- ♫ Dvořák: Symphony No. 9 “From the New World” / Karajan
- Strategic Reflections From Moscow, by Alastair Crooke
- What were Romans thinking as they watched Rome collapse? by Paul Craig Roberts
- Petrodollar Endgame Moves Even Closer – Quoth the Raven
- Israel Apologists Are Psychopaths, by Caitlin Johnstone
- The Nakba and the Holocaust: Eliminating the Entire Palestinian People, by Ron Unz
- Craig Murray: Stopping Genocide
- The West Agonises Over an ‘Atrocity Upsurge’ While Backing Israel’s Genocide in Gaza, by Jonathan Cook
- Two Court Cases Might Be the Final Nail in the Coffin of Bibi, by Martin Jay
- Gaza: the masks are off – Resistance News
- “Stop Murdering Thousands Of Children,” Said The Evil Crazy Nazi, by Caitlin Johnstone
- MoA: Palestine – Occupation Forces Have Serious Losses
- Sunday Sermon: Outlaw US Empire Imbecility, by Karl Sanchez
- Debunking Israel’s “mass rape” propaganda, by Ali Abunimah
- Mainstream Media Largely Ignore Israel’s Duplicity and Deceit, by M. Goodman
- Day 66: Israel attacks ambulances, medics in Gaza; people across the world join strike for Palestine
- US Sent Israel 15,000 Bombs Since October 7, by K. Anzalone
- WHO confirms more than 449 attacks on health services in Gaza, West Bank since Oct. 7
- Unbelievable: Jackson Hinkle Destroys Zionist British Hosts! The Jimmy Dore Show

- American Jewry’s Disgraceful Hypocrisy, by Uri S. Segelman
- Growing Sympathy with Gaza: Most Americans Disapprove of Biden’s Response to War
- The Duran: Isolated Putin (Video)
- What Just Happened? by James Howard Kunstler
- Biden Summons Zelensky, Criticism Zelensky Grows, Rus Officials Rule Out Kiev Talks, Hint Annexation (Mercouris Podcast)
- Durden: Musk Asks Zelensky About Imprisoned American Journalist After Tucker Sounds Alarm
- Kiev’s Conscription Propaganda Campaign Proves That Ukrainians Don’t Want To Fight, by Andrew Korybko
- Ukraine War Day #656: Take Off The Rose-Colored Glasses – Part II, by yalensis
- Free Expression and Self-Censorship on Campus, by Yves Smith
- CIA Linked to John Lennon’s Murder and the Murders of JFK and RFK? by Jeremy Kuzmarov
- ☕️ CHAINSAWING ☙ Monday, December 11, 2023 ☙ C&C NEWS 🦠, by Jeff Childers
- 80 years of lies: FDR Told Public Pearl Harbor Was A Surprise Attack.. by Jeremy Kuzmarov
- Peter Myers Digest December 11
- Yves Smith: Is China’s Economy Collapsing? Economic War! Michael Hudson & Richard Wolff
- Biggest Collapse Since Great Depression: Money Supply Continues To Contract, by Lena Petrova
- How the US Lost Ukraine and Changed Geopolitics Forever! Cyrus Janssen Video
- Foreign Policy Update With Dr Gerald Horne & Garland Nixon (Video)
- Secondary Bacterial Pneumonia Common in Fatal SARS-CoV-2 Infections, by Peter McCullough, MD
- Did Pharma Companies Help Plan “Virality Project” Censorship Program? by Matt Taibbi