Daily posts Feb 22, 2022 / Families gather every Monday in Gaza City for their relatives held in Israeli prisons ♫ Lenin Square in Donetsk 2/21/2022 Baiting the Bear Is Becoming a Dangerous Game, by Paul Craig Roberts The Neoliberal War on Dissent in the West, by Glenn Greenwald WWII Redux: the Endpoint of U.S. Policy, from Ukraine to Taiwan, by John V. Walsh Dominating the Information Space: The Narrative Floats Into Fantasy, by Alastair Crooke Russian recognition of the LDNR – a few initial thoughts, by The Saker Putin Recognizes Donbass Independence as Violence Soars, by Joe Lauria Putin makes a statement following the Security Council meeting on Donbass recognition (Video) The Media’s Odd Double Standard On Evidence Required For Claims Of An Impending Attack, by Caitlin Johnstone ‘Primacy or World Order’ by Stanley Hoffmann, by Patrick Lawrence The Next Step for the World Economic Forum, by Roger Koops WEF ‘Infiltration’: Rogan Redpilled, Canadian MP Cut Off For Asking – Accused Of Spreading “Disinformation” Trampling The Truckers – The Great Reset Becomes The Great Awakening, by Tom Luongo The Ugly Face of Trudeau Regime Tyranny in Canada’s Capital, by Stephen Lendman Ukraine Crisis Will Spurn Wave of Authoritarianism Around the World, by Martin Jay Foreword to Alain Soral’s Understand the Empire, by Laurent Guyénot A.K. Dewdney on Exposing the New World Order – Kevin Barrett, Audio The Federal Reserve: Enemy of American Workers, by Ron Paul Why People Believe Wrong Things: A Response to Reader Critiques, by eugyppius The Daily Sceptic: Latest Update Biden’s Real Challenge is Not Russia or China but Poverty in America, by Ramzy Baroud Omicron The “Self-Spreading Vaccine”, Ukraine Psyop Embarrassment & Ottawa The Police State – Ryan Cristián Video How the US Uses the NED to Export Obedience, with Matt Kennard – Lowkey Video Amnesty’s Israel Chief Says Group’s Report was ‘Punch to the Gut’ Black History Month Special: Who Ordered the Killing of Malcolm X? by Jeremy Kuzmarov Malcolm’s Growing Socialist, Anti-imperialist, Anti-Zionist and Pan-African Outlook Made Him Target of the “Deep State” Of Course Fidel Castro is Justin Trudeau’s Dad. Nobody Has ‘Debunked’ Anything, by Karen Leibowitcz A Day in the Life of NYT Fake News, by Stephen Lendman House GOP opens a new shameful chapter in diplomatic sabotage, by Ryan Costello What Blinken Told the QUAD, by Ted Snider