Daily posts Mar 7, 2022 / ♫ Put Putuje – Barcelona Gipsy balKan Orchestra War, Conflict & Enemies of Truth, by Michael Brenner Day 11 – Putin’s last warning before beginning of the 2nd phase of the operation, by The Saker Ukraine Is A Sacrificial Pawn On The Imperial Chessboard, by Caitlin Johnstone Burning Globalist Structures to Save the Globalist ‘Liberal Order,’ by Alastair Crooke India’s moment to shine, by Gilbert Doctorow Gen GD Bakshi Decodes Russia’s Motives Behind Attack On Zaporizhzhia’s Nuclear Plant The US Is Culpable in Today’s Ukraine Crisis, by Liam Cosgrove Mearsheimer and McGovern on Ukraine (Video) Western progressives must demand 3.5 more years of – no, permanent – Russophobia! by Ramin Mazaheri Putin Address on Military Situation in Ukraine and Fallen Russian Soldiers (Video, English subs) Ukraine crisis: US stirs up trouble globally but unable to solve problems, by Giancarlo Elia Valori If US keeps intensifying Ukraine crisis with sanctions, military deployments, ‘mediation would be useless’ Ukraine and Falsehood in the Time of War, by Boyd D. Cathey Evidence that Ukraine Has Been Run by Nazis Since February 2014, by Eric Zuesse Steve Turley: The Liberal Globalist Order Has Officially Collapsed!! – Podcast US Tells All Americans To Leave Russia “Immediately” After Putin Dials Up Threats, by Tyler Durden Russia’s Demilitarization and DeNazification of Ukraine: Day 11, by Stephen Lendman Truth-Telling on Ukraine by a Noted Expert, by Stephen Lendman The Orchestrated Ukraine Deception, The Broken Overton Window & Western Extremism Removes Its Mask (Podcast) Russia warns Washington is sending ISIS fighters to Ukraine By banning Russian media outlets, EU exposes its discomfort with alternative narratives of the Ukrainian crisis So, Are Putin and the Russians as Good as These Guys? You Decide, by L. Reichard White Demands grow in Washington for US war with Russia, by Andre Damon Who gets NATO’s weapons in Ukraine? by Jason Melanovski, Clara Weiss Dangerous Pfizer Vaccine Fraud Fully Exposed, by Dr. Joseph Mercola (Videos) Dr. Nass’s Orwellian Nightmare: Med License Suspended for COVID “Misinformation” (Video) Inflation Is “Imposing Real Hardships” On Everyday Americans; $10 Toothpaste & $4 Gas, by Tyler Durden About Those 600,000 Barrels… by Eric Peters Documents expose US biological experiments on allied soldiers in Ukraine and Georgia, by D Gaytandzhieva Musk’s Starlink Rejects Governments Requests To Ban Russian News, by Tyler Durden