- ♫ Giuseppe Verdi, Và pensiero (Nabucco)
- The Fates of Gaza and Julian Assange Are Sealed Together, by Jonathan Cook
- How British Intelligence Framed Julian Assange As Russian Agent, by Kit Klarenberg
- Western Leaders, So Smug a Year Ago, Are Feeling Anxiety and Panic, by Eric Arnow
- A call to rediscovering Humanity from Ian McGilchrist, the Sage of the Isle of Skye, by Ashley Howes
- The Real Economy Doesn’t Need Growth – Canadians for a Sustainable Society
- On Aaron Bushnell, Methinks The Israel Apologist Doth Protest Too Much, by Caitlin Johnstone
- Israel, Ukraine Fighting ‘Same Battle’ against Humanity – Russia Escalates Language – Pal Chron
- Arab League Shocks the World, Humiliates Israel At ICJ! (Video)
- New reports confirm months of Israeli torture, abuse and sexual violence against Pal prisoners, by Yumna Patel
- J’Accuse! MSM Are Accessories to Israeli Mass Murder of Children, by Jay Janson
- Day 145, Mondoweiss: Hamas warns Israel and U.S. of ‘political machinations’ amid ceasefire talks
- An Arms Embargo on Israel is Crucial to Give Credence to ICJ Ruling on Genocide
- ‘Blood Money’: Bidens Bagged $5M from Associate of Fentanyl Kingpin, by Wendell Husebo
- Our Loss of Science in the 21st Century and How to Get It Back, by Yves Smith
- I Wrote What? Google’s AI-Powered Libel Machine, by Matt Taibbi
- The Trentadue and Epstein Prison Murders, by Paul Craig Roberts
- Nationalism as the Religion of the Modern West, by Bruce Lerro
- The deep crisis of U.S. democracy is not just the fault of one party, by Nat Parry

- The Power Of Absent Things. It explains a lot about Ukraine, by Aurelien
- Dishonest writing about war, by Bill Astore
- Maria Zakharova’s Weekly Briefing–Selections (A very long read), by Karl Sanchez
- How The War in Ukraine Threatens US Global Hegemony and Rent Extraction, by Roger Boyd
- Paris Panic, by Oliver Boyd-Barrett
- Macron’s provocative advocacy of European troops on the ground in Ukraine, by Gilbert Doctorow
- EU Leaders Isolate Macron, Scrounge MidEast/Africa for Shells; Ukr May Coup Rumours; Rus Orlovka (Mercouris Podcast)
- Myers: Yellen urges G7 to seize profits from frozen Russian assets and redirect them to Ukraine
- Russia’s Finance Minister: it’s better to invest money in your own country, by Karl Sanchez
- Ukraine War Day #735: FSB Grabs Some Buzz In Zaporozhie, by yalensis
- ☕️ BURN NOTICE ☙ Wednesday, February 28, 2024 ☙ C&C NEWS 🦠, by Jeff Childers
- McConnell to Step Down as Senate GOP Leader, by Jackson Richman
- The Ponzi bomb under the city walls, by el gato malo
- Recession Watch: Deficits And AI Versus The Real World (which always wins), by John Rubino
- On Tyrants, Censors, and Serial Killers – Video w/John Leake, Shannon Joy
- 10 Reasons Why Jill Stein Is the Best Candidate for 2024, by Eric Arnow
- How bad are the Covid-inspired amendments to the Intl Health Regs of the WHO? by eugyppius
- Humanity Under Attack – CHD Video
- Dublin Has Been Fundamentally Changed as Ireland Loses Its Identity (Video)