- ♫ A Change Is Gonna Come – Sam Cooke
- What they are talking about on the Russian talk shows today: full war mobilization! by Gilbert Doctorow
- Michael Hudson: A roadmap to escape the west’s stranglehold, by Pepe Escobar
- Mike Whitney Interviews Paul Craig Roberts About the Rising Tensions with China
- What Dan Ellsberg Means, by Patrick Lawrence
- The Duran: Bakhmut heats up w/Brian Berletic and Gonzalo Lira (Video)
- No, Australia Does Not Actually Need To Prepare For War With China, by Caitlin Johnstone
- Russia Presses Bakhmut Cauldron, Discusses Further Donbass Offensive; Zelensky Vows Bakhmut Defence (Mercouris Podcast)
- MoA: Nord Stream Attack – White House Counters Hersh’s Reputation With Weak ‘Intelligence’
- Will anti-war protests bring an end to the Ukraine war? by Gilbert Doctorow (Video)
- Putting Europe’s Energy Crisis into Perspective, by Noah Carl
- How the WHO was captured – Private capital wields far too much influence, by Thomas Fazi
- Critical Thinking is Our Only Weapon Against the Doomsayers, by Thorsteinn Siglaugsson
- Natural Immunity Is as Protective as COVID Jab, by Dr. Joseph Mercola (Video)
- PCR: The “safe and Effective” MRNA “vaccines” Caused More Covid Cases and More Deaths Than the Virus Itself
- Pandemic policies arise primarily from the unbounded myopia and stupidity of the people who govern us, by eugyppius
- No, the Lockdown Files Don’t Prove the Government’s Pandemic Response Was All a Giant Cock-Up, by James Alexander
- Child vaccines – the magic words that give drug firms legal immunity, by Paula Jardine
- Claims the unvaccinated were at higher risk of hospitalisation and death were based on deliberately murky record keeping, by Norman Fenton
- Google Searches for “Maternity Clothes” down 12-15% in the United States, by Igor Chudov
- Varoufakis — Try Those Guilty of Persecuting Assange (Video, Transcript)
- Australia’s official neglect of Assange revealed in Fedl Govt files obtained under FOI legislation, by Kellie Tranter
- The Real Threat of 15-Minute Cities: Big Lies, Big Data, and the Rise of Bigger Brother, by Mac Ghlionn
- Bombshell 1998 Interview Exposes Massive CIA Mind Control Ops Used on American Citizens (Audio)
- US Foreign Policy Goes “Woke”? Regime change in store for cultural conservatives? by Philip Giraldi
- Vast Expanse Of US Military Hardware Positioned At Polish Port, by Tyler Durden
- Ukraine War Day #377: Ukrainka, by yalensis
- With the ‘expert’ COVID view blown up, green terror must be next
- Palestinians Tell of New Massacre as Israeli Occupation Forces Storm Jenin
- The Israeli Knesset moves to adopt the death penalty for Palestinian resistance, by Mariam Barghouti
- Hollywood Actor Mark Ruffalo Says It is Time to Sanction Israeli Government
- Will Pakistan defy US sanctions to complete ‘Peace Pipeline’ with Iran? by F.M. Shakil
- The Federal Reserve’s Magic Trick: Big Tech, by Ron Paul
- Playing Checkers in a Game of Chess, Bringing Knives to a Gunfight – Part 2, by Ray Zwarich