- ♫ Tina Turner – Proud Mary
- The Road from Serfdom, by Batiushka
- The Last Crusade, Part I, by Dmitry Orlov [Subscribe, it costs next to nothing – Editor]
- You’re Not Actually Helping When You “Support” Protesters In Empire-Targeted Governments, by Caitlin Johnstone
- MoA: Death Of Nuclear Deal With Iran Adds To Biden’s Failures In U.S. Foreign Policy
- How intelligence agencies take over governments and nation states, by el gato malo
- More on Anti-Antisemitism: Apparently it is needed everywhere, by Philip Giraldi
- Unsettled History: The Useful Abuse of the “Holocaust,” by Alan Sabrosky
- Jews Who Deny Jewish Guilt for Soviet Crimes Will Go to Hell, by Spencer J. Quinn
- Russia Belarus Cooperation, Zelensky Determined to Hold Bakhmut, Turkish Media Savages Zelensky (Mercouris Podcast)
- Biden Gets Pooh Poohed With a Fist Bump Whereas Xi Gets a Regal Welcome in Riyadh, by Natasha Wright
- Equating Rhetoric With Violence to Blame Political Opponents for Mass Murder Sprees, by Glenn Greenwald (Video, Transcript)
- I Know The Long Weekend Is Coming.. by Andrei Martyanov
- Q&A with North South University students, by The Saker (Video)
- Erdogan Jails His Main Rival in the 2023 Election, by Steven Sahiounie
- Tesla Shares Jump After Twitter Users Vote For Elon Musk To Step Down As Chief Twit, by Tyler Durden
- Twitter was a subsidiary of the FBI, and CIA is still hiding “those files” 60 years later, by Jo Nova
Nuclear War
- How FBI Primed Execs With “Russian Disinformation” Disinformation Ahead Of Hunter Biden Bombshell, by Tyler Durden
- Australia’s Former AMA President Defects, Exposes COVID Vaccines, by Igor Chudov
- This conversation is too good not to share here, by Jessica Rose w/Matthew Ehret (Video)
- Updated Boosters OK’d for Babies With Zero Data, by Dr. Joseph Mercola
- Survey: Parental Desire for Childhood Vaccine Choice Rising after COVID-19 Debacle, by Peter McCullough, MD
- The Highwire’s Lab Investigation Of Covid Vaccines (Video)
- Celine Dion was disabled from a Known Side Effect of the COVID vaccine (99.6% certainty), by Steve Kirsch
- NYC Mayor Starts Freaking Out Over Impending Wave Of Illegal Migrants, by Tyler Durden
- What are US biological programs hiding? (Video)
- Ukraine War Day #300: Mitigating The Risk Of A Dirty Bomb, by yalensis
- Gordon Duff on Victor Bout & Tucker’s “CIA Killed JFK,” by Kevin Barrett (Audio)
- New era of China-Saudi ties riles Iran, by M.K. Bhadrakumar
- COVID-19 Vaccine Side Effects: “I Can’t Hear You,” by Peter A. McCullough, MD
- Low-Income World in Multi-Trillion Debt Squeeze, by Baher Kamal
- The EU Plans To Impose Direct Carbon Taxes On Individuals, by Michael Snyder
- Open letter to the president of Turkey, by Leonidaws Chrysanthopoulos
- Dr. Brian Tyson and I Talk with Peter Schweizer About Corrupt Pandemic Response, by John Leake (Audio)