‘Anglophobia: The Unrecognized Hatred’, by Kevin MacDonald
- The rise and rise of trans McCarthyism, by Brendan O’Neill
- Palestinians Welcome China’s New Middle East Role, but It Is Not Mediation They Need, by Ramzy Baroud
- Jewish Banking Dynasties Founded The Fed – Part 1, by Karl Haemers
- The Sexual Feedback Loop, by James Alexander