Jun 7, 2022
- ♫ Còig live at Celtic Colours International Festival
- You’re Only As Free As You Allow Your World To Be, by Caitlin Johnstone
- MoA: How Russia Can (And Will?) De-NATO-size Europe
- (SC) The World Doesn’t Work That Way Anymore, by Alastair Crooke
- Is US/NATO Pushing for a Global South Famine? by Michael Hudson
- Sitrep Operation Z: Back into The Grind while the penny drops in Europe
- How blaming Putin is helping Putin, by Dmitry Orlov
- Ukraine War Day #103: Severodonetsk Update Plus Cossacks, by yalensis
- (SC) Holy War in Ukraine, by Declan Hayes
- US Battled World War II Nazis, Today US Side-by-side w/Ukraine Nazis, by Renee Parsons
‘Beacon of Democracy’: Kiev Regime’s Practice of Kidnapping People Spirals Out of Control, by Drago Bosnic - Ukraine Admits Failure of Severodonetsk Counter-Attack, Putin Slams West’s Economic Policies (Mercouris Podcast)
- A Graduation Speech to Air Force Cadets, by William Astore
- Africa, the Collateral Victim of a Distant Conflict, by Vijay Prashad
- Respect the Fed? No, End the Fed, by Ron Paul
Our Rulers Have Lost Their Minds - US State-Affiliated NewsGuard Targets Consortium News, by Joe Lauria
- The Disturbing Truth of a Century of Domestic Terrorism, by Matthew Ehret
- (SC) The So-Called ‘War of Attrition’ Is Stacked Up in Russia’s Favour. And Kissinger Knows It, by Martin Jay
- Quod licet NATO member, non licet Russia, by Batko Milacic
- Psychopathic Politicians: Role Models of a “Slave Society,” by Julian Rose
- Epistemic Viciousness – Gonzalo Lira Podcast
Empire Managers Are Fucking Idiots, by Caitlin Johnstone - We’re Now in the Last Stage of a Tyrannical Takeover, by Dr. Joseph Mercola, Naomi Wolf
- Russia Targets Western-Supplied Tank Depot In Kiev In Rare Cruise Missile Attack, by Tyler Durden
- Hedges: America’s Gun Fetish
- ALBA and Nicaragua – Defending Solidarity in a Divided World. Confronting the Monroe Doctrine, by Stephen Sefton
- A prominent Israel lobbyist concedes that Zionism may have ‘failed,’ by Philip Weiss
- Flawed NYT editorial– ‘Who killed Shireen Abu Akleh?’ — suggests internal debate at the paper, by James North
- Study Finds Athlete Deaths Are 1,700% Higher Than Expected Since COVID-19 Vaccination Began
- Elon Musk Wonders Why DOJ Hasn’t Leaked Epstein Client List – And Media Doesn’t Care, by Tyler Durden