Mar 26, 2024
- ♫ Hauser – Oblivion (Piazzolla)
- Monstrous Zionist Extermination in Gaza Continues as US Attempts Voter-Appeasing Headfakery, by Yves Smith
- Things That Have Been Discredited During The Destruction Of Gaza, by Caitlin Johnstone
- Fear of the Jews and the Jewish God of Terror, by Laurent Guyénot
- Conversation on the Gaza Genocide with Norman Finkelstein and Chris Hedges (Video)
- The Tragic Absurdity of Biden’s Gaza Policies, by Jack Mirkinson
- In Blob We Trust, by James Howard Kunstler
- Cherchez le Juif: Satanism as the Hidden Grammar of America, by E. Michael Jones
- American Pravda: Samantha Power, R2P, and the Politics of Genocide, by Ron Unz
- MoA: Deterrence By Savagery?
- US Abstains – UN Security Council Passes Resolution Calling for Gaza Ceasefire
- The Pentagon Ate Our Government: Looking at the New Federal Budget, by Bill Astore
- How moral relativism destroyed sanity and how objectivity can bring it back, by el gato malo
- Tulsi Gabbard on Being Trump’s VP, Who’s Puppeteering Biden and Corruption in Congress – Tucker Carlson (Video)
- The Russians Are Coming! Quick, Give Us Your Money! by Oliver Boyd-Barrett
- What does it mean to be anti-imperialist? with Billy Bob et al (Video)
- Paul Robeson and the Battle for the Soul of America (and the World), by Matthew Ehret
- Monotheistic Roots of Nationalism Part II, by Bruce Lerro
- U.S. House Rams Through Bill to Ban TikTok, by C. Menahan
- ☕️ IN THE MUD ☙ Monday, March 25, 2024 ☙ C&C NEWS 🦠, by Jeff Childers
- The Nuland – Budanov – Tajik – Crocus connection, by Pepe Escobar
- Ukraine intel chief has not been heard of since missile strike on his HQ, by Don Hank
- Crooke/Napolitano Chat: What to Headline? by Karl Sanchez
- Rus Charges 4 Crocus Gunmen, Threaten Planners Massive Punishment; Rus Strike Destroys Kiev Patriots (Mercouris Podcast)
- Ukraine War Day #761: “ISIS dunnit” Propagandist Unmasked, by yalensis
- Who Is Behind the Moscow Terror Attack? by Garland Nixon (Podcast)
- Non-Military Wars and the Terrorist Attack in Moscow, by Iurie Roșca
- The Crocus Disaster, The terrorist attack and its consequences, by Aleks (Black Mountain)
- NATO’s Inevitable Defeat as Ukraine’s Army Has Been Destroyed, w/Ray McGovern (Video)
- US Scheme to Challenge Russian Dominance in Nuclear Energy Faces Major Obstacles, by Conor Gallagher
- Shakespeare’s MacBeth, on Trump: ‘Full of Sound and Fury, Signifying Nothing,’ by John Spritzler
- ‘Conspiracy theorist!’: How to effectively respond to toxic labeling, by Rebekah Barnett
- Trump Says He’ll Post $175 Million Bond in Fraud Case After New Court Order, by Catherine Yang
- Macron’s Psycho-Play to Keep Aloft the Punctured Balloon of a ‘Geo-Political EU,’ by Alastair Crooke
- Our Quest for Freedom: Defending, by Paul Cudenec
- #CovidIsAirborne, NPIs, Sequelae, Immune Dysregulation, Social Norming, Official Maleficence, Eugenics, by Lambert Strether
- Paxlovid Rebound Proven in Prospective Study, by Peter McCullough, MD
- The US and Europe Have Given Their Countries to Immigrant-invaders, by Paul Craig Roberts
- Mob Rule Versus Survival of the West: Why Americans Should Be Watching the UK, by Susan D. Harris