- ♫ Les Yeux Noirs (Dark Eyes) | Django Reinhardt
- The Road to Totalitarianism (Revisited), by CJ Hopkins
- Drowning in Western Hypocrisy: The Nord Stream Saga, by Kayla Carman
- A Depressing Election, by Kevin MacDonald
- A few musings on the role of “useful idiots” in modern PSYOPS, by The Saker
- The Atlantic Is A Shitty Propaganda Rag Run By Elitist Wankers, by Caitlin Johnstone
- More bad news, by Gilbert Doctorow
- Umpteen Shades of NATO False Flags, by Natasha Jovanovich
- The Duran: Preparing for a long grind (Video)
Russia Donetsk Advance, Promises to Retake Kherson, Ignores US Diplomatic Advances, Talks to Iran (Mercouris Podcast)
- The Bipartisan Race to be Tough on China, by Ted Galen Carpenter
- Ukraine War Day #263: The Cat On The Chain, by yalensis
- Ukraine. Military Summary And Analysis 13.11.2022 (Podcast)
- Pandemic policies review, part 1: The ethical primacy of valid consent, by Rebekah Barnett
- Glaring anomalies in the COVID Vaccine Surveillance Bulletins continue to go unaddressed, by Joel Smalley

- They Keep Us Focused On Decoy Dichotomies, by Caitlin Johnstone
- Protection From 4th Dose Of COVID Vaccine Wanes Completely Within Months: Study, by Lia Onely
- What’s going on with births down under in Australia? by Jessica Rose
- Piers Morgan Continues to Backtrack and Attempt to Justify his Previous Ignorance, by Joel Smalley
- The Bunker: The Trillion-Dollar Pentagon, by Mark Thompson
- Government Reports & Pfizer Documents prove COVID Vaccination is causing Mass Depopulation, Infertility, Cancer & Immune System Degradation
Guesstimating Relative Risk of Mortality by Vaccination Status, by Igor Chudov
- Elon Vows to Promote “Citizen Journalism” to Destroy Lying Jew Media, by Andrew Anglin
- Thomas Suarez’s Palestine Hijacked: A history that could not be more timely, by Jonathan Ofir
- The Onion: Crypto Confidence Soars After CEO Defrauds Customers Just Like Real Bank
- Black Racial Problems Run Deeper Because Blacks Not Only Lag But Drag Civilization Into the Dirt, by Jung-Freud
- Spot-on, perceptive observations of a young Korean, by Jeff Brown}
- FTX Held Just $900MM Vs $9BN In Liabilities, Alameda Knew It Was Pilfering Client Funds, by Tyler Durden
- Key Israeli base robbed in occupied Syria
- Two American Villages in Russia, by Fr. Joe (Video)