- ♫ Johnny Cash – “Sunday Mornin’ Comin’ Down”
- We’re Here To Become As Conscious As Possible, by Caitlin Johnstone
- Putin Reroutes Critical Hydrocarbons Eastward Leaving Europe High-and-Dry, by Mike Whitney
- Preparing for the Reality of Financial Collapse, by Joseph Mercola
- Sitrep Operation Z: Messy Grind again and more Great Walkback, by Amarynth
- Tucker Carlson: Biden has made things a lot worse (Video)
- A Whistleblower’s Agony, by John Kiriakou
Julian Assange in Ithaka, by Binoy Kampmark
- What Is a Woman? by Paul Craig Roberts
- ‘He who fights to negotiate, loses.’ Time is running out for Zelensky (Mercouris, Christoforou Podcast)
- The Anglo-American Origins of Color Revolutions & NED, by Matthew Ehret
- Activist Interrupts Summit of the Americas, “Luis Almagro you have Blood on Your Hands!” by R. Hu, C. Garaffa
- Capitol Police Chief Debunks J6 Committee Conspiracy Theory, by Tyler Durden
- Ukraine War Day #112: About Those Ukrainian Punitive Squads, by yalensis

- What Really Happened to Justin Bieber? by Michelle Malkin
Vaccine Killings – Lawsuit against Bill Gates
- How Can We Survive as a Human Species? by Rudolf Hänsel
- The Empire Strikes Back: Imperialism’s global war on multipolarity (Videos)
- The Food Crisis, Africa has No Access to Grain and Fertilizers: African Union Head Calls for Lifting of Sanctions against Russia
- Deprogramming From the ‘Woke’ Cult: Former Social Justice Warrior Overcomes Fear to Speak Up, by Matt McGregor
- Questions for the Israeli soldier who shot Shireen Abu Akleh, by Terry Ahwal
- India Begins Replacing EU as Russia’s Major Energy Market, by Paul Antonopoulos
- Writers in Israel’s leading paper decry ‘apartheid’ — as liberal Zionist leader calls it a distracting ‘label,’ by Philip Weiss
Israel MP says he wishes there was button to get rid of Palestinian citizens
- What Happens When The Workforce No Longer Wants To Work? by Charles Hugh Smith
- CIA Whistleblower, David C. MacMichael, Who Helped Ignite Iran-Contra Affair Dies at 95, by John Kiriakou
- Regis Tremblay shares his amazing journey: how being a filmmaker in Korea, Ukraine and Russia has changed his life for the better (Jeff Brown podcast)
- Is There Life After Death? A review of ‘James and Whitehead on Life after Death’ by David Ray Griffin, by Edward Curtin
- Leaked Internal Messages Show Twitter Employees Debating Whether To Ban Libs Of TikTok, by Tyler Durden
- Nationalism and Genocide: Origin of the Artificial Famine of 1932-33 in Ukraine, by Valentyn Moroz