Daily posts Feb 27, 2022 / Bombs away! USA!USA!USA! ♫ BACH: Toccata and Fugue, BWV 565 by Edson Lopes Ukraine: the New American War for Righteousness, by Boyd D. Cathey Civilized Nations Kill With Sanctions And Proxy Armies, by Caitlin Johnstone Ukraine Update #2, by Paul Craig Roberts Day 3 – Western PSYOPs in full overdrive, by The Saker MoA: Disarming Ukraine – Day 3 Day Z+3 Russian Liberation /De-Nazification Of Ukraine (Video) Did NATO Just Declare War on Russia? by Mike Whitney Washington Takes Us a Step Closer to War, by Paul Craig Roberts The US Is The Major Instigator Of The Ukraine Conflict, by Rick Sterling Playing the mighty Wurlitzer vs Reality, by Chris Faure The US Military: Planet Earth’s Greatest Enemy, with Abby Martin (Lowkey Video) Psaki Claims Biden “Didn’t Mean It” When He Said “No One Expected Sanctions To Prevent Anything,” by Steve Watson Joint Statement of Russia and China on Int’l Relations Entering a New Era and Global Sustainable Dev’t Who are the 16 rich, powerful Westerners charged with war crimes? by Jeff J Brown Voltaire Net: Zelensky prepared to surrender Biden Administration Tells Zelenskyy to Stop, Only U.S. Permitted to Negotiate With Russia USA will support the decision of Ukraine on declaring a neutral status to Russia, if Kiev accepts it Israel Holds Up Vital Spare Parts for Gaza’s Water and Sewage Systems, by Amira Hass Tucker Carlson: The Elite Pedigree of a Brilliant Cosplaying “Populist,” by Alan Macleod It’s the Inflation, Stupid, by Ted Rall Ukraine’s President Wild Story: He Created A TV Show Where He Was President… Then Won Real Office! (Video) The Great Awakening vs the Great Reset by Alexander Dugin The Great Reset: National Vaccine Passport Rolled Out in 21 States, by Jim Hoft “Fully Vaccinated” Individuals Are Shedding Graphene and Infecting the Unjabbed, by Arsenio Toledo The Daily Sceptic: Latest Update Another North American church denomination sees apartheid in Israel, by Jeff Wright The Bedouins: Kings of the Palestinian Negev, by Doaa Alremeili Democratic Reps tweet about Ukraine — from Israel, on AIPAC junket, by Philip Weiss ISM co-founder refuses to show in court in solidarity with Palestinian administrative detainees, by Yumna Patel