- ♫ Seo Linn – Óró Sé do Bheatha Bhaile
- Russia, China, Iran… and Saudi Arabia? by Ron Unz
- MoA: China’s Prestigious Middle East Deal May Soon See Challenges
- The Drums Of War With China Are Beating Much Louder Now, by Caitlin Johnstone
- Betting All on Hegemony; Risking All, To Stave Off Ruin, by Alastair Crooke
- Russia Advances Bakhmut Slaviansk, Ukraine Delays Counterattack, Kremlin Only Military Solution (Mercouris Podcast)
- Berletic: Ukraine’s Possible Bakhmut Counteroffensive + What Poland’s Military Build-Up Means (Video)
- Money Troubles, by James Howard Kunstler
- Why the Banking System Is Breaking Up, by Michael Hudson
- Banking Troubles on the Horizon? by Paul Craig Roberts
- The Left Needs to Stop Calling Everyone Hitler, by Nick Dixon
- From “Donuts” to Wars for “Democracy,” The Triumph of American Corporate BS, by A.J. Smuskiewicz
- Ukraine War Day #383: Poland To Build Ukrainian Rail Network, by yalensis
- CCP Money Flowed To Biden Family According Bank Records, Docs Obtained By House GOP, by Tyler Durden
- The Duran: Foreign agents and protests in Georgia (Video)
- The Colour Revolution Is on the March: What’s Going on in Georgia? by Erkin Öncan
- The Looming Quadrillion Dollar Derivatives Tsunami, by Ellen Brown

- Silicon Valley Bank – Get Woke, Go Broke, by Helena Kelly
- Fed Panics: Signature Bank Closed By Regulators; Another Banking System Bailout, by Tyler Durden
- Impending Financial Collapse, Ohio Revelations & Manufacturing Consent (Ryan Cristián, Video)
- The glorification of sub-mediocrity, by el gato malo
- Science is not to be trusted. It is to be examined, discussed, questioned, and tested, by Alex Washburne
- Leaked WhatsApp messages reveal UK’s psycho clown show, by John Leake
- The Covid lie that drove lockdown and the mRNA ‘vaccine’ experiment, by Neville Hodgkinson
- Lab Leak Bombshell, Did Fauci Really Do This?, by Dr. Joseph Mercola (Video)
- Nazi Austria, from Joel Smalley
- Post-COVID Syndrome Associated with Persistent Spike Protein, by Peter A. McCullough, MD
- Update on the flawed hospital data, by Norman Fenton (Video)
- Stanford’s Stupid “Virality” Project, by John Leake
- Where Are the Woodwards and Bernsteins of the Pandemic? by James Alexander
- Jeff Brown: Bruce Lerro answers all your questions about what propaganda really is (Video, Transcript)
- Apparently only one out of eight young women knows what a woman is (Dick Nixon, Twitter)
- Netanyahu’s Chutzpah, by As`ad AbuKhalil
- Anticipating Israel’s Counter-Attack: Make the One Democratic State, by Mazin Qumsiyeh & Alain Alameddine