- ♫ Ralph Vaughan Williams – Romance
- SC Editorial: 2023 – The Year the World saw the US Emperor as Naked… and Grotesque
- Breaking Down Thinktank-land’s Latest: Estonian MoD & ISW Analysis, by Simplicius The Thinker
- Now More Than Ever We Need a True Philosopher of Civilization, by Pepe Escobar
- Thoughts on War in Gaza and Ukraine, by Bill Astore
- The US and China at Year’s End: Still Treading on the Precipice, by Michael T. Klare
- The Cost of Insouciance Is Death, by Paul Craig Roberts
- Colorado Ruling Makes Trump a Frontrunner, by Matt Taibbi
- Jung Predicted How the West Would Destroy Itself, by Dr Hugh Willbourn
- Whatever It Takes Won’t Be Enough, by James Howard Kunstler
- Evidence Missing in ‘Mass Rape’ Charge Against Hamas, by Jonathan Cook
- Always Assume Israel Is Lying Until Proven Otherwise, by Caitlin Johnstone
- Starvation and an Action Call for the ICRC, by Mazin Qumsiyeh
- Day 77: Palestinians in Gaza face famine, political prisoners count in West Bank soars – Mondoweiss
- Day 77: Over 20 Thousand Palestinians Killed | IDF Suffers Heavy Losses – Palestine Chronicle
- Sanctions War: World Sides with Palestinian Resistance – Kevin Barrett (Video, Transcript)
- Fighting Houthis in Red Sea becoming unfeasible for US, by Lucas Leiroz
- Biden admin’s flawed response to Yemen attacks increases possibility of regional war, by Mitchell Plitnick
- Why Humiliation is Functional in Israel’s War on Palestinians, by Ramzy Baroud

- Majority of Americans 18-24 Think Israel Should ‘Be Ended and Given to Hamas,’ New Poll Finds
- The Houthis say the only way to stop their attacks is a sustainable ceasefire in Gaza, by Dave DeCamp
- Israelism: A sensitive film commentary that enrages Israel’s supporters, by Omri Wolfe, Andrea Peters
- In Response to War on Gaza, Malaysia Bans Israel-Flagged Ships from Its Ports
- N.Y. Times throws Black Harvard President Under the Bus, by Michael Hoffman
- Ancient Mystery Cults, Gnosticism and Cybernetics: Mapping the Mental Battlefield, by Matthew Ehret
- MoA: The Fantasy Of Missile Defense In Ukraine
- Desperate US/EU To Seize Rus Assets, Send Ukr Refugees Fight; Tighten Oil Cap, Sanction Diamonds (Mercouris Podcast)
- Ukraine War Day #667: Dear Santa, I Need F-16’s – Part I, by yalensis
- ☕️🎄 NOT CROQUET ☙ Friday, December 22, 2023 ☙ C&C NEWS 🎄🦠, by Jeff Childers
- Are Russia and Palestine Fighting Just Wars Against Aggressors? Kevin Barrett, Videos
- The Duran: Dropping Ukraine to focus on Trump w/ Daniel McAdams (Video)
- Dear Freedom Movement: Donald Trump is Not a Friend of Liberty, by Derrick Broze
- Peru and Ecuador Ask US to Come Up With a “Plan Colombia” 2.0 to Combat Drug Cartels, by Nick Corbishley
- The Real Plague of the Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex, by Peter McCullough, MD
- COVID Vaccines Integrate Into Human DNA, Study Finds, by Igor Chudov
- Teacher Found Guilty of Gross Misconduct for Sharing Christian Beliefs in C of E School, by Will Jones
- I was sacked after 20 years as a teacher for standing up to gender ideology, by Kevin Lister
- Why the green elites hate Christmas, by Brendan O’Neill