Daily posts Dec 25, 2021 / Happy Hanukah! Israeli occupation forces destroy a well ♫ Sweet Home Alabama Christmas Column 2021, by Paul Craig Roberts SC Editorial: A Mass-Murdering Regime Dares to Lecture the World on Human Rights Those Nasty Russians, by John Kiriakou Joe Biden, Let’s Not Go to War, by Sheldon Richman Putin: Annual Press Conference (Video) Assange Applies For Appeal to UK Supreme Court, by Joe Lauria We’ve Seen the Ultimatum, What Is the “or Else”? by Patrick Armstrong So far – no reply, but lots of denials, by The Saker US-Installed NATO Puppet in Brussels, by Stephen Lendman How Not to Explain the Ukraine Crisis, by Mike Madden Has America Lost Its Faith? by Pat Buchanan Security Council Approves Aid for Afghanistan, by Stephen Lendman Israel has 90 nukes– but our leaders won’t say so because U.S. would have to cut off aid, by Philip Weiss Rania Khalek interviews Prof. Seyed Mohammad Marandi on JPCOA (Video) Mark Zuckerberg and Priscilla Chan give $1.3 million to 11 Jewish causes With Covid-19 a Century of Intl Crime Cabal Zeroes in on “One World Government Tyranny,” by Joachim Hagopian COVID-Omicron is Killing Christmas – And Beyond. Financial Crash, Inflation, Digitization, by Peter Koenig FDA Releases More Data On “Adverse Reactions” To Pfizer Vaccine, by Tyler Durden Chossudovsky: CDC No Longer Recognizes the PCR Test As a Valid Method for Detecting “Confirmed Covid-19 Cases” Incestuous Ties Between Pharma and Big Government, by Stephen Lendman “No Country Can Boost Its Way Out” – WHO Warns Biden Plan Could “Prolong” Pandemic, by Tyler Durden The Daily Sceptic: Today’s Update Humor: 7 Alarming Omicron Symptoms Lawyers Ask Why Just Four Epstein Accusers Were Called During Maxwell Trial, by Tyler Durden UN Expert: Israel Must Be Held to Account for Expanding Occupation ‘For Fear of the Jews,’ by Joseph Sobran The Christmas Truce of 1914 A Mentally Disturbed FBI Informant Claims He Foiled A Ku Klux Klan Murder Plot, by Eric Striker Great-Replaced: Half of Newborns in Belgium Have Foreign-Origin Mothers, by Guillaume Durocher EU’s Most and Least Polluted Cities – Strategic Infographics