Daily posts Jan 24, 2022 / ♫ Creedence Clearwater Revival – Have You Ever Seen The Rain The CIA’s War on Democracy: Edward Curtin in Conversation with RFK Jr (Video) Eurasia on a roll. What Next? by Tarik The Covid Deception Is a Power Grab, by Paul Craig Roberts Anonymous Officials Claim There’s An Evil Russian Plot Again But The Evidence Is Secret Again, by Caitlin Johnstone New Data From Life Insurance Companies Confirm That Americans Are Dying In Unusually Large Numbers Godot Likely To Arrive Before Russia Invades Ukraine, by Ray McGovern German Navy Chief Resigns; Britain Spreads Fears of Russian ‘Coup’ & Wider War, by Joe Lauria Ukrainian opposition party branded US sanctions against its members as ‘political terror’ An aftermath of Washington Post–Zelensky interview, by Lilia Shumkova Facts vs. Fiction: Russian Disinformation on Ukraine Latest MSM Fake News on Russia, by Stephen Lendman Ukraine Crisis: US ‘Toolboxes’ Are Empty, by Scott Ritter US Personnel Leaving Ukraine Ahead of Planned Biden Regime War? by Stephen Lendman Dr. Malone on Carlson: There’s Gonna Have to be a Reckoning, the Science Is Settled on Forced Jabs (Video) BBC HardTalk: Marandi on Vienna Nuclear Talks (Video) Biden family received $31 million from Chinese officials with links to the highest levels of Chinese intel As a socialist, here’s why BLM and ‘Defund The Police’ do the left no favors, by Dakotah Lilly The British Public is Having a Periodical Fit of Morality, by James Alexander Simulation of a Cyber Attack against the Global Financial System. Israel’s Operation “Collective Strength” Truth Or COVID? by Michael Lesher Royal College of GPs Calls For Cancellation of NHS Vaccine Mandate as Thousands March in Protest British Medical Journal Demands Immediate Release of All COVID-19 Vaccine, Treatment Data Daily Sceptic News Round-Up 01/23 Bari Weiss Tells Bill Maher Pandemic Policy Will Be Remembered as a ‘Catastrophic Moral Crime’ (Video) Can the Drone War Be Made More Humane? by John Kiriakou Nicaragua Once Again Inaugurates the “People as President,” by Nan McCurdy A Dam in Syria Was on a ‘No- Strike’ List. The U.S. Bombed It Anyway Russian River Transport Revolution – A Project With Geopolitical Ramifications, by Tim Kirby Holey Ghosts, by George Monbiot