- ♫ Willie Nelson – Roll Me Up and Smoke Me When I Die
- Information Anarchism, by Caitlin Johnstone
- The ‘Wrong’ Turning Brings on the ‘Fourth Turning,’ by Alastair Crooke
- US-NATO, G7 “Deploys All Its Weapons” to Maintain World Dominance, by Manlio Dinucci
America’s “Holy War” to Conquer Russia and China Declared by Mike Pompeo, by Eric Zuesse
- Endless Wars, Food Shortages, Eugenics and the “Digitization of Everything”: The WEF Agenda 2030, by Peter Koenig
- The Kremlin’s Hesitancy and Prevarication Is a Road to War, by Paul Craig Roberts
- Ukraine War Day #131: The People Of Lugansk Freed Themselves, by yalensis
- 9,000 Retweets and 800,000 Video Views, by Ron Unz
The Covid Plot Against Humanity, by Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.
- Avoiding a Russian Quagmire, the Improbable Ukrainian Peace, and the Risk of Direct Russo-NATO War, by Gordon Hahn
- Foreign Policy Fail: Biden’s Sanctions are a Windfall For Russia! by Ron Paul
- Human Rights: the United States and Western Style, by Mansoureh Tajik
Aleksandr Dugin
- Civilization-State, by Aleksandr Dugin
Aleksandr Dugin on the Alien, Substantially Jewish Elite in the U.S. and Its War Against Traditional American Individualism, by Kevin MacDonald
Foreign Policy as Spiritual Warfare: A Conversation With Aleksandr Dugin, by Edward Stawiarski
The United States Court Against The Ideology Of Progress, by Alexander Dugin
- How to Lose Big in Ukraine, by Michael Brendan Dougherty
- Global Agendas 2022 – NATO and RIMPAC, by Gavan McCormack
- Kremlin Says 4 Dead After “Deliberate” Ukrainian Missile Attack On Russian Border City, by Tyler Durden
- Barbarossa: Suvorov’s Revisionism Goes Mainstream, Review by Laurent Guyénot
MoA Comment
- What Does the Declaration of Independence Really Mean? by Boyd D. Cathey
- Geopolitical Bombshell: Saudi Arabia in Discussion with China to Join BRICS+ Coalition, by Sundance
- What the Yellow Vests can be: a group which can protect Liberalism’s rights, at least, by Ramin Mazaheri
- Oil prices ‘could reach “stratospheric” $380 a barrel if Russia cuts supplies further,’ by D. Mavrokefalidis
The West Thinks It Can Fix the Price of Russian Oil, by Paul Craig Roberts
- Pathologist Speaks Out About Covid mRNA Vaccine Impacts: Cancer on the Rise, by Dr. Joseph Mercola
- Wanted in the US for ‘Despicable’ Moving Fraud and Extortion: A Dozen Fugitives Live Openly in Israel
- Palestinian resistance icon and detainee Zakaria Zubeidi obtains Master’s degree while in prison