- ♫ Suzie Q – Creedence Clearwater Revival
- SC Editorial: Washington’s Reich Syndrome… War Plans Accumulate Beyond Russia to China
- US Surrounds China With War Machinery While Freaking Out About Balloons, by Caitlin Johnstone
- The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse: In Ukraine, by Boyd Cathey
- Oh, Sh*t, Here We Go – Video, Col. Douglas MacGregor joins Clayton Morris
- Is the Ukrainian front about to crumble? by Dmitry Orlov
- What Becomes of NATO After The Loss In Ukraine – Gonzalo Lira Podcast
- MoA: U.S.-Russia Talks, Bakhmut Retreat, Laughable Casualty Numbers
- When Numbers Lie – Andrei Martynov Podcast
- How a Network of Nazi Propagandists Helped Lay the Groundwork for the War in Ukraine, by Evan Reif
- Russia New Kremennaya Offensive, Bakhmut One Road; Pentagon To Congress Ukraine Unable to Take Crimea (Mercouris Podcast)
- As US Proxy War Rages Against Russia, US Seeks War with China by 2025 – Video, Berletic and Giuliano
- Ukraine War Day #345: Poles: Pereiaslav Duda Do-Over? by yalensis
- Germany’s slide into Militarism in new war against Russia, w/Matthew Ehret [RT Crosstalk, Video]
- Is Japan Willing to Cut Its Own Throat in Sacrifice to the U.S. Pivot to Asia? by Cynthia Chung
- Peter Myers Digest Feb 3, 2023
- The Duran: As Ukraine crumbles, EU holds circus act summit in Kiev (Video)

- Who is the Better Identity Coalition? by Derrick Broze
- Boycott the multinationals – the revolution starts here, by Michael Driver
- The little red Chinese balloon, w/Max Blumenthal & Aaron Mate (Video)
- Democratic Countries Must Reject This WHO Power Grab, by Dr David Bell
- How to create the illusion your vaccine is 90% effective, by Norman Fenton and Martin Neil
- The FDA’s New Vaccine Strategy, by Dr. Joseph Mercola
- UK Army’s 77th Brigade Psychological Warfare Officer And Tobias Ellwood MP Calls For WWIII With Russia
- Thailand drops a BOMBSHELL on @pfizer, and they’re PISSED! The narrative is collapsing! (Video)
- Masks Don’t Work, Gold Standard Review of Trial Data Concludes, by Dr Robert Malone
- The (New) God Delusion – Big bucks, philanthropy and pandemics, by Jeffrey Peel
- Contextualizing the shooting in Neve Yaakov, by Jalal Abukhater
- As violence rises in Palestine, the NYT runs Patrick Kingsley’s awful and dangerous report, by James North
- What 21st Century America Under Jewish Rule Has in Common with 19th Century China Under Manchu Rule, by Jung-Freud
- Villains and Victims: An Unexpected Outbreak of Hate-Fact at the World’s Greatest Newspaper, by Tobias Langdon
- Absent Black Fathers Found! by J. B. Clark
- Could Sturgeon’s Trans Fiasco Be Woke’s Berlin Wall Moment? by Nick Dixon
- Russian tourist flows to Seychelles and the New World Order, by Gilbert Doctorow