- ♫ The Skye Boat Song – Ella Roberts
- Israel Massacres Children, Which The Western Press Says Is Fine, by Caitlin Johnstone
- Peter Myers Digest: Israel & USA will become pariah states unless they comply with ICJ order
- Israel & US Disregard ICJ In Pursuit Of Gaza Genocide – Ryan Cristián Video
- Large Massacre in Rafah | Fire in Upper Galilee | Hezbollah Intensifies Attacks – Day 233
- The Hidden Israel Lobby, US Student Protests & Academic Freedom (Video)
- Netanyahu’s visit, the new American proposal, and threats against int’l justice, by Marwan Toubasi
- Watching the Watchdogs: Israel’s Attacks on Journalists are Backfiring – Al Jazeera
- Israel is using starvation as a weapon of war in Gaza – BMJ
- Leaked NYT Gaza Memo: Avoid Words ‘Genocide,’ ‘Ethnic Cleansing,’ ‘Occupied Territory,’ by J. Scahill
- US Attacks Key Element of Russia’s Nuclear Umbrella, by Mike Whitney
- Russia and China Have Had Enough, by Karl Sanchez
- De-dollarization: The Chinese Are Setting Up a New Financial System, by Kwan Lee
- It’s Actually Amazing How Stupid The Propaganda Is Getting, by Caitlin Johnstone
- USA Inc. is the world’s biggest Ponzi scheme, by Don Hank
- Political Conflict in the Age of Psychic Warfare, by John Carter
- NATO’s Yipping Chihuahuas Strain Their Leash as Russia Gears Up for Next Wave, by Simplicius
- Big Rus Missile Strike; Lavrov West Desperate; Duma Rus Wants Kiev Regime Change; Yanukovich Return (Mercouris Podcast)
- The air strike on Russia’s nuclear shield could well lead to a nuclear retaliatory strike, by Don Hank

- ‘To Be America’s Friend Is Fatal’: A Current Overview, by Conor Gallagher
- The West’s “Theory of Victory”: Convincing Ukraine to Fight a Futile War – The New Atlas (Video)
- In hoc signo vinces, by T.P. Wilkinson
- China’s superior leadership, rational system, and generous vision fuel her ascendancy, by Billy Bob
- Financial Colonialism: The Heart of Us Agressive Foreign Policy (Video)
- Democrats Will Never Choose Transformative Change – So Give Them No Choice, by Glen Ford
- COVID Vaccination Increases Excess Mortality Of Highly Vaccinated Countries, by Ken Sakura
- Reenchantment, Rectification, Reckoning – The Tree of Woe
- The Problem With John Mearsheimer, by Garland Nixon
- Love Will Not Be Idle: Mysticism and Activism, by Jane Clark
- Germany’s authoritarian turn – A desperate establishment won’t tolerate dissent, by Thomas Fazi
- German Minister admits ruinous home heating ordinances were merely a “test,” by eugyppius
- Aryan Idols: The Prehistory and History of Fascist Mythology Part II, by Bruce Lerro
- 47% of Voters Believe the Republic Created by the Founding Fathers Has Already Fallen, by Laura Harris
- Ukraine War Day #823: Escaping To Russia – Part III, by yalensis
- Obscene: Conference Of Big-Tech War Criminals Portray The Moral Vacuum Of America, by Mark Taylor
- If the Iran helicopter crash was indeed sabotage, questions arise about Israel’s strategy, by Lucas Leiroz
- The Art Scene Is Dead and the Liberal Class Killed It, by Russell Dobular
- 13th Oregon County Votes To Secede And Join ‘Greater Idaho,’ by Tyler Durden