Jul 25, 2022
- ♫ dJarabi – Sona Jobarteh & Band
- Five months into the Special Military Operation – a summary, by The Saker
- SC Editorial: Prepare to Freeze… EU’s Elitist Rulers Give Grim New Meaning to Cold War
- When They Announce WW3 Let’s Just Say ‘Nah’, by Caitlin Johnstone
- Yes, Putin once dreamed the American Dream, by Patrick Armstrong
- Ukraine War Day #151: Wither Russian-Israel Relations? by yalensis
- Grain and ratlines: Don’t hold your breath, by Die Untermensche
- Gonzalo Lira – Roundtable #4: w/Christoforou, Escobar, iEarlGrey (Video)
- Israeli Supreme Court rules citizens can be stripped of status for ‘breach of loyalty,’ by Yumna Patel
- “Climate Change”, Food Shortages: Coordinated Destruction of Humanity by the WEF and Its “Elite Cult,” by Peter Koenig
- The Atlas: US HIMARS vs. Russia’s Tornado-S (Video)
- As Russia Prepares for Donbass Offensive It Records Steady Price Falls, Rebounding Economy (Mercouris Podcast)
- Six achievements of the Putin-Khamenei meeting, by Abdel Bari Atwan
- Russia Informs Turkey It Had “Nothing To Do” With Odessa Port Attack, by Tyler Durden
- E. Michael Jones: Russia Mocks US Embrace of “Gender Denial” – Kevin Barrett,Video
- Jimmy Dore Show: The End Of The American Empire Is Here, w/Chris Hedges
- The Monkeypox Scam Heats Up, by Stephen Lendman
- Ukraine. Military Summary And Analysis 24.07.2022
- Kevin Barrett: Lori Price on “CLG in the Crosshairs of Totalitarian Censors” (Audio)
- Bannon Found Guilty Of Contempt Of Congress For Defying J6 Subpoena, by Tyler Durden
- Iranian forces dismantle Israeli espionage network
- The Prevailing Corona Nonsense Narrative, by Dr. Thomas Binder
- Australia’s Former PM Scott Morrison Awaits the “Political Apocalypse,” by Binoy Kampmark
- Sen. Joe Manchin and His Wife Directed Millions to the Wildlife Area Surrounding Vacation Condo, by Daniel Boguslaw