Nov 13, 2023
- ♫ Tomaso Albinoni – Adagio
- UNRWA Chief Says 70% of Gaza Victims Are Children, Women
- Merchants of Death War Crimes Tribunal
- 200 Doctors, 50 Journalists, 100 UN Staff, 4500 Kids & 10k Civilians Killed By Israel In One Month – Ryan Cristián Video
- A Tale of Two Sets of Dead Babies: The Preemies of Gaza and Imaginary Beheadings, by Juan Cole
- The War According to Hamas, by Chris Hedges
- Roger Waters & Abby Martin on Gaza Genocide (Video)
- Where should the birds fly after the last sky? by Ahmad Rayees
- Are we being duped to focus only on Gaza suffering? by Mazin Qumsiyeh
- The Right of Self-Defence, by Craig Murray
- Washington Sees Largest Pro-Palestine Protest in US history
- Chris Hedges: Israel’s Final Solution for the Palestinians
- The Israeli public has embraced the Smotrich doctrine, by Orly Noy
- The Extreme Ambitions of West Bank Settlers, by Isaac Chotiner
- #World4Palestine, by Kevin Barrett
- Genocide is Israel’s strategy, by Paul Larudee
- Al-Shifa Hospital Siege; Muslim States Press Ceasefire; ICC Referral Israel; Calls Zelensky Ouster (Mercouris Podcast)
- U.S. Diplomats Slam Biden’s Israel Policy in Leaked Memo
- Luongo: The Evolving Battle Lines In The Middle East
Slaughter the Amalekites! - Excising the Cancer of Jewish Supremacy, by Simus Cognitius
- The End of the Era of Justice, by Paul Craig Roberts
- What Would It Look Like If You Were Standing On The Wrong Side Of History? by Caitlin Johnstone
- Ukraine War Day #627: Hello Again, Unwashed Russia – (“I’m back!”), by by yalensis
- The Duran: Russia, Kazakhstan alliance and Reindustrialization. Putin in Rostov, confidence grows (Video)
- Vivek Ramaswamy Mops the Floor in Republican Primary Debate, by Robert Bridge
- Personal Integrity in the Poetry of C.P. Cavafy
- The Biden-Du Pont Nexus: From A Prestigious Golf Club To A Controversial Child Rape Plea Deal, by Tyler Durden
- When Collateral Damage Is the Strategy, by Bill Astore
- Cities: How to Build for Love and Resistance; How to “Be Peace,” by Naomi Wolf
- 31% of women who were exposed to COV-19 products prior to pregnancy had a miscarriage, by Jessica Rose
- Map Shows Another Key Ukraine City Almost Fully Encircled By 40K Russian Troops, by Tyler Durden
- Vivek Wants Joe Rogan & Tucker Carlson Moderating GOP Debates – The Jimmy Dore Show
- EU’s Dynamic Actions in Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine: Poised for ‘Color Revolutions,’ by Erkin Oncan
- Under the Cover of Energy Crisis, Europe Shifts Industry, Emissions and Pollution to Balkans, by Conor Gallagher
- Medicine Unmoored from Virtue and Reason, w/Russell Gonnering, by John Leake (Video)
- According to CDC, ‘people’ can get pregnant and should be injected with COVID shots, by Jessica Rose
- Did Fed’s Mega-QE Create So Much Liquidity That Tightening Doesn’t Work? by Yves Smith
- McBride Trial Tests Australian Justice, by Joe Lauria