Daily posts Jan 22, 2022 / Yemen ♫ Dave Brubeck – Take Five Insane Signals, One Conclusion… U.S. and NATO Inciting War Against Russia Eurasia & the Epochal Decline in US Global Power, by Alfred McCoy Consider The Possibility That This Is Already The Dystopia You Fear, by Caitlin Johnstone Iran-Russia hit maximum strategy, by Pepe Escobar Only Fools Replay Doomsday, by William Astore Justice for Julian – Live from outside the US Department of Justice (Video) Promoting Instead of Opposing War, by Stephen Lendman Boris Johnson and No. 10 lockdown parties: Why the media are complicit, by Jonathan Cook Natural Immunity Superior to Vaccine Immunity, CDC Study Finds, by Will Jones Djokovic v. Judicial Ruling Against Him, by Stephen Lendman Record Hospitalisations in Highly Vaccinated U.S. States as Omicron Surge Peaks, by Will Jones Roundtable – Glyphosate, mRNA & Spike Proteins Destroying Your Body – Ryan Cristián Podcast Daily Sceptic News Round-Up 01/21 The Three Types of US ‘Regime Change,’ by Joe Lauria Is there a deal being prepared behind the scenes? by The Saker QR Codes Are Dead in Russia, by Tim Kirby Russia’s view on Geopolitics, War and Energy Racketeering, by Nash Landesnan Jordan Peterson: Why I am no longer a tenured professor at the University of Toronto Guantánamo’s Forever Elusive Endgame, by Karen Greenberg Ukraine hits back at Biden, by Layla Guest Saudi Coalition Attacks Yemen Youth Soccer Game: Civilians Killed, by Jason Ditz Saudi Attack Leads to Nationwide Internet Outage in Yemen, by Jason Ditz Andrei Martyanov on Blinken and Lavrov (Video) CNN Scrambles To Explain Away Joe Biden Saying 2022 Midterms Could Be “Illegitimate,” by Paul Joseph Watson Ron Jacobs on “Hazy Cosmic Jive”; Harrison and Gage AIA of Lawyers’ Committee for 9/11 Inquiry on Today’s Oral Arguments How Domestic U.S. Drone Integration is Propelling Next Wave of Killer Drone Proliferation, by Barry Summers “Rest In Peace, Big Man.” Colin Flaherty And Black Crime — The Biggest Lie Of Our Generation Black on Black Mass Shooting at MLK Day Party on Martin Luther King Jr. Drive in San Antonio, by Paul Kersey