May 30, 2023
- ♫ Willie Nelson – Seven Spanish Angels
- Believing Impossible Things, by Alastair Crooke
- Russia turned Bakhmut into the graveyard of Ukie military power. What comes next? by Col. Douglas Macgregor
- SITREP 5/29/23: Kiev Rocked as New Satellite Photos Prove Patriot Destruction, by Simplicius The Thinker
- American Lies, by Dmitry Orlov (subscribe for less than a cup of coffee, well worth it)
- Erdogan Wins Election, West Dismayed; Huge Rus Missile/Drone Strike, Ukr Offensive Doubt (Mercouris Podcast)
- The Bilderberg, Power Behind the Thrones or Talking Shop? by Côme Carpentier de Gourdon
- Putin, China just scored a devastating blow to the US and Europe | Redacted w/Clayton Morris (Video)
- The Economic Suffering Is Off The Charts, by Michael Snyder
- Call it “decoupling” or “de-risking”, US economic war against China doomed to backfire, by Uriel Araujo
- MoA: Egg In Their Face – Two Anti-China Claims The Wall Street Journal Made Last Weeks Were Fake
- John Mearsheimer on Putin’s Options on Ukraine, by Ray McGovern
- Confronting the Cowardice of the Far Right on Race, by Ron Unz
- The Duran: Erdogan wins. What’s next for Turkey? (Video)
- Fight this sinister power grab by the unelected, unaccountable WHO, by Dr Elizabeth Evans
- Another Brick in The Absurdity Wall, by Matt Taibbi
- Ukraine War Day #460: The Human Face Of Belgorod Victims, by yalensis
- Kiev asks for German missiles to strike Moscow, by Lucas Leiroz
Roadside homeless encampment in Marin County, CA - Lies, Lunacies and Laughable Rules of the Pandemic, by Dr. Joseph Mercola
- The “Unvaccinated Are Unclean” Compilation, by John Leake
- Professor Fenton interviews John Campbell, with Dr. Jessica Rose (Video)
- Fake Scientific Studies by Nobel Prize Winner and Johns Hopkins Prof. Gregg Semenza, by Igor Chudov
- The curious perfect p-value: a case study in defamation and ignorance, by Norman Fenton and Martin Neil
- Norman Fenton: Covid, statistics, anti-semitism, net-zero – Interview with Dr Ahmad Malik (Video)
- Free Speech Union Wins Six-Figure Settlement For Sacked Civil Servant, by Toby Young
- Matthew Ehret: Chinese ‘Secret Police Stations’… Fact or Fiction? (Video)
- The Great Racket: the ongoing development of the criminal global system, by Paul Cudenec
- Journalists and the Elephant in the Room, by Helgi Viggosson
- When an Anti-Islam False Flag Shut Down the US Capitol, by Kevin Barrett
- Netanyahu Pays for Ditching Democrats, by Ramzy Baroud
- Iran Says It Arrested 14 Would-be Assassins Linked to Israel
- Settler construction of ‘biblical theme park’ continues at a rapid pace at Palestinians’ expense, by Jeff Wright
- Deliberately Exaggerating the Risks of Climate Change is Undermining Public Trust in Science, by Chris Morrison
- Disruptive climate activists of Letzte Generation are thinly veiled agents of the state, by eugyppius
- Target Stores Hit With Bomb Threat After ‘Turning Its Back’ On LGBTQ+ Community, by Tyler Durden
- Two White Women Fired from Their LuluLemon Job Because They Called Police on Black Robbers, by Paul Kersey