- ♫ Faran Ensemble performing “Rain”
- For Warmongers It’s Always 1938, by Caitlin Johnstone
- Introducing: Moscow World Standard, by Dmytry Orlov
- American Diplomacy as a Tragic Drama, by Michael Hudson
- SC Editorial: Surging U.S. Gas Exports to Europe are Proof of Strategic Objective Not Aid
- Shrinking the Economy is a Feature, Not a Flaw – Massive Layoffs and Unemployment Likely Hits in September
- MoA: A Panicking Biden Administration Seeks Talks With Russia
Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov: to member countries of the African Union
- Russia and the NWO with Joaquin Flores, by Matthew Ehret (Video)
- What the U.S. Govt and The NYT Have Quietly Agreed Not to Tell You About Ukraine, by Evan Reif
- Ukraine War Day #156: Turkish Football Fans Cheer For Putin, by yalensis
- European MP Labels COVID Vaccine Coercion “Worst Crime Ever Committed On Humanity,” by Steve Watson (Video)
- Europe hypnotized into war economy, by Jorge Vilches
- Russia Gains Ground, Ukraine Pushed Back in Kherson, Xi Slams Biden over Taiwan (Mercouris Podcast)

- Welcome To The Biden Recession: Q2 GDP “Unexpectedly” Shrinks 0.9%, 2nd Consecutive Decline, by Tyler Durden
Reporter Exposes White House’s Blatant Redefining Of “Recession,” by Steve Watson (Video)
- The Duran: UK leadership vacuum; Sunak, Truss and Labour Party (Video)
- “Neutrality is not a faithful response”: churches call Israeli apartheid by its name, by Mark Braverman
- Australian Politicians on Fire For Assange (Video)
- “I’ve Delivered”: New Disclosures Demolish President Biden’s Denials On Hunter Dealings, by Jonathan Turley
- The Worst US Secret Service Failure Since Nov. 1963? by James DiEugenio
- The World Does Not Want a Global NATO, by Vijay Prashad
- Why didn’t the Lebanese General stick his boot up the Israeli’s ass? by Sharmine Narwani
‘Ukrainians offer no evidence’ says Lebanese customs official over allegedly looted Syrian ship cargo
- Greater Romania Emerges From Stalingrad’s Ashes, by Declan Hayes
- Chile’s New Constitution on a Knife-Edge, by Arlette Gay
- AIPAC declares war on any support of Palestinian human rights, by Mitchell Plitnick
- Brits Sanction Brit, by Declan Hayes
- The Spectacular Collapse of German-Japanese Relations under Forced Globalism, by Thorsten J Pattberg
- What Are Awards for? by Ted Rall